Qtreeview collapse expand branch icons download? - icons

I'm wondering where I can download these branch expand/collapse bitmaps that one can find in a standard file explorer for instance (the + - and |- bitmaps) ?
Tried flaticon and checked as well posts on QTreeview but did not succeed.


Atom Package Tree View?

I just started using Atom and can't figure out how to display files/folders that are included in .gitignore. I've seen posts that say to uncheck hide vcs ignored files in tree view but I can't even find tree view, haha!
There are three things you need to check:
1.) There is a option in the "View" menu to toggle the tree view:
2.) If it's still not visible, please check if the Core Package "tree-view" is enabled:
3.) Now to get Atom showing you VCS ignored files, you need to disable "Hide VCS Ignored Files" on the Settings pane of the "tree-view" package:

How do "theme" icons work in Qt Creator Designer?

When I create the "Command link button" (QCommandLinkButton) it has relatively nice green arrow icon.
I would like to see what other nice icons can I choose. When I try to change the icon, [Theme] appears instead of path or some GUI selection dialog:
I also noticed the context menu:
When I click Set icon from theme, again expecting some GUI selection list, I get just a text field:
What I was imagining:
Where's the list of icons from which the green arrow was taken?
QIcon::fromTheme works under specific conditions.
If it can find it in the QIcon::themeSearchPaths() for the QIcon::themeName()
If the desired icon isn't there, Qt Designer won't be able to do any of the from theme, named icons.
But... if you check your target system for the theme search paths and set the theme name, you are more likely to have success.
On linux, I wanted to get a plus and a minus icon.
I found list-add.png and list-remove.png fit the bill.
I did a locate on my system and found these:
Forcing with fallback icon in QIcon::fromTheme
Find the icon on the filesystem:
Find the icon in the qt resource system...
Add the icon in a qrc file in your build, then reference it's path.
Overriding the current icon theme
qDebug() << "themeSearchPaths:" << QIcon::themeSearchPaths() << QIcon::themeName();
// themeSearchPaths: ("/usr/local/share/icons", "/usr/share/icons", ":/icons") "hicolor"
The default theme for the system, and for the target deployment machine, likely didn't have the icons in it I wanted... but the gnome or oxygen icon desktop theme installed would almost always have it...
Note that you won't see the preview in Qt Designer necessarily because it doesn't set the theme until runtime of your code.
The gnome icon library has 1100+ icons in it. Here is one list:
This works as long as you know what themes are available on the target system.
The list from freedesktop.org has 286 icons listed.
Use icons included in Qt
Just like #peppe pointed out, Qt includes 70 standard icons, too.
Using a stock library on your target system is probably the fastest. Using the Qt built-ins is fast to figure out and use, but is fairly limited. Using a resource file is probably the most robust method, and gives unlimited options on what icon to use.
Be sure to pick a standard icon pack, and think about licensing and attributions, and some other things like that.
And there is no shortage of icons available online:
Hope that helps.
I don't think that's the function you want to use. The "theme" name there corresponds to the QIcon::fromTheme functionality, which uses icons named according to the FDO specification
And they're not really supported on non-FDO platforms (Windows, Mac, ...) unless you deploy your own theme files.
Now some stock icons are shipped with Qt itself; I don't know how to set them from Designer, but from code you can use QStyle::standardIcon:
If the icon you need is not provided by Qt, you'll need to ship it. In that case the Resource System is a convenient way to bundle it alongside your executable.
Last, but not least, from a UX point of view you should consider using QToolButtons unless you're really building a Vista-like wizard.

