buddypress registration issue - wordpress

Please suggest me that how can I stop using buddypress registration and profile page.
As, I already do have registration and profile page.
I want to use that only. My earlier registration page ” http://www.ferie.nu/wp-login.php?action=register” which is redirecting to register page of buddy press.

If you already have a registration page then choose that page as buddypress register page.
Go to dashboard.
Under settings menu-> buddypress.
Click on "pages" tab in buddypress settings.
Under Registration section, Select your registration page from drop down and save it.
With this you might get redirected to your registration page.


Woocommerce user account is taking to wpadmin

I have set-up an eCommerce site on WordPress, when someone clicks on the user account icon it's taking to wp-admin but it should take the user to the user account (for login or creating a new account)
In WooCommerce > Settings > Advance (I can see My account page is set-up to the user account) but still, it's not going to the user account.
You create a new page using elementor or page editor. After that, add the short code below and add that page as my account page in woocommerce

Wordpress query regarding creating admin login

I have a question regarding creating a WordPress site:
* Is it possible to create admin login and user login from WordPress? (and when I mean admin login, I don't mean the backend of the site.)
I need admin login to the website where only the admin can enter posts via a form and a submit button and user login can view those posts and comment on them. SO basically I need a different UI for the admin to add and edit posts.
Any suggestions for easy ways?
Easy: mark those posts / pages as PRIVATE.

How to seperate woocommerce login and register page separate?

I want to have separate woocommerce login and register pages. I want to have a link on login page for redirection to register page. Kindly help me in this issue.
Thank you.
Woocommerce Login / Signup Lite
With this free Sign Up/ Login plugin, you can easily create a sign-up and login process for your e-commerce site. This WordPress plugin gives you three simple shortcodes that you can paste on your site code to create a simple Signup/Login system for your website.
You can separate your login/registration page with shortcode. Also, there is a pop-up feature.
You can either create Sign Up/ Login Widgets or Pages.
With this plugins, you get short codes for:
Short code for login form – [lsphe-login-form]
Short code for signup form – [lsphe-signup-form]
Shortcode for both login and register form – [lsphe-header]
After creating pages with those shortcodes just set your login and registration menu. Then you will get an individual page to login or register.

Customize woocommerce login & my account Page

I am using woo commerce on my website.
When i customize my account page , Same customization shows on my login page.
Like if i add any word to My account page , Same word Shows on Login Page
Are they using same php?
How can i separate those two pages?
My Website login page
On setup, woocommerce creates only 4 pages automatically, shop, cart, checkout and my account. to create a login page, go to pages>add new and you can customise it there.

Redirect referring page after login and template the profile page in wordpress

I'm having a wordpress site(still offline) which is basically a news paper site. Users has to registered to comment. My problem is that when users login for commenting on any article, they are redirected to profile page (or to home page if i use some plugins)... but the standard should be redirecting them to the referring page as to comment on that was the reason they logged in. What is the solution for this?
And another thing is the user profile, my site actually don't need a user profile but need option to change the password. By default the profile is same like the wp dashboard, how do i template it? Is it author.php file that i have to work on?
Regarding the redirection. You can simply specify the wp login url, where it should take them after they login..
For example.
Takes you to the current page, after the login.. So place a link after the comment.
for disabling profile page modify wp-admin/profile.php like
define('IS_PROFILE_PAGE', true);
Change to:
define('IS_PROFILE_PAGE', false);
I hope you can find the wp comments login link easily in template files.
