Merging yaml documents together based on specific key in slice of maps in golang - dictionary

Given the example below. I want to overlay B onto A based on the key type. So, if the same type exists in both A and B, then B will overwrite A, otherwise it just gets appended. If something exists in A, that doesn't exist in B, then it also gets appended to the slice.
service: myservice
- type: slack
- type: email
service: myservice
- type: slack
Overlay B on A
service: myservice
- type: slack
contact: # Slack gets updated
- type: email # email gets appended to slice
I have a tried a few things and It seems like there could be multiple ways to solve this problem.
custom Unmarshaler (seems like this could work). Where I would unmarshal the yaml and then unmarshal it again, but the second time merging it together. Not entirely sure if this is possible though.
Converting it to a map[string]interface{} and trying to just process it this way
Unmarshal each yaml document into a struct and then merge the structs together with reflect
Something I don't know yet?
I dug into unmarshaling both into a struct and then merging those structs. I got close, but get lost when using reflect and how I would go about doing what I want to do.
When I try using something like map[string]interface{}, I'm not sure how to dig deeper into the yaml object. For instance, I know I can do something like
var y1 = []byte(`
service: myservice
- type: "slack"
contact: ""
- type: "email"
contact: ""
func main() {
data:= map[string]interface{}{}
err := yaml.Unmarshal(y1, &data)
if err != nil {
But then how do i loop over contacts and compare using the map[string]interface{} method?
I am trying to learn go, so sorry if I don't phrase this correctly or I am missing something. Thanks for the help!


Filter: [?] can not be applied to primitives processing Spring Cloud Contract DSL

I have a Spring Cloud Contract DSL that looks like this:
package contracts.someconsumer.messaging
Contract.make {
label 'my_label'
// input to the contract
input {
// the contract will be triggered by a method
// output message of the contract
outputMessage {
// destination to which the output message will be sent
sentTo 'Consumer.contractTest.VirtualTopic.some_destination'
// the body of the output message
id: value(consumer('11111111-2222-3333-4444-555555555555'),producer(regex(uuid()))),
correlationId: value(producer(regex(uuid()))),
service: 'MY_SERVICE',
email: ''
Without the "payload" part everything works great. With the payload, I encounter this exception:
com.jayway.jsonpath.InvalidPathException: Filter: [?] can not be applied to primitives. Current context is: {"email":"","legalName":"ACME Inc"}
at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.path.PredicatePathToken.evaluate( ~[json-path-2.2.0.jar:2.2.0]
at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.path.PathToken.handleObjectProperty( ~[json-path-2.2.0.jar:2.2.0]
at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.path.PropertyPathToken.evaluate( ~[json-path-2.2.0.jar:2.2.0]
at com.jayway.jsonpath.internal.path.RootPathToken.evaluate( ~[json-path-2.2.0.jar:2.2.0]
The relevant line from the generated test:
Just a little more info, this is what the serialized message looks like:
2017-09-21 08:32:03.721 INFO 10716 --- [ main] c.v.sccdemo.producer.InviteServiceImpl : Event: {"id":"e63de44e-6e1a-4c4e-b98b-3c49a49efc9c","destination":"VirtualTopic.some_destination","correlationId":"8efb9740-5651-4068-8a6e-574ae7759552","service":"MY_SERVICE","payload":"{\"email\":\"\",\"legalName\":\"ACME Inc\"}","timestamp":1505997123576,"version":"v1"}
Am I doing something wrong in the DSL? Is the 'payload' part of the body expressed correctly?
The payload looks wrong... Notice that it's considering payload as a String value instead of a Map. I guess it's enough to change the payload to the proper one and things should work again!

