Understanding the iml (interpretable machine learning) output for a classification task - r

Consider this synthetic dataset for classification,
# Generate data
x = matrix(rnorm(2000), nrow=500)
z = x %*% matrix(c(1,1,1,1), nrow=4)
y = round(1 / (1 + exp(-z)), 0) %>% as.integer()
x = cbind(x, rnorm(500))
y_factor = as.factor(y)
data = data.frame(x, y_factor)
# Train model
rf = randomForest(y_factor ~ X1+X2+X3+X4+X5, data=data, ntree = 50)
# Compute feature importance using iml package
x_df = data[,-6]
predictor_rf <- Predictor$new(rf, data=x_df, y=y_factor)
imp_rf <- FeatureImp$new(predictor_rf, loss = "ce")
Here, x is a matrix with 5 independent variables, 4 of them are related to the response, and the fith is just noise. Then I train a random forest algorithm and finally compute the variable importance using feature permutation from the iml package and obtain the output from the figure below. In the manual from the package says that:
The importance is measured as
the factor by which the model’s prediction error increases when the feature is shuffled.
So here, variable X4 obtained a feature importance value of 0.2, which means that the prediction error "increased" by a factor of 0.2. However, being 0.2 a factor smaller than 1 this means that the prediction error actually decreased when doing the permutation on X2, which makes no sense to me, because on one side, it would imply that just random shuffled numbers obtain better results than the actual variables, but on the other side, the current model with the original variable obtains an accuracy of 100%. Same interpretation could be seen in the rest of the variables, except for variable X5, which was noise and obtained an importance of 0.
So... what am I missing here? What is that 0.2 value?


Identifying lead/lags using multivariate regression analysis

I have three time-series variables (x,y,z) measured in 3 replicates. x and z are the independent variables. y is the dependent variable. t is the time variable. All the three variables follow diel variation, they increase during the day and decrease during the night. An example with a simulated dataset is below.
n <- 100
t <- seq(0,4*pi,,100)
a <- 3
b <- 2
c.unif <- runif(n)
amp <- 2
datalist = list()
for(i in 1:3){
y <- 3*sin(b*t)+rnorm(n)*2
x <- 2*sin(b*t+2.5)+rnorm(n)*2
z <- 4*sin(b*t-2.5)+rnorm(n)*2
data = as_tibble(cbind(y,x,z))%>%mutate(t = 1:100)%>% mutate(replicate = i)
datalist[[i]] <- data
df <- do.call(rbind,datalist)
geom_line(aes(t,z),color = 'green')+facet_wrap(~replicate, nrow = 1)+theme_bw()
I can identify the lead/lag of y with respect to x and z individually. This can be done with ccf() function in r. For example
But I would like to do it in a multivariate regression approach. For example, nlme package and lme function indicates y and z are negatively affecting x
lme = lme(data = df, y~ x+ z , random=~1|replicate, correlation = corCAR1( form = ~ t| replicate))
It is impossible (in actual data) that x and z can negatively affect y.
I need the time-lead/lag and also I would like to get the standardized coefficient (t-value to compare the effect size), both from the same model.
Is there any multivariate model available that can give me the lead/lag and also give me regression coefficient?
We might be considering the " statistical significance of Cramer Rao estimation of a lower bound". In order to find Xbeta-Xinfinity, taking the expectation of Xbeta and an assumed mean neu; will yield a variable, neu^squared which can replace Xinfinity. Using the F test-likelihood ratio, the degrees of freedom is p2-p1 = n-p2.
Put it this way, the estimates are n=(-2neu^squared/neu^squared+n), phi t = y/Xbeta and Xbeta= (y-betazero)/a.
The point estimate is derived from y=aXbeta + b: , Xbeta. The time lead lag is phi t and the standardized coefficient is n. The regression generates the lower bound Xbeta, where t=beta.
Spectral analysis of the linear distribution indicates a point estimate beta zero = 0.27 which is a significant peak of
variability. Scaling Xbeta by Betazero would be an appropriate idea.

Why are the predictions from poisson lasso regression model in glmnet not integers?

