facial Emotion Detection I have a problem when I do epochs - jupyter-notebook

new_model.fit(x,y, epochs =6)
is not working in my code
how can I make it work
tried many thing but it still not working


how to finetune the stable diffusion super resolution model

There are many pipelines of stable dispersion txt2img finetune, but no code of super resolution finetune can be found. I tried to reproduce the super resolution finetune, but the result is always a little worse than the original model.how to finetune the stable diffusion super resolution model?
I tried to reproduce the super resolution finetune, but the result is always a little worse than the original model

Keras plot after model is finished explanaition

It is not really a programming question, I apologise for that. I have trained my network and generated these graphs.
I am struggling to find an answer to what do Accuracy vs Val_Accuracy and Loss vs Val_loss really represent. I do understand that if val_loss starts to jump high it means that there is over fitting going on and network just starts to memorise the data rather then learning. Could anyone explain in a bit more detail what they all mean?
During a neural network training - you usually provide two sets of data - a train one and validation one. Your training algorithm is taking data from a train set - and using a calculus and backpropagation it's trying to decrease a cost function which somehow represents how good your representation is (smaller the better). Aside of this - a cost is computed for a validation set which is not seen by a training algorithm - so one may check if model doesn't overfit on a train data provided (this happens if train loss is substancially smaller than validation loss). Despite loss different metrics might be computed - one of them might be e.g. accuracy. Sometimes they give you better insights into how your model works because loss might be hard to understand. Metrics give you better understanding on if your model works good.

OCR tables in R, tesseract and pre-pocessing images

I am trying to extract tables from old books using tesseract in R. Here is an example: Image
The quality of the image is quite poor and the recognition rate was quite bad at first. However, I managed to increase it with gimp: Rescaling, grey scale, auto threshold for colours, Gaussian blur and/or sharpen filters.
I also gave a shot to Fred's imageMagick scripts - textcleaner - and used imageMagick to successfully remove the black lines.
This is what I'm doing in R:
img <- image_read('img.png')
img_data <- ocr(img, engine = tesseract('eng', options = list(tessedit_char_whitelist = '0123456789.-',
tessedit_pageseg_mode = 'auto',
textord_tabfind_find_tables = '1',
textord_tablefind_recognize_tables = '1')))
Given that I only want to deal with digits, I set tessedit_char_whitelist and, while I get better results, they are still not reliable.
What would you do in this case? Any other thoughts to improve accuracy before I try to train tesseract? I've never done it - let alone with digits only. Any idea/experience on how to do it? I've checked this out: https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract/wiki/TrainingTesseract-4.00 but I'm still a bit baffled.
I worked on a project that used Tesseract to read data fields off of video frames and create an indexed spreadsheet from them. What I found to work well was to crop each text field (using ffmpeg) out each image, process (with ImageMagick, using similar techniques you mentioned), OCR, and then I had Python (something similar could be done in R) create a spreadsheet from the OCR results. The benefit of this method is that Tesseract only has to deal with small, single line text images, which in my case seemed to improve results (with the -psm 7 option). The downside is it's quite processing intensive. Perhaps creating an image for each line of the page would help.
I did find that training Tesseract for a new font/language helped my results immensely. It can be tedious and time consuming, but it significantly improved my results, sometimes going from 0% correct to 100% correct. This site helped me understand the process. I just followed their steps and it worked, sure enough. From my experience in creating training images, it helped a lot to crop out single characters, with about at least a dozen of each character to create a good training sample. And try to have a similar number of samples for each character; it seemed like if you did many many more of one character Tesseract would give that character as a result (incorrectly) more often.

R caret randomforest

Using the defaults of the train in caret package, I am trying to train a random forest model for the dataset xtr2 (dim(xtr2): 765 9408). The problem is that it unbelievably takes too long (more than one day for one training) to fit the function. As far as I know train in its default uses bootstrap sampling (25 times) and three random selection of mtry, so why it should take so long?
Please notice that I need to train the rf, three times in each run (because I need to make a mean of the results of different random forest models with the same data), and it takes about three days, and I need to run the code for 10 different samples, so it would take me 30 days to have the results.
My question is how I can make it faster?
Can changing the defaults of train make the operation time less? for example using CV for training?
Can parallel processing with caret package help? if yes, how it can be done?
Can tuneRF of random forest package make any changes to the time?
This is the code:
rf.mdl =randomForest(x=xtr2,y=as.factor(ytr2),ntree=500,
keep.forest=TRUE,importance=TRUE,oob.prox =FALSE ,
mtry = rffit$bestTune$mtry)
Thank you,
My thoughts on your questions:
Yes! But don't forget you also have control over the search grid caret uses for the tuning parameters; in this case, mtry. I'm not sure what the default search grid is for mtry, but try the following:
ctrl <- trainControl("cv", number = 5, verboseIter = TRUE)
set.seed(101) # for reproducibility
rffit <- train(xtr2, ytr2, method = "rf", trControl = ctrl, tuneLength = 5)
Yes! See the caret website: http://topepo.github.io/caret/parallel-processing.html
Yes and No! tuneRF simply uses the OOB error to find an optimal value of mtry (the only tuning parameter in randomForest). Using cross-validation tends to work better and produce a more honest estimate of model performance. tuneRF can take a long time but should be quicker than k-fold cross-validation.
Overall, the online manual for caret is quite good: http://topepo.github.io/caret/index.html.
Good luck!
You use train for determining mtry only. I would skip the train step, and stay with default mtry:
rf.mdl =randomForest(x=xtr2,y=as.factor(ytr2),ntree=500,
keep.forest=TRUE,importance=TRUE,oob.prox =FALSE)
I strongly doubt that 3 different runs is a good idea.
If you do 10 fold cross-validation (I am not sure it should be done anyways, as validation is ingrained into the random forest), 10 parts is too much, if you are short in time. 5 parts would be enough.
Finally, the time of randomForest is proportional to nTree. Set nTree=100, and your program will run 5 time faster.
I would also just add, that it the main issue is speed, there are several other random forest implementations in caret, and many of them are much faster than the original randomForest which is notoriously slow. I've found ranger to be a nice alternative that suited my very simple needs.
Here is a nice summary of the random forest packges in R. Many of these are in caret already.
Also for consideration, here's an interesting study of the performance of ranger vs rborist, where you can see how performance is affected by the tradeoff between sample size and features.

How to solve out of memory error?

I am doing my project in OCR.For this i am using image size of 64x64 because when i tried 32x32 etc some pixels is lost.I have tried features such as zonal density, Zernike's moments,Projection Histogram,distance profile,Crossing .The main problem is feature vector size is too big .I have take the combination of above features and tried.But whenever i train the neural network ,i have got an error "out of memory". I have tried PCA dimensionality reduction but its not work good.i didn't get efficiency during training.Run the code in my PC and laptop.In both of them i have got same error.my RAM is 2GB.so i think about reducing the size of an image.is there any solution to solve this problem.
I have one more problem whenever i tried to train the neural network using same features result is varied.how to solve this also?
It's not about the size of the image. A 64*64 image is sure not to blow your RAM. There must be bugs in your Neuron Network or other algorithms.
And please paste more details about your implementation. We don't even know what language you are using.
