Identifying lead/lags using multivariate regression analysis - r

I have three time-series variables (x,y,z) measured in 3 replicates. x and z are the independent variables. y is the dependent variable. t is the time variable. All the three variables follow diel variation, they increase during the day and decrease during the night. An example with a simulated dataset is below.
n <- 100
t <- seq(0,4*pi,,100)
a <- 3
b <- 2
c.unif <- runif(n)
amp <- 2
datalist = list()
for(i in 1:3){
y <- 3*sin(b*t)+rnorm(n)*2
x <- 2*sin(b*t+2.5)+rnorm(n)*2
z <- 4*sin(b*t-2.5)+rnorm(n)*2
data = as_tibble(cbind(y,x,z))%>%mutate(t = 1:100)%>% mutate(replicate = i)
datalist[[i]] <- data
df <-,datalist)
geom_line(aes(t,z),color = 'green')+facet_wrap(~replicate, nrow = 1)+theme_bw()
I can identify the lead/lag of y with respect to x and z individually. This can be done with ccf() function in r. For example
But I would like to do it in a multivariate regression approach. For example, nlme package and lme function indicates y and z are negatively affecting x
lme = lme(data = df, y~ x+ z , random=~1|replicate, correlation = corCAR1( form = ~ t| replicate))
It is impossible (in actual data) that x and z can negatively affect y.
I need the time-lead/lag and also I would like to get the standardized coefficient (t-value to compare the effect size), both from the same model.
Is there any multivariate model available that can give me the lead/lag and also give me regression coefficient?

We might be considering the " statistical significance of Cramer Rao estimation of a lower bound". In order to find Xbeta-Xinfinity, taking the expectation of Xbeta and an assumed mean neu; will yield a variable, neu^squared which can replace Xinfinity. Using the F test-likelihood ratio, the degrees of freedom is p2-p1 = n-p2.
Put it this way, the estimates are n=(-2neu^squared/neu^squared+n), phi t = y/Xbeta and Xbeta= (y-betazero)/a.
The point estimate is derived from y=aXbeta + b: , Xbeta. The time lead lag is phi t and the standardized coefficient is n. The regression generates the lower bound Xbeta, where t=beta.
Spectral analysis of the linear distribution indicates a point estimate beta zero = 0.27 which is a significant peak of
variability. Scaling Xbeta by Betazero would be an appropriate idea.


Understanding the iml (interpretable machine learning) output for a classification task

Consider this synthetic dataset for classification,
# Generate data
x = matrix(rnorm(2000), nrow=500)
z = x %*% matrix(c(1,1,1,1), nrow=4)
y = round(1 / (1 + exp(-z)), 0) %>% as.integer()
x = cbind(x, rnorm(500))
y_factor = as.factor(y)
data = data.frame(x, y_factor)
# Train model
rf = randomForest(y_factor ~ X1+X2+X3+X4+X5, data=data, ntree = 50)
# Compute feature importance using iml package
x_df = data[,-6]
predictor_rf <- Predictor$new(rf, data=x_df, y=y_factor)
imp_rf <- FeatureImp$new(predictor_rf, loss = "ce")
Here, x is a matrix with 5 independent variables, 4 of them are related to the response, and the fith is just noise. Then I train a random forest algorithm and finally compute the variable importance using feature permutation from the iml package and obtain the output from the figure below. In the manual from the package says that:
The importance is measured as
the factor by which the model’s prediction error increases when the feature is shuffled.
So here, variable X4 obtained a feature importance value of 0.2, which means that the prediction error "increased" by a factor of 0.2. However, being 0.2 a factor smaller than 1 this means that the prediction error actually decreased when doing the permutation on X2, which makes no sense to me, because on one side, it would imply that just random shuffled numbers obtain better results than the actual variables, but on the other side, the current model with the original variable obtains an accuracy of 100%. Same interpretation could be seen in the rest of the variables, except for variable X5, which was noise and obtained an importance of 0.
So... what am I missing here? What is that 0.2 value?

When does brms assume parameters are distributed multivariate normal?

Suppose I fit a varying-intercepts model in brms per below.
# Example data in "long" format:
# 50 subjects each completing 2 trials. Outcomes were recorded 2x per subject
# per trial: once when treat = 1 and once when treat = 0.
trials <- 2
subjects <- 50
N <- trials * subjects
df <- data.frame(
outcome = rnorm(N),
treated = rep(0:1, N),
subject = rep(1:subjects, each = trials)
# Fit varying slopes and varying intercepts model
mod <- brm(outcome ~ treated + (1 | subject), df,
iter = 500, warmup = 490, chains = 1)
If we look at the brms documentation, it notes:
(...) group-level parameters u are assumed to come from a multivariate
normal distribution with mean zero and unknown covariance matrix Σ:
However, there is no such covariance matrix for the intercepts:
# empty
What is assumed to be multivariate normal by brms - i.e. it only when coefficients are hierarchically modeled as varying across groups that there is a covariance matrix? What if there's a predictor that is included that only varies by group but is not modelled hierarchically?

