Android App Bundle: Google Play 150MB limit for xamarin project - xamarin.forms

Problem: When uploading my .aab to google, I'm told that certain configurations will result in a build over the 150MB limit.
i have tried in project cleared obj and bin files and clean the solution.


Firebase not loading the data

Has anyone experienced this kind of issue?
Firebase's started not loading the data on deployed and virtual devices all of a sudden 🙂
Tryed out to clone the code and implement with the new database on another Google profile, but it doesn't help so far.
Deployed on:
Apple AppStore (TestFlight)
Google Play Market
It appears to be the issue was caused by config files on Firebase somehow those configs are affected the entire database and deleting them and reconfiguring has helped to resolve it.
To be more precise I went to Project settings -> Your apps -> SDK setup and configuration section then added the new config files for each Android, iOS, Web apps. And voila the app is back on :)

IPA not uploaded to App Distribution using fastlane

I'm trying to upload IPA and APK files of a Flutter app to Firebase App Distribution using fastlane.
First time I deploy, both IPA and APK files were successfully uploaded to App Distribution. But after the first time, every time I deploy, the APK file is uploaded but the IPA is not uploaded, even though terminal shows that fastlane uploaded the IPA successfully.
Why is this happening and how can I fix this?
Your releases might be grouped under the first release so it would not show on the Firebase Console.
Checkout this comment on an issue on the fastlane repo with an explanation:
For background, App Distribution has a notion of releases and
binaries. For iOS, we uniquely identify a release by its version
information (CFBundleVersion, CFBundleShortVersionString) and a hash
of just the app code. This hash excludes resource files such as the
provisioning profile. A binary is uniquely identified by a hash of the
IPA, including its resource files. For iOS ad-hoc distributions, it's
common for releases to have multiple binaries associated with them
since it's normal for developers to upload the same code with an
updated provisioning profile to give testers access.
In the Firebase Console, the cards you see are releases. So what may
be happening is that you're uploading a build with no code changes. If
this is the case, a new release won't be visible in the Firebase
Console but the binary will be available for your testers to download.
Double check that you've completed the steps in this answer to enable auto-versioning -
In my case I had manually changed the iOS build number so even though I was passing a --build-number argument to the flutter build ipa command, it was using the old value when I uploaded to Firebase App Distribution.
I needed to update my info.plist to look like this:

NativeScript + Firebase, new firebase project is not being picked up

I am working with Master Detail with Firebase Angular template, and I can successfully build the app locally.
But then when I try to reconfigure the app for my own firebase project, nothing seems to change. It continues to query the default app's firebase.
I have followed the instructions for changing firebase app to my own to the letter but I cannot figure out why it still keeps pointing to the old app.
These are the steps I take to change the firebase app:
I create an App in Firebase, using the app id from package.json.
I download google-services.json and copy it to App_Resources/Android/google-services.json
Additionally, I delete google-services.json from platforms/android/app, just in case.
I uninstall the previously installed App from the emulator. I event deleted and created a new emulator to make sure there are no remnants of the previously built app.
I search all the files in the project for any reference for which is the default firebase app that comes with the template, and I don't find anything at all.
I also edited firebase.common.ts with the following upon successful initialisation:
.then((instance) => console.log("firebase.init done", instance),
Just to see which project its initialising.
7. Finally, I build: tns run android
And sure enough, the console log shows as the project being initialised.
I know for definite it is copying the new project's google-services.json over to platforms/android/app, because when I deleted the file it refused to build, as expected. Placing the file back, it builds successfully.
But I have no idea why it continues to reference the original firebase project.
Has anyone come across something similar?

Why does firebase warn "* You are currently outside your home directory" during an init?

I am trying to deploy my first firebase app. I am getting the message "* You are currently outside your home directory" I googled it and found this reply
"commented on Dec 6, 2016
Just to make sure you're aware. If someone is experiencing the same problem with with the command firebase init
Make the files .firebaserc and firebase.json manually and the deploy should work normally."
I do not know where to create them or what the should contain.
I have also gone to to try to fix this problem.
If any one can help with this problem I would appreciate it.
If anyone else worried about this just keep going. I continued with the deployment and it deployed OK.
download firebase CLI binary (in case you didn't download it yet. this is an .exe file if you use windows).
copy the downloaded file into your project's root folder (Folder which contains all the files and folders of your projects).
run the firebase-tools-instant-win_2.exe (firebase CLI binary).
a command window will open.
execute all your command in there.
Initialize a Firebase project
Many common tasks performed using the CLI, such as deploying to a Firebase project, require a project directory. You establish a project directory using the firebase init command. A project directory is usually the same directory as your source control root, and after running firebase init, the directory contains a firebase.json configuration file.
To initialize a new Firebase project, run the following command from within your app's directory:
I used firebase init project in my project's directory to get it to work

i created a project that can upload and download file, files that has been uploaded will be store in my hard disk.

My question is ,if i deploy my project in the web , will all the files that will be uploaded still will be store in my hard disk? i'm new in mvc ,i don't know much it yet.sorry very new in mvc
Of course will not be on your hard disk cuz you set relative patch to upload/download file ("if i deploy my project in the web" - I guess it means deploy to external server, so i if you set static then propably program cause a error). Everything will be stored on device where program is running