I am conducting a lasso regression modeling predictors of a count outcome in glmnet.
I am wondering what to make of the predictions from this model.
Here is some toy data. It's not very good because I don't know how to simulate multivariate data but I'm mainly interested in whether I'm getting the syntax right.
df <- data.frame(count = rpois(500, lambda = 3),
pred1 = rnorm(500),
pred2 = rnorm(500),
pred3 = rnorm(500),
pred4 = rnorm(500),
pred5 = rnorm(500),
pred6 = rnorm(500),
pred7 = rnorm(500),
pred8 = rnorm(500),
pred9 = rnorm(500),
pred10 = rnorm(500))
Now run the model
x <- model.matrix(count ~ ., df)[,-1]
y <- df$count
cvg <- cv.glmnet(x,y,family = "poisson")
now when I generate predicted outcomes
yTest <- predict(cvg, newx = x, family = "poisson", type = "link")
This is the output
# 1 1.094604
# 2 1.094604
# 3 1.094604
# 4 1.094604
# 5 1.094604
# 6 1.094604
# ... ........
Now obviously the model predictions are all the same and all terrible (unsurprising given the absence of any association between the predictors and the outcome), but the thing I am wondering is why they are not integers (with my real data I have the same problem).
I have several questions.
So my questions are:
Am I specifying the correct arguments in the glmnet.predict() function? In the help for the predict function it states that specifying type = "link" gives "the linear predictors" for poisson models, whereas specifying type = "response" gives the "fitted mean" for poisson models (in the case of my dumb example it generates 500 values of 2.988).
Shouldn't the predicted outcomes match the form of the data itself, i.e. be integers?
If I am specifying the correct arguments in the predict() function, how do I use the non-integer predictions Do I round them to the nearest integer, or just leave them alone?
Shouldn't the predicted outcomes match the form of the data itself,
i.e. be integers?
When you use a regression model you are associating a (conditional) probability distribution, indexed by parameters (in the Poisson case, the lambda parameter, which represents the mean) to each predictor configuration. A prediction of the response minimizes some expected loss function conditional to the predictor values so it depends on what loss function you are using.
If you consider a 0-1 loss, then yes, the predicted values should be an integer: the mode of the distribution, its most probable value, which in the case of a Possion distribution is the floor of lambda if it is not an integer (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Poisson_distribution).
If you consider a squared loss (y - y_prediction)^2 then your prediction is the conditional expectation (see https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minimum_mean_square_error#Properties), which is not necessarily an integer, just like the result you are getting.
glmnet uses squared loss, but you can easily predict an integer value (the one that minimizes the 0-1 loss) by applying the floor() function to the predicted values output by glmnet.

R: implementing my own gradient boosting algorithm

I am trying to write my own gradient boosting algorithm. I understand there are existing packages like gbm and xgboost, but I wanted to understand how the algorithm works by writing my own.
I am using the iris data set, and my outcome is Sepal.Length (continuous). My loss function is mean(1/2*(y-yhat)^2) (basically the mean squared error with 1/2 in front), so my corresponding gradient is just the residual y - yhat. I'm initializing the predictions at 0.
#Define gradient
grad.fun <- function(y, yhat) {return(y - yhat)}
mod <- list()
grad_boost <- function(data, learning.rate, M, grad.fun) {
# Initialize fit to be 0
fit <- rep(0, nrow(data))
grad <- grad.fun(y = data$Sepal.Length, yhat = fit)
# Initialize model
mod[[1]] <- fit
# Loop over a total of M iterations
for(i in 1:M){
# Fit base learner (tree) to the gradient
tmp <- data$Sepal.Length
data$Sepal.Length <- grad
base_learner <- rpart(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = data, control = ("maxdepth = 2"))
data$Sepal.Length <- tmp
# Fitted values by fitting current model
fit <- fit + learning.rate * as.vector(predict(base_learner, newdata = data))
# Update gradient
grad <- grad.fun(y = data$Sepal.Length, yhat = fit)
# Store current model (index is i + 1 because i = 1 contain the initialized estiamtes)
mod[[i + 1]] <- base_learner
With this, I split up the iris data set into a training and testing data set and fit my model to it.
train.dat <- iris[1:100, ]
test.dat <- iris[101:150, ]
learning.rate <- 0.001
M = 1000
my.model <- grad_boost(data = train.dat, learning.rate = learning.rate, M = M, grad.fun = grad.fun)
Now I calculate the predicted values from my.model. For my.model, the fitted values are 0 (vector of initial estimates) + learning.rate * predictions from tree 1 + learning rate * predictions from tree 2 + ... + learning.rate * predictions from tree M.
yhats.mymod <- apply(sapply(2:length(my.model), function(x) learning.rate * predict(my.model[[x]], newdata = test.dat)), 1, sum)
# Calculate RMSE
> sqrt(mean((test.dat$Sepal.Length - yhats.mymod)^2))
[1] 2.612972
I have a few questions
Does my gradient boosting algorithm look right?
Did I calculate the predicted values yhats.mymod correctly?
Yes this looks correct. At each step you are fitting to the psuedo-residuals, which are computed as the derivative of loss with respect to the fit. You have correctly derived this gradient at the start of your question, and even bothered to get the factor of 2 right.
This also looks correct. You are aggregating across the models, weighted by learning rate, just as you did during training.
But to address something that was not asked, I noticed that your training setup has a few quirks.
The iris dataset is split equally between 3 species (setosa, versicolor, virginica) and these are adjacent in the data. Your training data has all of the setosa and versicolor, while the test set has all of the virginica examples. There is no overlap, which will lead to out-of-sample problems. It is preferable to balance your training and test sets to avoid this.
The combination of learning rate and model count looks too low to me. The fit converges as (1-lr)^n. With lr = 1e-3 and n = 1000 you can only model 63.2% of the data magnitude. That is, even if every model predicts every sample correctly, you would be estimating 63.2% of the correct value. Initializing the fit with an average, instead of 0s, would help since then the effect is a regression to the mean instead of just a drag.

