Woocommerce user account is taking to wpadmin - wordpress

I have set-up an eCommerce site on WordPress, when someone clicks on the user account icon it's taking to wp-admin but it should take the user to the user account (for login or creating a new account)
In WooCommerce > Settings > Advance (I can see My account page is set-up to the user account) but still, it's not going to the user account.

You create a new page using elementor or page editor. After that, add the short code below and add that page as my account page in woocommerce


Change My account link - WCFM (Woocommerce)

Maybe someone knows how to Change "Account" button link here in Woocommerce. I want that it takes user to Pro dashboard ( WCFM ) not on my account ( standart Woocommerce my account ) . We can set it easily in settings- set my account pages as "Pro dashboard"but then it automatically changes adresses, and password recovery doesn't work, because its linking via standart My- account.
So i just need when i click on it, it goes to pro dashboard, and we are not seeing "my account"
I'm only new to WP but I think if you go to the WP Dashboard > Woocommerce > Settings > Advanced > Page Setup you can change the My Account page
Hope this is helpful and not too late :)

change the sequence of custom plugin in wordpress

I have created 4 custom plugins in wordpress for social media login. If more than one is activated then it should always ask for option which one to choose for login with?
1) login with facebook
2) login with google
3) login with linkedin
4) login with 0365
as individual they all works fine means when admin is not logged in it redirect me to facebook for login.
When user activate more than one social login plugin that time what should I do so that user will see the option witch plugin need to choose and will also get called immediately after selection? Please Help me in this

Prevent automatic login when register in woocommerce

I am making an ecommerce website using wordpress and woocommerce. When a customer create an account from checkout page he get logged in automatically. I don't want this option. I want the user will login by himself not automatically. After searching on google i found an option to use wp approve user plugin and an action hook. http://tolinked.com/questions/4804442/prevent-automatic-login-when-register-in-woocommerce-and-redirect-to-login-page
But i don't want to use this plugin as i don't want to keep any option to approve user. There's no need to approve user. I just want don't login the user automatically after creating the account.
Thank you all.

Login to wordpress website using an existing google

I have a wordpress site.
currently I don't have any login/registration page/form in our website.
I need to create a login page where user can login using an existing google account. it should be the only way to login to our website. Please note, I'm not talking about login page to wordpress admin pages...I'm talking about login page for website.
1) user goes to my website
2) click login link
3) navigates to goole sign in page
4) sign in
5) back to the website , the user is logged in
Is there any WP plugin for such case.
TIA, Anna
Bear in mind that the login page for the WP admin pages is the default login screen for users as WP understands them. I don't know what you expect logged-in users to be able to do or see, but you'd have to manage that access at a different level if you're not using the WP users.
If you just want commenting but with Google logins (and others) I'd recommend Disqus.
You need to sign up with Google for this: https://developers.google.com/accounts/ There are several options there like using Google+ log-in, etc.
I haven't seen a wordpress plug-in for it, and even if there is, you'd probably have to register with Google somewhere in the above link because they need to give your specific website permission.
If you want to cut to the chase, look at this link which talks about installing the google button using HTML https://developers.google.com/+/web/signin/add-button

buddypress registration issue

Please suggest me that how can I stop using buddypress registration and profile page.
As, I already do have registration and profile page.
I want to use that only. My earlier registration page ” http://www.ferie.nu/wp-login.php?action=register” which is redirecting to register page of buddy press.
If you already have a registration page then choose that page as buddypress register page.
Go to dashboard.
Under settings menu-> buddypress.
Click on "pages" tab in buddypress settings.
Under Registration section, Select your registration page from drop down and save it.
With this you might get redirected to your registration page.
