For some reason, I can't figure out, why when I run a ggplot loop to create multiple graphs I don't see them in the environment and hence can't further display the graphs.
Data sample.
db = data.frame(exposure = sample(1:100, 100),
exposure2 = sample(-90:100,100),
outcome = sample(200:1000,100))
exposure_vector = c("exposure","exposure2")
exposure_title = c("Pesticide","Apple")
for (i in 1:length(exposure_vector)) {
current_exposure = db[[exposure_vector[i]]]
title = exposure_title[i]
graph_name = paste0(title,"_","Graph")
This is probably a better way to do what you are trying to do. You can mapply over your vectors of titles and exposures, which will return a list of graphs you can then refer to by name:
graphs <- mapply(X=exposure_title,Y=exposure_vector, function(X,Y){
The graphname is out of scope.
You need to declare it outside the loop.
For example
db = data.frame(exposure = sample(1:100, 100),
exposure2 = sample(-90:100,100),
outcome = sample(200:1000,100))
exposure_vector = c("exposure","exposure2")
exposure_title = c("Pesticide","Apple")
plot <- list() #declare
for (i in 1:length(exposure_vector)) {
current_exposure = db[[exposure_vector[i]]]
title = exposure_title[i]
graph_name = paste0(title,"_","Graph")
plot[[i]] <- graph_name #write
I assume that you want to assign to a variable, whose name is paste0(title, "_", "Graph"), the value of the plot. If this is correct, you should use assign
db <- data.frame(exposure = sample(1:100, 100),
exposure2 = sample(-90:100,100),
outcome = sample(200:1000,100))
exposure_vector <- c("exposure","exposure2")
exposure_title <- c("Pesticide","Apple")
for (i in 1:length(exposure_vector)) {
current_exposure <- db[[exposure_vector[i]]]
title <- exposure_title[i]
graph_name <- paste0(title,"_","Graph")
p <- ggplot(db,aes(x=current_exposure,y=outcome))+
assign(graph_name, p)
##> [1] "Apple_Graph" "current_exposure" "db" "exposure_title"
##> [5] "exposure_vector" "graph_name" "i" "p"
##> [9] "Pesticide_Graph" "title"
Most of the included code serves reproducibility,my question is regarding the export of results from an imap() function.
I have written some functions that aggregate and summarize my data, as below. It creates a list, with multiple lists - one list for every gears.
splitCars <- split(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)
summarizeMtcarsYearly <- function(x)
v1 <- length(unique(x$gear))
v2 <- paste0(unique(levels(as.factor(x$gear))),collapse = ', ')
#Build data
y <- data.frame(Ngears=v1,gears=v2,stringsAsFactors = F)
summarizeMtcars <-function(){
splitCars <- split(mtcars, mtcars$cyl)
splitCars <- lapply(splitCars,summarizeMtcarsYearly)
splitCars <- summarizeMtcars()
for every gear in the list, i want to create the summary table. I have also written a function for this (below). The details are not important, this is just for reproducibility. The important part of this function is where I export the table to a results folder - last 5 lines.
createSummaryTable <- function(x, y){
tab <- plot_ly(
type = 'table',
header = list(
values = c(paste0("Gears = "), y, ""),
align = c('left', rep('center')),
line = list(width = 1, color = 'black'),
fill = list(color = 'rgb(235, 100, 230)'),
font = list(family = "Arial", size = 14, color = "white")
cells = list(
values = rbind(c('number of gears', 'list of gears'),
c(x$Ngears, x$gears)),
align = c('left', rep('center')),
line = list(color = "black", width = 1),
fill = list(color = c('rgb(235, 193, 238)', 'rgba(228, 222, 249, 0.65)')),
font = list(family = "Arial", size = 12, color = c("black"))
test_dir <- "/Users/testFolder"
tab <- plotly_json(tab, FALSE)
tabName <- paste0("summaryVariables_gear_TEST", y, ".json" )
write(tab, paste0(test_dir, "/", tabName))
I pretend not to know how many gears my data will have i am then using imap() function to apply a createSummaryTable to every element of the list, and exported it directly to a predefined folder:
splitCars <- summarizeMtcars()
imap(splitCars, function(x, y) createSummaryTable(x,y))
which was working exactly the way i wanted to have it. However, now, i need to return all the tables for every single gear inside a list, something like this:
createSummaryTable <- function(x, y){
tab <- ... # this is the same as before
tabname <- paste0("summary_", y)
assign(tabname, tab)
analysis.summaryTables <- function(){
# create tables
splitCars <- summarizeMtcars()
imap(splitCars, function(x, y) createSummaryTable(x,y))
# append all tables to one list
tables <- ls(patter = "summary_")
out <-,list(tables))
however when i run this
summaryTables <- analysis.summaryTables()
summaryTable is just an empty character string.