Fix variances to specific values in lme4/lmer

I am doing a simulation study for a mixed effect model (three levels; observations nested within subjects within schools):
f <- lmer(measurement ~ time + race + gender + s_ses +
fidelity + (1 + time|school/subject), mydata_long, REML=0)
The model allows the intercept and time slope to vary across subjects and schools. I am wondering how I can fix the variances to be specific values. I do know how to do that when there is only random intercept:
However, when there is a random slope, these codes don't work since there are different components in the variance aspect (see the attached picture).
How can I fix the variances of subject: school (Intercept), subject:school time, school (Intercept), and school time to specific values in this case. Any suggestions?
A simulation example. The hardest part is getting the random-effects parameters correctly specified: the key things you need to know are (1) internally the random effects variance matrix is scaled by the residual variance; (2) for vector-valued random effects (like this random-slopes model), the variance-covariance matrix is specified in terms of its Cholesky factor: if we want covariance matrix V, there is a lower-triangular matrix such that C %*% t(C) == V. We compute C using chol(), then read off the elements of the lower triangle (including the diagonal) in column-major order (see helper functions below).
Set up experimental design (simplified from yours, but with the same random effects components):
mydata_long <- expand.grid(time=1:40,
Helper functions to convert from
a vector of standard deviations, one or more correlation parameters (in lower-triangular/column major order), and a residual standard deviation
a vector of "theta" parameters as used internally by lme4 (see description above)
... and back the other way (conv_chol)
conv_sc <- function(sdvec,cor,sigma) {
## construct symmetric matrix with cor in lower/upper triangles
cormat <- matrix(1,nrow=length(sdvec),ncol=length(sdvec))
cormat[lower.tri(cormat)] <- cor
cormat[upper.tri(cormat)] <- t(cormat)[upper.tri(cormat)]
## convert to covariance matrix and scale by 1/sigma^2
V <- outer(sdvec, sdvec)*cormat/sigma^2
## extract lower triangle in column-major order
conv_chol <- function(ch, s) {
m <- matrix(NA,2,2)
m[lower.tri(m,diag=TRUE)] <- ch
m[upper.tri(m)] <- 0
V <- m %*% t(m) * s^2
list(sd=sqrt(diag(V)), cor=cov2cor(V)[1,2])
If you want to start from covariance matrices rather than standard deviations and correlations you can modify the code to skip some steps (starting and ending with V).
Pick some values and convert (and back-convert, to check)
tt1 <- conv_sc(c(0.7, 1.2), 0.3, 0.5)
tt2 <- conv_sc(c(1.4, 0.2), -0.2, 0.5)
tt <- c(tt1, tt2)
conv_chol(tt1, s=0.5)
conv_chol(tt2, s=0.5)
Set up formula and simulate:
form <- m ~ time + (1 + time|school/subject)
mydata_long$m <- simulate(form[-2], ## [-2] drops the response
f <- lmer(form, data=mydata_long, REML=FALSE)
The fitted results are close to what we requested above ...
Groups Name Std.Dev. Corr
subject:school (Intercept) 0.66427
time 1.16488 0.231
school (Intercept) 1.78312
time 0.22459 -0.156
Residual 0.49772
Now do the same thing 200 times, to explore the distribution of estimates:
simfun <- function() {
mydata_long$m <- simulate(form[-2],
f <- lmer(form, data=mydata_long, REML=FALSE)
res <- plyr::raply(200,suppressMessages(simfun()),.progress="text")
Here plyr::raply() is used for convenience, you can do this however you like (for loop, lapply(), replicate(), purrr::map() ...)
## add true values to the plot