Change virtual keyboard to AZERTY

I have a javafx application that is supposed to run in fullscreen mode on a Windows tablet.
My problem is, when the keyboard appears, it's in QWERTY whereas my tablet is in AZERTY.
So the question is : Is there a way to use the system virtual keyboard or to switch the javafx virtual keyboard to AZERTY?
I found you question while trying to accopllish the same thing.
I spent a day trying to make javafx display an AZERTY keyboard and i found a solution!
Well let me be clear : javafx gave no way at all to have an azerty keyboard so you have to hack a little.
The solution bellow is not a perfect one and you'll have to repeat it each time you update javafx, but it will allow you to extrem customize the keyboard far beyong querty and azerty.
SOLUTION 1 (dirty but works )
You will need to edit a file in javafx file shipped with the JDK
GO to the JDK (in Mac : /Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/jdk1.8.0_77.jdk/Contents/Home)
Go inside jre/lib/ext and copy javafx jar called jfxrt.jar to a folder on your desktop.
Install EMACS if you don't have it and open the copied jar file with this software
Browse files list searching for com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/TextBoard.txt
the list is sorted from A-Z so use it (there is more than 6000 files).
Open it and HERE you are. Change characters to whatever order makes you happy. I joined the azerty order.
Save and copy back the jfxrt.jar to where it was. Done.
Note: don't try to extract the jar and rezip it, it won't work as jdk keeps an index list of files.
Result:azerty javafx virtual keyboard in action
SOLUTION 2 (Clean but i didn't finish it)
Whene i digged into javafx classes i found out that the class responsible for loading the TextBoard.txt file that lays out the keyboard is FXKVSkin
This class is meant to receive other type of keyboards than the lonly qwerty default one.
All you have to do is add this in your code :
Where mykeyboard is a file you created like TextBoard.txt called MykeyboardBoard.txt (capitals letters are important).
FXKVSkin will look now for a file called MykeyboardBoard.txt, and here's where my adventure ended.
You will need to make FXKVSkin find your file, i tried by adding a file to the classpath at runtime solutions Here but it didn't work.
If anyone can solve this problem, please add it as an answer, it would be a less dirty solution.
Hope the solutions will help some non english speakers! :p
The definition of the layout is contained in jfxrt.jar (part of the Java install). It is described by TextBoard.txt. It is possible to browse in the jfxrt.jar with 7zip or similar programs. TextBoard.txt is in com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/
This file is loaded com/sun/javafx/scene/control/skin/FXVKSkin.java is responsible for loading the TextBoard.txt file. Browse the javafx source (included via the jdk and contained in javafx-src.zip) to see how it is processed. Maybe this will give you enough information to load your own TextBoard.txt file.

Chromium based Browser "slimjet" toolbar grafical resources (icons)

I want to modifiy slimjet for personal use and searched through gits, reshacked all dll files and the app exe but I can't seem to find the resources I want to change. Does anybody know, where the grafical resoucres - icons or buttons for the toolbar - are stored in chromium derivatives general, but especially slimjet? I am not talking about the extension buttons. I mean those for "home" and navigation.
Are they inside the compiled binary file inside the exe or inside the .pak file I can not reshack or unpack?
Any clue or hint or help is appreciated.

Why is my Settings.bundle empty?

I'm teaching myself iOS programming and am trying to add a Settings Bundle Resource to my Hello World app, following instructions in the iOS Application Programming Guide. The Settings.bundle object is created in my project (with the disclosure triangle) but there are no files inside.
I expected a Root.plist and en.lproj/Root.strings
Am I missing something in my Xcode4 installation or Xcode setup?
If you click on it with the mouse, and choose "Show in Finder", and in Finder click on it and choose "Show Package Contents", you'll see that it's a directory.
(I found the answer at http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/92361-settings-bundle-corrupted-newly-added-settings-bundle-also-bad-xcode-4-2-a.html )
Click on the Settings.bundle file in the left window; from main menu choose View -> Utilities -> Show FileInspector. Then change fileType to "applicationBundle" -- the two missing files will show under Settings.bundle.
(FileInspector is the right column (to the right from the central view(s)), the tab with an icon showing a page with a paper-clip in the corner)
Just for completeness, this was fixed in a newer version of Xcode. I'll remember to include versions numbers next time.
