MikTex - application failed to start because no Qt platform plugin could be initialized - qt

While the installation of MikTex is working without a problem, trying to run the GUI of MikTex creates the following error on Windows:
I never had this problem on any windows version except for 11 and installing qt by hand involves reqistering (or paying) for qt.
Is there a simpler solution to that error?
Should a version of qt not be installed with miktex?
(Reinstalling did not fix the issue)


Ubuntu-19.10 Qt Lib Anaconda-Navigator Error

Somewhat of a Ubuntu noob coming from windows, so i hope its an easy fix.
This is the error I get when I try to launch Anaconda:
Cannot mix incompatible Qt library (version 0x50905) with this library (version 0x50907)
Aborted (core dumped)
So my thought is that there is an environment variable that needs to be tweaked to point to a native version of qt that comes with conda. Any help would be great, i need line by line instructions if possible, still new.
I was running a retro theme on my terminal that somehow interfered with the QT versions.

Anaconda Navigator Install Issues for RStudio

I recommended to my class (2 sections) that they use Anaconda Navigator for a quick and easy way to install both python and R on their machine. I have had success with this recommendation in the past but recently this proved to be very problematic. At least on macOS, installing RStudio via the GUI does not work. It appears to stall.
In addition, attempting to create a new environment ,with both R and Python (3.7), the environment does not get created. It appears in the GUI for < second and then goes away without any other warning visible to the student.
Is there a bug in the recent version or perhaps version collisions across the environments?
I believe there is a bug. I installed Anaconda navigator, then RStudio in navigator. RStudio installed, but when I relaunch navigator I don't get the 'launch' tile, only the 'install' tile for RStudio. When I click the install tile (just to humor myself I suppose) it appears that it is reinstalling RStudio, but really it's just a hung process.
My environment is Windows 10 1909

Rtools cygheap base mismatch detected - Windows update

Having used Rtools for a while on R v3.3.3 and 64bit Win10, I suddenly faced the following error when trying to locally install, i.e., compile_dll(pkg = "...", quiet = FALSE) or
load_all(pkg = "...") any package via devtools:
*** fatal error - cygheap base mismatch detected
and the following suggestion in the error output:
This problem is probably due to using incompatible versions of the cygwin DLL.
Search for cygwin1.dll using the Windows Start->Find/Search facility
and delete all but the most recent version. The most recent version *should*
reside in x:\cygwin\bin, where 'x' is the drive on which you have
installed the cygwin distribution. Rebooting is also suggested if you
are unable to find another cygwin DLL.
None of the suggested error handling brought a solution. The concerned library cygwin1.dll was indeed only present as part of Rtools (i.e., in the Rtools folder itself).
Found that this was related to a recent Windows update, namely the 2017-10 Security Update for Adobe Flash Player for Windows 10 Version 1703 for x64-based Systems (KB4049179). Undoing this update under Settings/Updates and Security/... solved the issue. I would nevertheless like to know how exactly this problem arose. Beware that there are other potential issues between Rtools and Cygwin, such as "version collisions of fundamental Cygwin libraries" as described by https://www.r-bloggers.com/rtools-and-cygwin-on-ms-windows/ , but they were seemingly not related to the described problem. Also beware that any automatic Windows 10 updates can only be undone within a month of their installation.

OMNET++ 5.1.1 and Qt

I am installing OMNET++ 5.1.1. However, during the installation, it is reported that:
configure: error: Cannot build Qt apps, probably due to missing or too old Qt packages. Make sure Qt development packages are installed and newer than Qt 5.4. You can disable Qtenv by setting the WITH_QTENV variable to "no" in configure.user.
Then I download and install the Qt from https://www.qt.io/download/. But it still report the same problem. How can I solve this problem ? Thank you.
I assume you're running some kind of GNU/Linux, because on Windows and macOS, the bundled Qt libraries should just work.
Try installing the Qt5 development packages using your distro's native package manager, then they should be detected.
If you can't, or they are too old, take a look in the configure.user file, and adjust the value of the QT_PATH variable according to the instructions there.
Since the OS was clarified: On Windows, you don't need to download Qt, or any other library separately. They are all bundled with the OMNeT++ distribution, and should work fine.
Just make sure you always use the included mingwenv shell to install and run OMNeT++. In it, the environment variables are set up as necessary.
If you are installing OMNET++ on windows make sure you extract the zip file to a folder other than "Program Files" and deactivate your antivirus during the installation process.

Running Qt Creator on CentOS release 5.8 - Cannot resolve 'dbus_get_version' in your libdbus-1

I succesfully build Qt 4.8 (without QtWebKit) on CentOS 5.8 (Qt Assistant and the demo's run fine). I also built Qt Creator 2.4.1 against Qt 4.8. I did not observe any errors during the process of building Qt Creator. However, when I attempt to run Qt Creator I receive the following error:
[root#localhost bin]# ./qtcreator
Cannot resolve 'dbus_get_version' in your libdbus-1.
Has anybody encountered this error before? How did you fix it? Unfortunately upgrading to a better OS (such as Ubuntu) is not an option for me.
QtDBus module loads libdbus-1 library in runtime (via dlopen). That's why you don't have compile/link errors.
You can try either to upgrade dbus package (or whatever package contains libdbus-1.so) or use previous version of Qt.
(In Gentoo QtDBus-4.8 depends on dbus-1.2 and QtDBus-4.7.4 depends on dbus-1.0.2).