Using Flow union types for Redux actions

Following the style of this Facebook app sample using Redux and Flow together, I made an action type in this manner:
type Action =
| { type: 'ADD_FILES', files: Array<{ id: number, file: File }> }
| { type: 'HANDLE_IMAGE_PUBLISHED', id: number, name: string }
| { type: 'SET_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS', id: number, progress: number }
But I've found that when I try to process my actions with a reducer, Flow complains if I try to access the name or progress properties, saying "Property not found in object type".
That is, in my reducer, if I check that action.type === 'HANDLE_IMAGE_PUBLISHED' and then access, Flow complains. And the same thing goes for for accessing action.progress property when action.type === 'SET_IMAGE_UPLOAD_PROGRESS'. Both these property accesses should be legit under their respective circumstances, as far as I can tell, but Flow complains.
Yet for some reason it's OK for me to access anywhere, even though one of the types in my union doesn't specify an id property. I'm very confused.
Here is a live demo in the Flow REPL. What am I doing wrong?
This is simply a case of a type refinement invalidation:
Because you are using the value in a callback, Flow pessimistically assumes that you could have re-assigned action before the callback runs (it does not know that the map callback is called immediately). It also does not do the analysis to see that there is no place, in fact, that you re-assign it.
All that's needed is to pull the action out as a const:
export default (state: Array<ImageRecordModel> = [], action_: Action): Array<ImageRecordModel> => {
const action = action_;
(tryflow link)
You may also want to consider enabling const params in your .flowconfig. This does basically what you expect: treats all params as const:

How to dynamically change autoscaling instance names

I have created a heat stack which autoscales depending on CPU use. Each time a new instance is created, it is given a random name.
Is there a way to set a specific name with a counter added to the end of it so that each time a new instance is created it increases by 1?
E.g. Myinstance1, Myinstance2, Myinstance3 ... MyinstanceX
Thanks in advance!
In Openstack HEAT, stack resource names are manipulated with stack_name and suffixed with a short_id. That's why on every autoscaled up instance you could see the instance name as such. This is how the implementation done in overall HEAT project and it is not possible to define instance name suffixed with incremental number.
if i understood you correctly, and if you are Object Oriented Programing:
you are looking for a design pattern called Factory, or more simply, create a static member that will increase in the constructor, and will be added to the name member of the instance created.
You can set the custom names by going to your Auto Scaling Groups and Tags tab, and then adding a tag with the key of "Name" and the value of "MyInstance". Numbering does not make that much sense since your instances are going to be launched and terminated constantly.
Update at 21/09/2020 :
Seems that creating an incremental number is impossible so far, but I found a workaround to achieve my goal, so post here hoping that could give you some ideas.
I tried to find something (which is number) that is created dynamically with the instance for scaling up, to me that is OS::Neutron::Port, so I append one part of IP address after a string to get a distinctive name for each instance.
1.Create a port OS::Neutron::Port.
2.Get IP address using get_attr.
3.Split it with dot as delimiter using str_split.
4.Append one part of the address to the string using str_replace.
Sample Code:
type: OS::Neutron::Port
network: { get_param: network }
- subnet: { get_param: subnet }
type: OS::Heat::Value
# => [192,168,xxx,yyy]
str_split: ['.', { get_attr: [corey_port, fixed_ips, 0, ip_address] }]
type: OS::Nova::Server
template: Corey-%last%
# 0 1 2 3
"last%": { get_attr: [number, value, 3] }
flavor: { get_param: flavor }
The outcome shoud be Corey-168, Corey-50, Corey-254, etc.