How can i store all the output from imap() in a single list in R ??
how can i access the elements from the function createSummaryTable environment and append them together in R?
If I understood correctly, you have a function createSummaryTable that creates an object, a table to be specific.
You have a list of named dataframe and you want to map this list into your function to return a list of objects (a list of tables to be specific) where their names will be the same but "summary_" has to appear before.
createSummaryTable <- function(x, y){
# do something here
# map your list
out <- purrr::imap(list_of_named_dataframes, createSummaryTable)
names(out) <- paste("summary", names(out), sep = "_")
and out is what you're looking for.
I have constructed multiple protein - protein networks for diseases in shiny app and I ploted them using visnetwork. I found the articulation points for each network and I want to remove them.
My code for a disease looks like this:
output$plot54 <- renderVisNetwork({
alsex <- as.matrix(alsex)
sel1 <- alsex[,1]
sel2 <- alsex[,2]
n10 <- unique(c(sel1,sel2))
n10 <-
colnames(n10) <- "id"
ed10 <-
colnames(ed10) <- c("from", "to", "width")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(ed10)
nodes4 <- data.frame(n10, color = ifelse(n10$id=="CLEC4E"|n10$id=="ACE2"|n10$id=="MYO7A"|n10$id=="HSPB4"
visNetwork(nodes4, ed10, main = "Articulation Points") %>%
visNodes (color = list(highlight = "pink"))%>%
visOptions(highlightNearest = list(enabled = T, hover = T),
nodesIdSelection = T)%>%
visInteraction(keyboard = TRUE)
visNetworkProxy("plot54") %>%
visRemoveNodes(id="CLEC4E")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "CLEC4E")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="ACE2")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "ACE2")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="MYO7A")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "MYO7A")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="HSPB4")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "HSPB4")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="EXOSC3")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "EXOSC3")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RBM45")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RBM45")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SPAST")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SPAST")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="ALMS1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "ALMS1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="PIGQ")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "PIGQ")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="CDC27")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "CDC27")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GFM1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GFM1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="UTRN")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "UTRN")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RAB7B")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RAB7B")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GSN")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GSN")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="VAPA")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "VAPA")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="GLE1")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "GLE1")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="FA2H")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "FA2H")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="HSPA4")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "HSPA4")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SNCA")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SNCA")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="RAB5A")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "RAB5A")%>%
visRemoveNodes(id="SETX")%>%visRemoveEdges(id = "SETX")
g <- graph_from_data_frame(ed10)
I found the articulation points, and I marked them with red color using ifelse as you can see in nodes4 vector.
My questions:
How to shorten my code in ifelse using loop, so I don't have to write the articullation points one by one manually.
How to shorten my code in visRemoveNodes and visRemoveEdges using loop, so I don't have to write them one by one manually as well.
Crossed posted at:
The answer for the second question is:
l <- c("CLEC4E","ACE2", "MYO7A", "HSPB4", "EXOSC3", "RBM45","SPAST","ALMS1",
"RAB7B", "GSN", "VAPA", "GLE1","FA2H","HSPA4",
"SNCA","RAB5A","SETX") #we put all genes that we want to delete in a vector
for (i in l){
visRemoveNodes(id= i)%>%visRemoveEdges(id = i)
I was wondering if anyone knows of a package that allows partial row labeling of heatmaps. I am currently using pheatmap() to construct my heatmaps, but I can use any package that has this functionality.
I have plots with many rows of differentially expressed genes and I would like to label a subset of them. There are two main things to consider (that I can think of):
The placement of the text annotation depends on the height of the row. If the rows are too narrow, then the text label will be ambiguous without some sort of pointer.
If multiple adjacent rows are significant (i.e. will be labelled), then these will need to be offset, and again, a pointer will be needed.
Below is an example of a partial solution that really only gets maybe halfway there, but I hope illustrates what I'd like to be able to do.
