Anaconda Navigator Install Issues for RStudio - r

I recommended to my class (2 sections) that they use Anaconda Navigator for a quick and easy way to install both python and R on their machine. I have had success with this recommendation in the past but recently this proved to be very problematic. At least on macOS, installing RStudio via the GUI does not work. It appears to stall.
In addition, attempting to create a new environment ,with both R and Python (3.7), the environment does not get created. It appears in the GUI for < second and then goes away without any other warning visible to the student.
Is there a bug in the recent version or perhaps version collisions across the environments?

I believe there is a bug. I installed Anaconda navigator, then RStudio in navigator. RStudio installed, but when I relaunch navigator I don't get the 'launch' tile, only the 'install' tile for RStudio. When I click the install tile (just to humor myself I suppose) it appears that it is reinstalling RStudio, but really it's just a hung process.
My environment is Windows 10 1909


Installing RStudio using Anaconda Navigator in Windows 10

I tried to install RStudio from Anaconda Navigator GUI. I ran the Anaconda Navigator with administrator privileges. Once the installation is started, a pop-up appears to create 'rstudio' environment in C:\Users\bipin\Anaconda3\envs\rstudio. The installation went on for sometime. So when the installation was over, the button beneath RStudio icon shows 'Install'(instead of 'Launch'). Hence I went to the very folder(C:\Users\bipin\Anaconda3\envs\rstudio) to check for the installed files. I was startled to discover that the 'rstudio' folder was missing in the 'envs' folder.
I repeated the process several times, however the result was same.
Should I install R from ''?
I would appreciate feedback to rectify this issue.

How best to update / upgrade RStudio inside or underneath Anaconda Navigator?

The version of R Studio that is bundled with the latest release of the Anaconda distribution is over a year old RStudio in Anaconda Navigator, specifically version rstudio-1.1.456. If I check the Rstudio website current RStudio download, it says the latest version is RStudio-1.2.5033.exe.
I want to use the current RStudio release. Anaconda Navigator package manager doesn't give me an option to install any later versions. Also, Anaconda put my R-dedicated virtual environment (which I named Rdev') and installed R in a wierd place too:C:\Users\rlysakow.conda\envs\Rdev\Lib\R\bin`.
My judgement is that R and RStudio are basically UNIX programs that have been ported to Windows, and have all kinds of "leftover" Unix-izms and quirks in the way they reference files, directories, and scripts. Plus, Anaconda makes a lot of choices without always asking the user about where to put things.
It looks like to get a good RStudio update, I must update RStudio from within RStudio, but this will likely break a lot of Anaconda R functionality. RStudio doesn't use Anaconda Navigator's conda program to do the upgrade. The Anaconda Navigator's conda package index will likely not reflect the changes that RStudio makes.
Before I make a likely irreversible and breaking change to Anaconda, can anyone recommend a better way to do this Rstudio update and have Anaconda's package index correctly reflect changes that RStudio will make with executables and packages that it updates and installs?
Please do not recommend something like "ditch Anaconda and just use RStudio for all your R work", because that doesn't allow easy integration with Jupyter Notebook and the conda package manager inside Anaconda. I could install Jupyter Notebook separately, but then I have to manager that outside of Anaconda too. The end users of my application want to use Jupyter Notebook for their R work.

How to change R versions on Mac

I'm trying to use the legacy version of R to run a package on Mac.
On Windows there is a switch in the General tab. However, it is not found on Mac RStudio. I referred to this post:
And I do not quite understand the 3 options:
Run the installer from CRAN for the R version you want to be current
List item Use the RSwitch utility available at:
Update the R.framework/Versions/Current directory alias directly
using ln -s
Especially for RSwitch utility, how do I even open/use that?
This old question is again timely, with the move to R version 4.
There is an available for MacOS 10.14+ that provides this functionality via a menu bar app. You can choose which of your R builds to use, integrating with the standard Mac GUI and with RStudio. (I've had trouble with the newest Mac GUI not working with R 3.6.3 but RStudio seems to work fine with both that and R 4.0.1 along with this The help pages for Rswitch show what's going on underneath, if you prefer to work via a command line.
If you use a standard .pkg via GUI to install a newer version of R it will effectively forget the other versions. You can use the command
pkgutil --forget (path to package name)
with the .pkg to overcome that. (I've had trouble installing from a tarball instead; might just be my incompetence.) Installing an older version from a .pkg won't overwrite a newer version but in that case it might be safest to omit any attempt to instal older Tcl/Tk and Texinfo, selectable with the "Customize" button at the "Installation Type" stage of the installation. With security settings in MacOS you might have trouble opening some R .pkg files; the awkward workaround is to use Control/right/two-finger click on the file in the Finder, then select ‘Open With’ and ‘Installer’ from the menu that appears.
The version of noted in the question is still available via a link from this page. This is evidently 32-bit as it is disabled on my Mac under OS 10.14.

RStudio won't start, R ver. 3.4.2, Rstudio ver. 1.1.383

I'm not able to start a fresh installment of RStudio. I've deleted prior versions, and are currently only running R ver. 3.4.2. Likewise I've deleted my .RData file, but nothing seems to work. The program doesn't show anything, but it is listed on running programs, and the more times I click the more times it opens a new RStudio, untill it clogs the CPU. I'm running Windows 10.
What to do?
I am afraid that this idea will help you or not that you can try this.
Uninstalling RStudio and R, cleaning the registry, and installing again.
If it is running then close it first from the task manager then uninstall the program.

R package "repmis" crashes R on library(repmis)

I tried installing a list of packages this morning and had an error which crashed R when I ran library(repmis)
I've uninstalled & reinstalled R (on my mac by deleting the app and downloading the new build), but still get an app crash when I run library(repmis).
Can anyone tell me why? And/or how I can more effectively uninstall R to get this package to work again?
Problem solved, I restarted the computer and repeated the procedure above and this time received a prompt to install a Java 6 runtime.
I'm guessing that the dialogue box had issues displaying earlier because of some system printer windows I had open.