R: implementing my own gradient boosting algorithm

I am trying to write my own gradient boosting algorithm. I understand there are existing packages like gbm and xgboost, but I wanted to understand how the algorithm works by writing my own.
I am using the iris data set, and my outcome is Sepal.Length (continuous). My loss function is mean(1/2*(y-yhat)^2) (basically the mean squared error with 1/2 in front), so my corresponding gradient is just the residual y - yhat. I'm initializing the predictions at 0.
#Define gradient <- function(y, yhat) {return(y - yhat)}
mod <- list()
grad_boost <- function(data, learning.rate, M, {
# Initialize fit to be 0
fit <- rep(0, nrow(data))
grad <- = data$Sepal.Length, yhat = fit)
# Initialize model
mod[[1]] <- fit
# Loop over a total of M iterations
for(i in 1:M){
# Fit base learner (tree) to the gradient
tmp <- data$Sepal.Length
data$Sepal.Length <- grad
base_learner <- rpart(Sepal.Length ~ ., data = data, control = ("maxdepth = 2"))
data$Sepal.Length <- tmp
# Fitted values by fitting current model
fit <- fit + learning.rate * as.vector(predict(base_learner, newdata = data))
# Update gradient
grad <- = data$Sepal.Length, yhat = fit)
# Store current model (index is i + 1 because i = 1 contain the initialized estiamtes)
mod[[i + 1]] <- base_learner
With this, I split up the iris data set into a training and testing data set and fit my model to it.
train.dat <- iris[1:100, ]
test.dat <- iris[101:150, ]
learning.rate <- 0.001
M = 1000
my.model <- grad_boost(data = train.dat, learning.rate = learning.rate, M = M, =
Now I calculate the predicted values from my.model. For my.model, the fitted values are 0 (vector of initial estimates) + learning.rate * predictions from tree 1 + learning rate * predictions from tree 2 + ... + learning.rate * predictions from tree M.
yhats.mymod <- apply(sapply(2:length(my.model), function(x) learning.rate * predict(my.model[[x]], newdata = test.dat)), 1, sum)
# Calculate RMSE
> sqrt(mean((test.dat$Sepal.Length - yhats.mymod)^2))
[1] 2.612972
I have a few questions
Does my gradient boosting algorithm look right?
Did I calculate the predicted values yhats.mymod correctly?
Yes this looks correct. At each step you are fitting to the psuedo-residuals, which are computed as the derivative of loss with respect to the fit. You have correctly derived this gradient at the start of your question, and even bothered to get the factor of 2 right.
This also looks correct. You are aggregating across the models, weighted by learning rate, just as you did during training.
But to address something that was not asked, I noticed that your training setup has a few quirks.
The iris dataset is split equally between 3 species (setosa, versicolor, virginica) and these are adjacent in the data. Your training data has all of the setosa and versicolor, while the test set has all of the virginica examples. There is no overlap, which will lead to out-of-sample problems. It is preferable to balance your training and test sets to avoid this.
The combination of learning rate and model count looks too low to me. The fit converges as (1-lr)^n. With lr = 1e-3 and n = 1000 you can only model 63.2% of the data magnitude. That is, even if every model predicts every sample correctly, you would be estimating 63.2% of the correct value. Initializing the fit with an average, instead of 0s, would help since then the effect is a regression to the mean instead of just a drag.

Manual Perceptron example in R - are the results acceptable?

I am trying to get a perceptron algorithm for classification working but I think something is missing. This is the decision boundary achieved with logistic regression:
The red dots got into college, after performing better on tests 1 and 2.
This is the data, and this is the code for the logistic regression in R:
dat = read.csv("perceptron.txt", header=F)
colnames(dat) = c("test1","test2","y")
plot(test2 ~ test1, col = as.factor(y), pch = 20, data=dat)
fit = glm(y ~ test1 + test2, family = "binomial", data = dat)
coefs = coef(fit)
(x = c(min(dat[,1])-2, max(dat[,1])+2))
(y = c((-1/coefs[3]) * (coefs[2] * x + coefs[1])))
lines(x, y)
The code for the "manual" implementation of the perceptron is as follows:
dat = read.csv("perceptron.txt", header=F)
dat[,1:2] = apply(dat[,1:2], MARGIN = 2, FUN = function(x) scale(x)) # scaling the data
data = data.frame(rep(1,nrow(dat)), dat) # introducing the "bias" column
colnames(data) = c("bias","test1","test2","y")
data$y[data$y==0] = -1 # Turning 0/1 dependent variable into -1/1.
data = as.matrix(data) # Turning data.frame into matrix to avoid mmult problems.
no.iter = 1000 # Number of loops
theta = rnorm(ncol(data) - 1) # Starting a random vector of coefficients.
theta = theta/sqrt(sum(theta^2)) # Normalizing the vector.
h = theta %*% t(data[,1:3]) # Performing the first f(theta^T X)
for (i in 1:no.iter){ # We will recalculate 1,000 times
for (j in 1:nrow(data)){ # Each time we go through each example.
if(h[j] * data[j, 4] < 0){ # If the hypothesis disagrees with the sign of y,
theta = theta + (sign(data[j,4]) * data[j, 1:3]) # We + or - the example from theta.
theta = theta # Else we let it be.
h = theta %*% t(data[,1:3]) # Calculating h() after iteration.
theta # Final coefficients
mean(sign(h) == data[,4]) # Accuracy
With this, I get the following coefficients:
bias test1 test2
9.131054 19.095881 20.736352
and an accuracy of 88%, consistent with that calculated with the glm() logistic regression function: mean(sign(predict(fit))==data[,4]) of 89% - logically, there is no way of linearly classifying all of the points, as it is obvious from the plot above. In fact, iterating only 10 times and plotting the accuracy, a ~90% is reach after just 1 iteration:
Being in line with the training classification performance of logistic regression, it is likely that the code is not conceptually wrong.
QUESTIONS: Is it OK to get coefficients so different from the logistic regression:
(Intercept) test1 test2
1.718449 4.012903 3.743903
This is really more of a CrossValidated question than a StackOverflow question, but I'll go ahead and answer.
Yes, it's normal and expected to get very different coefficients because you can't directly compare the magnitude of the coefficients between these 2 techniques.
With the logit (logistic) model you're using a binomial distribution and logit-link based on a sigmoid cost function. The coefficients are only meaningful in this context. You've also got an intercept term in the logit.
None of this is true for the perceptron model. The interpretation of the coefficients are thus totally different.
Now, that's not saying anything about which model is better. There aren't comparable performance metrics in your question that would allow us to determine that. To determine that you should do cross-validation or at least use a holdout sample.