### Data to plot
data_mat <- matrix(sample(1:10000, 300), nrow = 50, ncol = 6)
rownames(data_mat) <- paste0("Gene", 1:50)
colnames(data_mat) <- c(paste0("A", 1:3), paste0("B", 1:3))
### Set how many genes to annotate
### TRUE - make enough labels that some overlap
### FALSE - no overlap
tooMany <- T
### Select a few genes to annotate
if (tooMany) {
sigGenes_v <- paste0("Gene", c(5,20,26,42,47,16,28))
newMain_v <- "Too Many Labels"
} else {
sigGenes_v <- paste0("Gene", c(5,20,26,42))
newMain_v <- "OK Labels"
### Make color list
colors_v <- brewer.pal(8, "Dark2")
colors_v <- colors_v[c(1:length(sigGenes_v), 8)]
names(colors_v) <- c(sigGenes_v, "No")
annColors_lsv <- list("Sig" = colors_v)
### Column Metadata
colMeta_df <- data.frame(Treatment = c(rep("A", 3), rep("B", 3)),
Replicate = c(rep(1:3, 2)),
stringsAsFactors = F,
row.names = colnames(data_mat))
### Row metadata
rowMeta_df <- data.frame(Sig = rep("No", 50),
stringsAsFactors = F,
row.names = rownames(data_mat))
for (gene_v in sigGenes_v) rowMeta_df[rownames(rowMeta_df) == gene_v, "Sig"] <- gene_v
### Heatmap
heat <- pheatmap(data_mat,
annotation_row = rowMeta_df,
annotation_col = colMeta_df,
annotation_colors = annColors_lsv,
cellwidth = 10,
main = "Original Heat")
### Get order of genes after clustering
genesInHeatOrder_v <- heat$tree_row$labels[heat$tree_row$order]
whichSigInHeatOrder_v <- which(genesInHeatOrder_v %in% sigGenes_v)
whichSigInHeatOrderLabels_v <- genesInHeatOrder_v[whichSigInHeatOrder_v]
sigY <- 1 - (0.02 * whichSigInHeatOrder_v)
### Change title
whichMainGrob_v <- which(heat$gtable$layout$name == "main")
heat$gtable$grobs[[whichMainGrob_v]] <- textGrob(label = newMain_v,
gp = gpar(fontsize = 16))
### Remove rows
whichRowGrob_v <- which(heat$gtable$layout$name == "row_names")
heat$gtable$grobs[[whichRowGrob_v]] <- textGrob(label = whichSigInHeatOrderLabels_v,
y = sigY,
vjust = 1)
Here are a few outputs:
original heatmap:
ok labels:
ok labels, with flags:
too many labels
too many labels, with flags
The "with flags" outputs are the desired final results.
I just saved these as images from the Rstudio plot viewer. I recognize that I could save them as pdfs and provide a larger file size to get rid of the label overlap, but then the individual cells would be larger than I want.
Based on your code, you seem fairly comfortable with gtables & grobs. A (relatively) straightforward way to achieve the look you want is to zoom in on the row label grob, & make some changes there:
replace unwanted labels with "";
evenly spread out labels within the available space;
add line segments joining the old and new label positions.
I wrote a wrapper function for this, which works as follows:
# heat refers to the original heatmap produced from the pheatmap() function
# kept.labels should be a vector of labels you wish to show
# is a number in the range [0, 1], controlling how much the
# labels are spread out from one another
kept.labels = sigGenes_v, = 0)
kept.labels = sigGenes_v, = 0.5)
kept.labels = sigGenes_v, = 1)
Function (explanations in annotations):