Implementing a simple search with Meteor and Iron Router

In the next phase of my Meteor journey (read: learning the ropes!), I'd like to implement a simple search based on user inputed values, then redirect to a route specific to the record returned from the server.
At the moment, I'm picking up the inputed values via this code: 'submit form': (event, template) ->
console.log 'form submitted!'
countryFirst =
countrySecond =
Session.set 'countryPairSearchInputs', [countryFirst, countrySecond]
countryPairSearchInputs = Session.get 'countryPairSearchInputs'
return Router.go('explore')
Happily, the console log returns the desired countryPairSearchInputs variable - an array of two ids. In my file I then have the following:
#route "explore",
path: "/explore/:_id"
waitOn: ->
Meteor.subscribe 'countryPairsSearch'
On the server side, I have:
Meteor.publish 'countryPairsSearch', getCountryPairsSearch
And finally, I have a file in my /lib directory that defines the getCountryPairsSearch function:
#getCountryPairsSearch = ->
CountryPairs.findOne $and: [
{ country_a_id: $in: Session.get('countryPairSearchInputs') }
{ country_b_id: $in: Session.get('countryPairSearchInputs') }
With regards to the search function itself, I have a CountryPairs collection where each record has two ids (country_a_id and country_b_id) - the aim here is to allow users to input two countries, with the corresponding CountryPair then being returning.
I'm currently struggling to tie all the pieces together - the console output on searching is currently:
Uncaught Error: Missing required parameters on path "/explore/:_id". The missing params are: ["_id"]. The params object passed in was: undefined.
Any help would be greatly appreciated - as you can probably tell I'm new to Meteor and am still getting used to the pub/sub methodology!
Edited: mixed up client/server for the publish method when I first posted - the danger of late-night posting!
First, seems you're expecting an :id parameter on your 'explore' route.
If I understand you're case, you're not expecting any params here, so you can just delete ':id' from your route:
#route "explore",
path: "/explore/"
waitOn: ->
Meteor.subscribe 'countryPairsSearch'
or either add a params to your Router.go call:
Router.go('explore', {_id: yourIdVar});
Secondly, you're trying to use a client function: Session.get() server-side. Try to update the publication using a parameter ; or using a
Meteor.subscribe 'countryPairsSearch' countryA countryB
not sure about the coffeescript syntax, check
and server-side
#getCountryPairsSearch = (countryA, countryB) ->
CountryPairs.findOne $and: [
{ country_a_id: $in: countryA }
{ country_b_id: $in: countryB }

How should a Rebol-structured data file (which contains no code) be written and read?

If you build up a block structure, convert it to a string with MOLD, and write it to a file like this:
>> write %datafile.dat mold [
[{Release} 12-Dec-2012]
[{Conference} [12-Jul-2013 .. 14-Jul-2013]]
You can LOAD it back in later. But what about headers? If a file contains code, it is supposed to start with a header like:
rebol [
title: "Local Area Defringer"
date: 1-Jun-1957
file: %defringe.r
purpose: {
Stabilize the wide area ignition transcriber
using a double ganged defringing algorithm.
If you are just writing out data and reading it back in, are you expected to have a rebol [] header, and extend it with any properties you want to add? Should you come up with your own myformat [] header concept with your own properties?
Also, given that LOAD does binding, does it make sense to use it for data or is there a different operation?
Rebol data doesn't have to have a header, but is best practice to include one (even if it's just data).
Some notes:
SAVE is your best bet for serializing to file! or port! and has a mechanism for including a header.
MOLD and SAVE both have an /ALL refinement that corresponds to LOAD (without /ALL, some data from MOLD and SAVE cannot be reliably recovered, including Object, Logic and None values).
LOAD discards the header, though you can load it using the /HEADER refinement.
Putting this together:
save/all/header %datafile.dat reduce [next "some" 'data][
title: "Some Data"
header: take data: load/header %datafile.dat
To use a header other than Rebol [], you'd need to devise a separate loader/saver.
For the case of reading, construct works very well alongside load to prevent evaluation (of code as opposed to data):
prefs: construct/with load %options.reb default-prefs
It is:
Similar to context
obj: [
name: "Fred"
age: 27
city: "Ukiah"
obj-context: context obj
obj-construct: construct obj
In this case, the same:
>> obj-context = obj-construct
== true
when it comes to evaluating code:
obj-eval: [
name: uppercase "Fred"
age: 20 + 7
time: now/time
obj-eval-context: context obj-eval
obj-eval-construct: construct obj-eval
This time parsing differently:
>> obj-eval-context = obj-eval-construct
>> ?? obj-eval-construct
obj-eval-construct: make object! [
name: 'uppercase
age: 20
time: now/time
This is the point I realize the following code wasn't behaving as I expected:
obj-eval: [
title: uppercase "Fred"
age: 20 + 7
city: "Ukiah"
time: now/time
gives in red (and by extension, rebol2):
>> obj-eval-construct: construct obj-eval
== make object! [
title: 'uppercase
age: 20
city: "Ukiah"
time: now/time
lit-word! and lit-path! is different.
TODO: question
It has also
Useful refinement /with
Which can be used for defaults, similar to make
