Translate press Wordpress plugin Issue - wordpress

Im trying to use the Wordpress plugin TranslatePress however the French Version of the page doesn't seam to play well with the page content.
I cant see anything relevant to the issue in the console.
Works without issue in the english version -
Wondering if anyone out there has experience with this plugin that might be able to advise.

It's obvious that in the /fr/ lang you missing to load many-many files. Your total requests are 104 for this page and in the FR you load only 42. It's very strange problem and I think that it has to do with you htaccess file. Can you please describe your server options, like: Cache system, Webserver type, etc? Also post your redirect rules if you have nginx or apache


Error displaying oEmbed Wordpress

I've a problem with my wordpress website. When I insert some url for being embedded, it's not working fine.
Here is the issue URL :
And here is the Screenshot :
When I try to visit the embedded url. It's return 404 not found. You can check the embedded url here,
I've try these common solutions.
Update everything including WordPress, the theme and plugins. Available updates appear in Dashboard > Updates.
Deactivate all plugins in case there is a conflict. If the problem goes away while all plugins are inactive, then reactivate them one by one to determine which is causing the problem.
Switch to the default theme (such as Twenty Thirteen) then try to do what was not working. If the problem remains, it is a general WordPress or hosting issue. If it happens only while using our theme, please let us know.
Clear cache in both your browser and in any caching plugins that you are using (also disable services like CloudFlare, if used with your website).
Revert code changes if you have modified the theme’s code. If using a child theme, reactivate the parent theme.
But, seems no one work.
The WordPress post embeds don't seem to be working on your site.
This URL shows a live example of the problem:
The two embeds present in that URL are returning a 404, therefore, oEmbeds are not loading properly and showing the 404 page:
Have you tried testing those URLs in the plugin "Rewrite Rules Inspector"?
You should see something like this for any of the "embed" URLs:
Also, have you tried flushing the rewrite rules in WordPress or maybe setting the permalink structure to a different/default one (right now you seem to be using a structure of "category/post-name") to see if it changes anything?
For the file that you are embedding, are you uploading it to the Media Library or some other plugin?
First I would check on the server to verify that the file you are looking to access does exist.
Once you know that the file does exist, then repeat the steps you have listed again.

Broken Wordpress Admin

I have a client who has asked me to start working on their Wordpress site. The admin page is broken and I do not have access to the database yet (I am trying to track down the previous people who worked on it). It is quite messy, I know.
What I am doing now is migrating peices over to a new wordpress site using Wamp server just to get it functional, but I am wondering if the solution is simpler than that. Ideally, I would just fix the the login, but I have minimal Wordpress experience and don't know where to start.
Here is the website:
If you go to you'll notice that it is broken. I reroutes to "login-2", which I don't think is normal. So far I haven't found any folder with that title...
I would log into the site via FTP, check the wp-config.php file for any redirects for wp-login.php. Then, check the .htaccess file for the same. Remove any references.
If you get that page working, and you need to reset the password, I would follow this tutorial through phpMyAdmin:

Something is creating strange URLs in Wordpress Website

I have a problem with a Wordpress based website. Something is creating strange URLs. I know about those URLs, because Google Webmaster Developer try to Crawl them and the Crawler gets a 404 error (Not found). I have that problem in different websites:
In the first one the URLs looks like spam:
In the other website the URLs make sense based on the content, but they are not valid URLs:
In other website, it's creating URLs that looks like valid, but with a ".html" in the final
If you try to access those URLs, you will get a 404 error. Curiously, when you look the "Linked By" tan in Google Developer Tools, you will see that is linked by another strange URL o there is no linked from. And that URLs are not in the sitemap, I checked it.
Thank you!
the first one is a trojan without a doubt. Quite usually, you'll find them in index.php, footer.php, header.php . If in doubt, check with an online tool like Sucuri
Once you isolate it, it's very important to know how you have it. While most people thinks they have been "hacked", in most cases you uploaded it by yourself from your own computer, so be sure to scan it thoroughly.
About the other cases, sounds more like an htaccess issue, but based on the first case, quite probably it's caused by this trojan as well. Ask your host to check the site, it's in their best interest to do it so. But assuming it's just htaccess, try this: go to Settings --> Permalinks and change the permalinks structure to anything else than what you have now. Don't hit the submit button yet. In the meanwhile, BACKUP your htaccess file and then delete it. Hit submit on the permalinks page an a new .htaccess file will be created. Try your site now. If it works, it was just a simple htaccess issue. If not, something else, going from a trojan to a server misconfiguration to anything in between
Maybe the domain was used before and you are seeing past valid urls which are now 404, or maybe these are incorrect, inbound spammy links which you would want to be 404. Duff links can be found anywhere on the internet and so no reason to think your site is generating them.

GD Star Rating WordPress Plugin Not Working

I have GD Star Rating WordPress Plugin. It is Working on admin side properly. But not displaying stars on frontend.
For example it returning 500 Internal Server Error on these pages
But the about file working on my another site properly.
While working on that issue i found something
A simple php page is working here and other folder too.
But not working inside all the folders of wp-content.
For example
This fixed it for me:
Go to Settings and disable loading the CSS externally - many providers block external file inclusion for security reasons.
Worked for me, hope it works for someone else.
At last we got solution from hosting provider. They fixed it now. They said he needed to whitelist a rule your script was running into.

IE8 crashing opening WordPress with Gantry Framework installed

I got a problem that's driving me up the wall: I made a Wordpress Blog, using the Gantry framework for layout en several different widgets and plugins. Everything works fine in FF, Safari, and Chrome, but trying to open the site with IE 8 the browser crashes or in the best cases I get a message that the tab has been closed and reopened due to an error; after which the site is loaded fine. I try finding out what happens during the opening of the page, but the debug panel of IE doesn't point out any error!
Does anybody have clue on what the problem might be?
The website is:
I suffered from the same attack today, so I investigated a bit:
That injection is done through the hole in one of the plugins, most likely through the outdated contact-form-7 plugin. Check if you have this folder in your wp-content/plugins directory - even if it is not activated in Wordpress, the very presence of it there is a potential security threat as the attacker can use the direct URL of the plugin faulty file to access it.
Patching the hole: if you use this plugin, update it to the latest version which is not vulnerable. If you don't use it and just keep it deactivated (like I did), you can remove it at all.
It is also a good idea to prevent people from accessing your plugins directly. You can create a wp-content/plugins/.htaccess with the following content:
<Files *.php>
deny from all
This might not work with every configuration, but usually plugins are only accessed in the code, not with HTTP calls so that shouldn't do harm to visitors' experience.
Restoring your site: If you don't have backup of your *.php files to restore them all from by overwriting your current ones, you need to search for every file containing the string specific to the malicious code, e.g. "eva1fYlbakBcVSir". Then you need to edit all those files - for every file, remove a long line from it's end.
Or if you're proficient with command line and, say, perl, you can build a regular expression to do the work for you.
What was the purpose of the attack? Obviously there were links to some Java plugin added to your site's pages by those code snippets. The plugin added is believed to be the following:
However, I didn't manage yet to decipher the injected code fully - it's very well messed up and the reverse engineering is hard. So I can't tell for sure that apart from showing that Java plugin to visitors the exploit was doing nothing like reading users' passwords or removing some files (unlikely, but possible).
I can't find any information about that as well, looks like nobody traced the consequences fully yet.
Please share if you know more.
I finally found the problem: the site has been HACKED!
I noticed the index.php and wp-blog-header.php files modified on a strange date and time. Downloading the two files I found they had been compromised: a whole section of unreadable code had been added. Uploading the original PHP files the above problem was solved.