add.flag <- function(pheatmap,
kept.labels, {
# = number within [0, 1], which controls how much
# space to allocate for repelling labels.
## = 0: spread out labels over existing range of kept labels
## = 1: spread out labels over the full y-axis
heatmap <- pheatmap$gtable
new.label <- heatmap$grobs[[which(heatmap$layout$name == "row_names")]]
# keep only labels in kept.labels, replace the rest with ""
new.label$label <- ifelse(new.label$label %in% kept.labels,
new.label$label, "")
# calculate evenly spaced out y-axis positions
repelled.y <- function(d,, k ={
# d = vector of distances for labels
# = vector of T/F for which labels are significant
# recursive function to get current label positions
# (note the unit is "npc" for all components of each distance)
strip.npc <- function(dd){
if(!"unit.arithmetic" %in% class(dd)) {
d1 <- strip.npc(dd$arg1)
d2 <- strip.npc(dd$arg2)
fn <- dd$fname
return(lazyeval::lazy_eval(paste(d1, fn, d2)))
full.range <- sapply(seq_along(d), function(i) strip.npc(d[i]))
selected.range <- sapply(seq_along(d[]), function(i) strip.npc(d[][i]))
return(unit(seq(from = max(selected.range) + k*(max(full.range) - max(selected.range)),
to = min(selected.range) - k*(min(selected.range) - min(full.range)),
length.out = sum(,
new.y.positions <- repelled.y(new.label$y, = new.label$label != "")
new.flag <- segmentsGrob(x0 = new.label$x,
x1 = new.label$x + unit(0.15, "npc"),
y0 = new.label$y[new.label$label != ""],
y1 = new.y.positions)
# shift position for selected labels
new.label$x <- new.label$x + unit(0.2, "npc")
new.label$y[new.label$label != ""] <- new.y.positions
# add flag to heatmap
heatmap <- gtable::gtable_add_grob(x = heatmap,
grobs = new.flag,
t = 4,
l = 4
# replace label positions in heatmap
heatmap$grobs[[which(heatmap$layout$name == "row_names")]] <- new.label
# plot result
# return a copy of the heatmap invisibly
I want to skip a empty panel using lattice package in R.
df1 <- data.frame("treatment" = c(rep("A",16),rep("B",16),rep("C",16)),
"disease_type" = c(rep("1",8),rep("2",8)),
"days_after_application" = rep(c(rep("10-24",4),rep("24-48",4)),6),
"severity" = rnorm(48, mean = 80, sd = 5))
df1[(df1$disease_type == "2" & df1$days_after_application == "24-48"),"severity"] <- NA
figure1 <- bwplot(treatment~severity|days_after_application+disease_type,
data = df1,layout = c(2,2),
strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE))
Here is what I get
My question is how I can remove/skip empty panel in the top right WITHOUT changing layout?
I have tried following code. However, it doesn't work.
figure2 <- bwplot(treatment~severity|days_after_application+disease_type,
data = df1,layout = c(2,2),
strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE),
Here is what I got
I also tried following codes. But it is not what I want since I do want 2 levels strips.
df1[(df1$disease_type == "2" & df1$days_after_application == "24-48"),] <- NA
data = df1,layout = c(2,2),
strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE))
Thank you!
Get help from a Professor in Temple University.
Here is his solution:
figure4 <- bwplot(treatment~severity|days_after_application+disease_type,
data = df1,layout = c(2,2),
strip = strip.custom(strip.names = TRUE),
scales=list(alternating=FALSE), ## keep x-scale on bottom
between=list(x=1, y=1)) ## space between panels
pdf("figure4%03d.pdf",onefile = FALSE) ## force two pages in file.
I have made a function that can plot the loadings from many factor analyses at once, also when their variables do not overlap perfectly (or at all). It works fine, except that it generates a number of "duplicated levels in factors are deprecated" warning, and I don't understand why.
The code allow should be reproducible.
loadings.plot2 = function(fa.objects, fa.names="") {
fa.num = length(fa.objects) #number of fas
if (fa.names=="") {
fa.names = str_c("fa.", 1:fa.num)
if (length(fa.names) != fa.num) {
stop("Names vector does not match the number of factor analyses.")
#merge into df
d = data.frame() #to merge into
for (fa.idx in 1:fa.num) { #loop over fa objects
loads = fa.objects[[fa.idx]]$loadings
rnames = rownames(loads)
loads =
rownames(loads) = rnames
colnames(loads) = fa.names[fa.idx]
d = merge.datasets(d, loads, 1)
#reshape to long form
d2 = reshape(d,
varying = 1:fa.num,
ids = rownames(d))
d2$time = as.factor(d2$time)
d2$id = as.factor(d2$id)
g = ggplot(reorder_by(id, ~ fa, d2), aes(x=fa, y=id, color=time)) +
geom_point() +
xlab("Loading") + ylab("Indicator") +
fa1 = fa(iris[-5])
fa2 = fa(iris[-c(1:50),-5])
fa3 = fa(ability)
fa4 = fa(ability[1:50,])
Plotting different numbers of factors give different numbers of errors.
I have tried setting the variables as.factor before giving them to ggplot, but it didn't change anything.
