Can't access to mi local server through WAN router ip - ip

I´ve set up a port forward from my router to my web server running locally, but when I try to access to my web server from another network it doesn't work. It just works locally.The pc firewall is deactivated as well as the router's. Someone knows why is this problem caused?


Accessing a local website from another computer inside the local network in IIS 10

On my computer I have deployed my web site on IIS. If I access this website locally with :8080 works perfect, but when I try to access this site from another machine or my Android phone I get 'The site can't be reached. my_ip_address took too long to respond ERR_CONNECTION_TIMED_OUT –' this error.
I have tried solutions from this question, but nothing worked for me. Need some help!
There are few factors which can affect the accessibility of the site hosted on your local computer:
Is the client machine (including your phone) in the same network as the Server (In this case your site)
Is the firewall configured to allow connections on port 8080
Have you tried accessing the server using the IP Address. For e.g.
Steps to isolate
Ping the server Ip from the client machine and see if it is able to connect to it.
If the above fails, then I would assume that you are not on the same network. If it succeeds then check if the port is open.
You can also use nmap to see whether the ports are open or not
nmap -p 8080
If the above fails, then open the port in your Firewall configuration and then try again.
Try this and share the results.

Access server in local network through domain

i have problem with access to server with domains.
Test url:
Server is in local network with port fowarding (80, 443), configured as web server using caddy server as reverse proxy.
Case 1 (using Asus router):
Connected on local network behind router. Server is in the same network as my computer. Everything works like a charm in and out of my network.
Case 2 (using internet provider router):
Connected on local network behind router. Can't access server with domain. Works with direct IP. Outside network, works as in case 1.
I used same server.
Does anyone know why this problem occured? How can i solve it?
Two options I can think of:
You could add a record to whatever DNS server you're using in Case 2.
You could write a short script that runs whenever you change network connections to modify your hosts file accordingly.
This happens when the server you are trying to reach "" resolves to your router's external IP address. Because your public IP address is the same as server's IP address (even though inside your home network you have different private IP addresses) your requests are lost in the ether.
As a workaround you can resolve the manually on your local machine.
For Windows c:\windows\system32\etc\hosts
For Linux /etc/hosts -> private IP of the machine serving the site.

Making websites hosted in localhost "port" available to all on network

I have a website hosted in IIS in my local PC.
I can access to my IIS from other computers in the network by typing in http://my_lan_IP. However, when I try to get access to a specific port (http://my_lan_IP:8888) in my local PC, it says the "The site can't be reached."
I disabled all my firewalls and even tried allowing the specific port through Windows Firewall, but it didn't work. Viewing my IIS hosted site on other machines on my network
Thanks so much for your help :)
FYI: I am using Windows 10. My goal is to connect to the locally hosted ASP.NET website from other machines on the network.
Your web server needs to be configured to serve HTTP on port 8888 "for that particular website", in order for a client to connect to that port.
By default, your website is served on port 80, which is omitted from normal addresses. All http web addresses, if not specifying a port, is actually running on port 80, or 8080.
Your windows firewall will not effect local connections you make to your own pc. Get it working on your own machine, and then worry about firewalls that block connections from other machines on the network.
I was able to solve the issue by configuring a host header for a website. Thank you all for your help :)

sending port via router port not opening and how to access a computer/server externally using router's ip address?

Hi I am trying to make my router(TPlink router) to forward port by configuring it and by creating NAT virtual server or port triggering. Firstly the port doesn't open which I have checked via an online website, the port is closed. Secondly if the port does open, would I be able to access my computer or computer server or a website hosted on my wamp server externally via another network from some other place externally? I am not sure what are the things on my computer that I would be able to access from outside? How exactly am I going to do it? I am aware that I am going to use my router external ip address which I know and the port that I have associated with the ip address of the computer I am trying to access. I am just a beginner but I am really into networking. Can somebody explain the entire process please?
Your local host can be accessed from anywhere in the world.
Just use put the ip of the pc/wamp server installed pc in the DMZ Box under Forward Menu of your tp-link router & enable DMZ option.

How do I connect to a local server run by Aptana from an outside network?

I have a rails server that i run from Aptana Studio. I normally connect to it via localhost:300, and everyone on the network connects to it via stonecrab:3000 (stonecrab is the name of my computer). However, how do I allow people from outside the local network to connect to the server? For instance, if the IP of my internet connection is 123.456.7.8, what URL can someone use in a web browser to connect to my server? I have a linksys e1000 router and i can access it if i need to change any settings.
By default, your machine will not be accessible from behind the router. You need to enable port forwarding in your router. You need to tell your router to forward port 3000 to the IP of stonecrab. Then you will use 123.456.7.8:3000 to access stonecrabe:3000 from outside the LAN.