Plotting precision#k and recall#k in ROCR (R)

I'm evaluating a binary classifier in R with the ROCR package. My classifier outputs a score between 0 and 1 for target 0/1 labels.
I'd like to plot precision and recall # k but can't find a way to do it. Calling performance() without specifying the x-axis measure plots the precision value by score cutoff:
#df <- a two-dimensional dataframe with prediction scores and actual labels of my classifier
pred <- prediction(df$score, df$label)
pr_curve <- performance(pred, measure="prec")
For precision (or recall) at k, I'd need to plot the precision against the rank of each prediction, ordered by descending score:
pred <- prediction(df$score, df$label)
pr_curve <- performance(pred, measure="prec", x.measure="rank") #but there seems to be no "rank" in ROCR!
Is there a way to do this in ROCR? I'm open to use alternative libraries if this isn't the case.
Load libraries and define train and test set:
df = BreastCancer
idx = sample(1:nrow(df),150)
trn = df[idx,]
test = df[-idx,]
Fit naives bayes
fit = naiveBayes(Class ~ .,data=trn)
In the manual for performance, it is written,
Precision/recall graphs: measure="prec", x.measure="rec".
Plot precision-recall:
pred = prediction(predict(fit,test,type="raw")[,2],test$Class)
#plot to see it is working correctly:
Now for your case to do it at K, we can also do the precision recall from scratch:
#combine prob, predicted labels, and actual labels
res = data.frame(prob=predict(fit,test,type="raw")[,2],
label = test$Class)
res = res[order(res$prob,decreasing=TRUE),]
res$rank = 1:nrow(res)
# calculate recall, which is the number of actual classes we get back
res$recall = cumsum(res$label=="malignant")/sum(res$label=="malignant")
# precision, number of malignant cases we predicted correctly
res$precision = cumsum(res$label=="malignant")/res$rank
# check the two plots
Now you have it correct, getting or plotting precision at K is simply:
type="l",main="from RORC")
I am not aware of a way to use the .plot.performance function.. But you can use the variables stored under prediction object. pred#tp is the true positive, pred#fp is the false positive, so tp / fp+fp gives precision and pred#n.pos.pred gives the rank essentially.

Multivariate regression with glm: logical subscript too long

I am teaching myself multivariate regression and I am trying to simulate a multivariate random variable and construct a generalized linear model to fit it.
Here is my code:
#Clear Previous
cmp = 2 #Number of components in sample
n = 10 #Number of simulated data points
B = matrix(c(1,2,3,4), nrow=2,byrow=TRUE) #Coefficient matrix
#Simulate model
X = matrix(rep(0,2*n), nrow=2,byrow=TRUE) #Initiate independent matrix
Y = matrix(rep(0,2*n), nrow=2,byrow=TRUE) #Initiate response matrix
for (j in 1:cmp){
X[j,] = rnorm(n) #independent data
e = rnorm(n) #error term
Y[j,] = B[j,1]+ B[j,2]*X[j,] + e
#Linear Regression
fit = glm(Y~X,family = gaussian())
This produces the following error in the function glm:
Error in x[good, , drop = FALSE] : (subscript) logical subscript too long
I am quite unsure what the problem is.
Multivariate GLM
GLM is not working with multiple dependent variables. You can relate a single column like the code below but you can not do both. It is the independent data that can be multivariate.
Use Y[1,] instead of Y
fit = glm(Y[1,]~t(X),family = gaussian())
In addition, the above line uses the transpose t(X) instead of X because the function GLM will interpret the rows as different measurements.
MANOVA/MANCOVA / linear discriminant analysis
in your case, you seem to be using Gaussian distributed errors. For this particular case, there is a method that handles multiple dependent variables. It is MANOVA (if the independent variable is a factor) or MANCOVA (if the independent variable is continuous). You can model it in R as fit = manova(t(Y)~t(X))