Any ideas? Perhaps related to reorder_by()? This function is needed to sort the data.frame, otherwise ggplot sorts them alphabetically, which is useless.
As mentioned in the comments, this warning is caused by using the reorder_by() function but only in conjunction with ggplot2. Specifically, the levels are for some reason duplicated:
#> levels(d2$id)
[1] "Sepal.Width" "Sepal.Width" "Sepal.Length" "Sepal.Length" "Petal.Width" "Petal.Width" "Petal.Length"
[8] "Petal.Length"
ggplot2 does not like duplicate levels, and so gives the warning.
In case anyone is interested, I wrote new code to do the re-leveling myself to avoid this problem and to avoid the dependency on the plotflow package.
The new function is this:
#' Plot multiple factor loadings in one plot.
#' Returns a ggplot2 plot with sorted loadings colored by the analysis they belong to. Supports reversing óf any factors that are reversed. Dodges to avoid overplotting. Only works for factor analyses with 1 factor solutions!
#' #param fa_objects (list of fa-class objects) Factor analyses objects from the fa() function from the \code{\link{psych}} package.
#' #param fa_labels (chr vector) Names of the analyses. Defaults to fa.1, fa.2, etc..
#' #param reverse_vector (num vector) Vector of numbers to use for reversing factors. Use e.g. c(1, -1) to reverse the second factor. Defaults not reversing.
#' #param reorder (chr scalar or NA) Which factor analysis to order the loadings by. Can be integers that reprensent each factor analysis. Can also be "mean", "median" to use the means and medians of the loadings. Use "all" for the old method. Default = "mean".
#' #export
#' #examples
#' library(psych)
#' plot_loadings_multi(fa(iris[-5])) #extract a factor and reverse
plot_loadings_multi = function (fa_objects, fa_labels, reverse_vector = NA, reorder = "mean") {
fa_num = length(fa_objects)
fa_names = str_c("fa.", 1:fa_num)
if (!is.list(fa_objects)) {
stop("fa_objects parameter is not a list.")
if (class(fa_objects) %in% c("psych", "fa")) {
fa_objects = list(fa_objects)
fa_num = length(fa_objects)
fa_names = str_c("fa.", 1:fa_num)
if (missing("fa_labels")) {
if (!is.null(names(fa_objects))) {
fa_labels = names(fa_objects)
else {
fa_labels = fa_names
if (length(fa_labels) != fa_num) {
stop("Factor analysis labels length is not identical to number of analyses.")
if (all( {
reverse_vector = rep(1, fa_num)
else if (length(reverse_vector) != fa_num) {
stop("Length of reversing vector does not match number of factor analyses.")
d = data.frame()
for (fa.idx in 1:fa_num) {
loads = fa_objects[[fa.idx]]$loadings * reverse_vector[fa.idx]
rnames = rownames(loads)
loads =
rownames(loads) = rnames
colnames(loads) = fa_names[fa.idx]
d = merge_datasets(d, loads, 1)
d2 = reshape(d, varying = 1:fa_num, direction = "long", ids = rownames(d))
d2$time = as.factor(d2$time)
d2$id = as.factor(d2$id)
colnames(d2)[2] = "fa"
#reorder factor?
if (! {
if (reorder == "all") {
d2 = reorder_by(id, ~fa, d2)
} else if (reorder == "mean") {
v_aggregate_values = daply(d2, .(id), function(x) {
d2$id = factor(d2$id, levels = names(sort(v_aggregate_values, decreasing = F)))
} else if (reorder == "median") {
v_aggregate_values = daply(d2, .(id), function(x) {
d2$id = factor(d2$id, levels = names(sort(v_aggregate_values, decreasing = F)))
} else {
d2_sub = d2[d2$time == reorder, ] #subset the analysis whose loading is to be used for the reorder
d2_sub = reorder_by(id, ~fa, d2_sub)
d2$id = reorder.factor(d2$id, new.order = levels(d2_sub$id))
g = ggplot(d2, aes(x = id, y = fa, color = time, group = time)) +
geom_point(position = position_dodge(width = 0.5)) +
ylab("Loading") + xlab("Indicator") + scale_color_discrete(name = "Analysis",
labels = fa_labels) + coord_flip()
fa_1 = fa(iris[-5])
fa_2 = fa(iris[1:125, -5])
plot_loadings_multi(list(fa_1, fa_2), reorder = "mean")
Which produces the following plot without warnings:
The code is from my personal package.