Firebase not loading the data - firebase

Has anyone experienced this kind of issue?
Firebase's started not loading the data on deployed and virtual devices all of a sudden 🙂
Tryed out to clone the code and implement with the new database on another Google profile, but it doesn't help so far.
Deployed on:
Apple AppStore (TestFlight)
Google Play Market

It appears to be the issue was caused by config files on Firebase somehow those configs are affected the entire database and deleting them and reconfiguring has helped to resolve it.
To be more precise I went to Project settings -> Your apps -> SDK setup and configuration section then added the new config files for each Android, iOS, Web apps. And voila the app is back on :)


How to deploy nuxt3 application on hosting via FTP

Hello my dear developers. Help me plz with that question.
I have Laravel api application and nuxt 3 as a frontend application.
With Laravel i had no problems with deploing but with nuxt...
So as documention says i need to run nxp nuxi generate command. But its creates fully static site, and its working but api calls not really works.
I want to deploy on my server that has linux and other required thinks also installed (..etc node)
I want to deploy it via ftp. That some pages are static but some pages are requests data from api when we update the page.
How can i do it plz.
I tryed npx nuxi generate.Also with ssr false in nuxt config file.
I tryed npm run build. But its says just error.
Thank you for reviewing my question and comments to it.
So i used npx nuxi generate and also i putted ssr false in nuxtconfig
The i pushed .output/public to my server via ftp.
And everything works great.
In future i want to add some pages in nuxtconfig to preload them. So they will be fully static. Hope i can do it. (i`m still learning...)
The problem that confused me, is that when i did it first time, its loaded with fetched data, and when i tryed to change data. I could see any errors. And when i made my database fully emty it still showed data. But when i tryed to do it now, it works. I dont really understood why. Hope maybe it will help someone. Becouse its not really enought info in interner. Or im just a bad googler xD
Peace to everyone
Since you seem quite new, I recommend that you stick to:
vanilla Vue3 app
hosting on Netlify
When you'll be more comfortable with those, then you could proceed hosting a Nuxt3 app on your own VPS.

Firebase Emulator - upload suddenly stopped working

Currently building a spa using firebase emulator and Vue. All of a sudden its stopped being able to write to storage and firestore.
After drilling down into the debug.log I've found what I think could be the issue
command requires scopes
Https:// platform projects.readonly
Really not sure where to start resolving this so any guidance would be appreciated

Log errors from app on Google Play using Crashlytics

Probably silly question, but is it possible to send errors using Crashlytics from users that downloaded my app from Google Play? Until now I was using Crashlytics to collect errors from my app distributed by Firebase (so it was only for me and invited people). But I have released my app on Google Play and I can't see any errors from devices that downloaded my app in Google Play. I read that when I link my Google app with Firebase I can see purchase and subscription and analytics but no mention of Crashlytics. So my question is.. Is it even possible? Thank you very much.
Is the package name the same on your "release" version on the store? If your test one was called com.patrik.coolapp.debug (which is the default if you're using a debug build) then you'll need to add com.patrik.coolapp as an App in your Project in the Firebase console.
If you already had Crashlytics set up (all the dependencies, added the plugin, FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) somewhere in your app) then it should just work - here's some advice on testing:
So I finally made it..
I'd like to thanks to #cactustictacs for help.
The problem was that I did not integrate Google Play in project settings in Firebase, although it is saying that it is just for Analytics and Subscription.
Before I integrated Google Play in Firebase I tried to add FirebaseCrashlytics.getInstance().setCrashlyticsCollectionEnabled(true) .. it did not work, but I believe it could be usefull to someone.
It wouldn't be such a problem, but it is required to have Owner or Admin permissions on both Firebase account and Google Play console account (which I did not have). After I get the permissions, integration was enabled and I could see test crashes in Crashlytics.

Firebase only hosts previous version of Flutter web app

I hosted my web application through Firebase using Flutter. Initially, it was absolutely fine but I realised there was a small error so changed it an redeployed it. However, when I ran flutter deploy it didn't change on the website. I thought that I might have to wait a while for the change to happen but I waited 5 hours and it still hasn't updated. I then tried a few more times, deleting different cache files but nothing worked. I then deleted the Firebase project all together and made a completely new one. I deleted the .firebaserc and firebase.json files. However, on the new website, it is still showing the old version of the website. I don't understand how that could be possible but any help would be really appreciated!
Visit your site from an incognito tab and validate. Also make sure you didn't forget to run flutter build web before firebase deploy.

FLUTTER FIREBASE Change to new instance not working for Android

My client has recently changed their Firebase instance (meaning its under a different project, in a different google sign on). I.e. they have a new instance that they want to use for production. I created the new instance and project with a different name to avoid any confusion. So for Android i removed the old google-services.json and downloaded the new one from Firebase and copied it into the android/app directory. Then I reviewed the project level and app level gradel files. No problems there. I checked inside the new google-services.json file and can clearly see that it is pointing to the new instance of Firebase.
Here's a snippet below:
"project_info": {
"project_number": "506498949424",
"firebase_url": "",
"project_id": "lbds-aeb3d",
"storage_bucket": ""
The old name was LittleBigDeals instead of lbds.
Actually this process has worked fine for the IOS side of the project. The app is now pointing at the new database.
However when I install it on ANdroid it still retrieves data from the old database.
Is there a pointer I'm missing or that I need to refresh in the Android set up.
Any help with this would be greatly appreciated.
Many thanks.
I had this same issue yesterday. I had changed to a different Firebase project in my Flutter app. iOS worked fine but Android still was attempting to use the incorrect Firebase project, despite google-services.json clearly pointing to the new project. The issue appeared to be limited to my local machine but was very bizarre and annoying. Another developer suggested that I try the "flutter clean" command, and once I ran flutter clean and re-started the virtual Android device, it then used the correct Firebase instance.
