GD Star Rating WordPress Plugin Not Working - wordpress

I have GD Star Rating WordPress Plugin. It is Working on admin side properly. But not displaying stars on frontend.
For example it returning 500 Internal Server Error on these pages
But the about file working on my another site properly.
While working on that issue i found something
A simple php page is working here and other folder too.
But not working inside all the folders of wp-content.
For example

This fixed it for me:
Go to Settings and disable loading the CSS externally - many providers block external file inclusion for security reasons.
Worked for me, hope it works for someone else.

At last we got solution from hosting provider. They fixed it now. They said he needed to whitelist a rule your script was running into.


Translate press Wordpress plugin Issue

Im trying to use the Wordpress plugin TranslatePress however the French Version of the page doesn't seam to play well with the page content.
I cant see anything relevant to the issue in the console.
Works without issue in the english version -
Wondering if anyone out there has experience with this plugin that might be able to advise.
It's obvious that in the /fr/ lang you missing to load many-many files. Your total requests are 104 for this page and in the FR you load only 42. It's very strange problem and I think that it has to do with you htaccess file. Can you please describe your server options, like: Cache system, Webserver type, etc? Also post your redirect rules if you have nginx or apache

Error displaying oEmbed Wordpress

I've a problem with my wordpress website. When I insert some url for being embedded, it's not working fine.
Here is the issue URL :
And here is the Screenshot :
When I try to visit the embedded url. It's return 404 not found. You can check the embedded url here,
I've try these common solutions.
Update everything including WordPress, the theme and plugins. Available updates appear in Dashboard > Updates.
Deactivate all plugins in case there is a conflict. If the problem goes away while all plugins are inactive, then reactivate them one by one to determine which is causing the problem.
Switch to the default theme (such as Twenty Thirteen) then try to do what was not working. If the problem remains, it is a general WordPress or hosting issue. If it happens only while using our theme, please let us know.
Clear cache in both your browser and in any caching plugins that you are using (also disable services like CloudFlare, if used with your website).
Revert code changes if you have modified the theme’s code. If using a child theme, reactivate the parent theme.
But, seems no one work.
The WordPress post embeds don't seem to be working on your site.
This URL shows a live example of the problem:
The two embeds present in that URL are returning a 404, therefore, oEmbeds are not loading properly and showing the 404 page:
Have you tried testing those URLs in the plugin "Rewrite Rules Inspector"?
You should see something like this for any of the "embed" URLs:
Also, have you tried flushing the rewrite rules in WordPress or maybe setting the permalink structure to a different/default one (right now you seem to be using a structure of "category/post-name") to see if it changes anything?
For the file that you are embedding, are you uploading it to the Media Library or some other plugin?
First I would check on the server to verify that the file you are looking to access does exist.
Once you know that the file does exist, then repeat the steps you have listed again.

Visual composer plugin seems to not working on localhost

I have a online web site with Visual Composer plugin, and all works fine.
Today I downloaded this site in local, but Seems That the VC plugin does not work because the page layout is wrong and some parts of the pages are no longer visible.
I think that these parts are used by VC.
Does anyone know what happened?
-- UPLOAD --
I think I found the problem. Custom css files (of theme) are not loaded on pages.
For example on remote site pages load css/custom-f5s6da4f.css file, instead in local not.
You have downloaded website from server to local you will need to update wordpress & website URL. Currently website is not able to load various assets CSS/JS check browser console. If you see short-codes for visual composer then its issue with Visual Composer plugin.
I found the solution, if someone could help.
The custom css were blocked. The first error may be that the folders do not have the permission.
The second (what is served to me) is to reset and restore the custom CSS: theme option / general / advanced (tab) -> 'disabled' and than 'enabled' responsive layout.
have a nice day

WP CSS problems / Url Problems

I've got some problemes with my WP.
I've got a distant web site and I need to modify it. So i copy it on a wamp server to work on local.
Problemes are coming ^^
First when i go into localhost/my_site/wp-admin and I log myself no css are loading, and workpress is new for me so it's a little bit difficult to doing that without css.
Second when i click on a link in my local web site I've got 2 time the url.
I mean :
And obviously that doesn't work.
I fix the CSS problems
If you already downloaded database and all files from your cpanel and everything is settled up on your localhost including database import. Just search this plugin online and place it to your root directory "Search-Replace-DB-master" run it on your browser and change all the links ( Ex. to localhost/newsite/ ) . Good Luck !!

wordpress theme customization is blank in admin

I am having an issue that i have been unable figure out. The problem im having is when i login to wordpress admin and try ro customize the theme nothing displays besides the nav. I can edit pages, posts, basically do everything in The Admin except customize the theme. When i upload to a live server i dont have this issue. I'll attach a link to an image for visual reference.
I'm running wamp on windows 8 with wordpress 3.5.1. I added the plugin server buddy to check the setup and everyhing appears fine. Permissions were 755 and I temporarily set it to 777 to make sure wasn't that for any strange reason. One thing I notice with folders is if I look at properties read only is highlighted not checked and applying win't save the change. Could be because have them applied in advance security settings?
I have tried this with multiple themes all the same result.
Here is the screenshot.
Thanks in advance for any help.
I had the exact same problem. I was forcing SSL/HTTPS on the admin console as well. I turned off HTTPS on the admin console (still in use for my shopping cart) and all is well.
