Why is my Settings.bundle empty? - xcode4

I'm teaching myself iOS programming and am trying to add a Settings Bundle Resource to my Hello World app, following instructions in the iOS Application Programming Guide. The Settings.bundle object is created in my project (with the disclosure triangle) but there are no files inside.
I expected a Root.plist and en.lproj/Root.strings
Am I missing something in my Xcode4 installation or Xcode setup?

If you click on it with the mouse, and choose "Show in Finder", and in Finder click on it and choose "Show Package Contents", you'll see that it's a directory.
(I found the answer at http://www.iphonedevsdk.com/forum/iphone-sdk-development/92361-settings-bundle-corrupted-newly-added-settings-bundle-also-bad-xcode-4-2-a.html )
Click on the Settings.bundle file in the left window; from main menu choose View -> Utilities -> Show FileInspector. Then change fileType to "applicationBundle" -- the two missing files will show under Settings.bundle.
(FileInspector is the right column (to the right from the central view(s)), the tab with an icon showing a page with a paper-clip in the corner)

Just for completeness, this was fixed in a newer version of Xcode. I'll remember to include versions numbers next time.


Change gps behaviour on build target compile file

If I use the GNAT Programming Studio (GPS) to build a single file (Build target Compile file), the editor jumps to the first location in the file with a build warning/error.
It is possible to disable this behaviour using a setting?
Yes. That's apparently an "Advanced" feature, and a bit harder to find than other settings...
Open the Preferences dialog (Edit -> Preferences).
Next to the search preference... box, there's a menu icon. Click on it, and tick off the Show advanced preferences option. An Advanced category has now been added to the list on the left. In there, you will find a Jump to first location option.

Customize Applescript app icon

I have created my AppleScript, tested it, saved it as an .app and it works.
Now, how do I set a custom icon for it?
I have done a bit of googling and tried a few different things but cannot get it to work. The app is mainly for me and maybe some people I know to make workflows easier so having a nice little icon makes a huge difference.
Can anyone help with this please?
Basically you need an .icns icon file.
Open your application with right-click > Show Package Contents
Navigate to Contents > Resources
Delete applet.icns
Drag the custom icon file into the Resources folder
Rename the icon file in Resources to applet.icns
To update the icon appearance open and re-save the applet in Script Editor.
This is how I do it:
In Finder, select your icon file.
Get Info (CMD-I) on the file.
Click the icon in the top left corner of the Get Info window.
Copy it via CMD-C.
Now Get Info on your AppleScript file.
Click the icon in the top left corner of the Get Info window.
Paste the icon using CMD-V.
The AppleScript icon should be replaced by the icon copied from the icon file.
A screen recording demonstrating this process can be viewed at this answer from AskDifferent.
Just building into #pipwerks answers: You can also use Drag&Drop!
(Optional) Create your icon online from any image on https://iconverticons.com/online/ and download de .icns file for your icon.
Get Info (CMD-I) on you AppleScript file.
Now Drag&Drop your .icns file into the small icon in the top left corner.
It works and now it's ready to add it to the dock or wherever you want.
On newer systems if the above methods do not work there is another solution.
In Script Editor, after opening our script (.app), choose View -> Show Bundle Contents from the menu (or press cmd +0).
In the panel that will expand on the right (Bundle Info) in the Resources section, right-click the applet.icns file and select delete from the drop-down menu.
Our new icon file with the same name applet.icns drag and drop into the window Resources where you just deleted it.
Save application and voila :-D
Here's another way on newer systems, I'm using macOS 12.1.
Open the new icon image file in Preview and choose File > Export...
Hold down the Option key while selecting "Format" and see a whole bunch of new choices including ICNS.
Save it, drop it in your Resources folder, and you're good to go.

Eclipse 4 RCP Vogel tutorial. No toolbar icon

OS X 10.7.5, Eclipse 4.3 Kepler build ID 20130919-0819, Java 1.7.0_51
I'm following along the Vogel tutorial, and I have (another) problem. I've added a toolbar as described in the tutorial, but no icons appear on the toolbar. The toolbar itself appears, but it is empty. If I click in the empty space where the icon should be, the handler is called as expected. I can add an icon file to my project, and have my HandledToolItem point to it, and in that case the icon is visible, and operates as expected.
Should I expect default icons to appear automatically? Do I have to import or include standard Eclipse icons somehow? Or do I have to add each icon manually (I rather doubt this is the case.)
Thanks, gary
You can add Icons via the platform-notation, e.g. platform:/plugin/de.myplugin.ui/icons/icon.gif.
Using this way, you can also access eclipse-build-in-icons.
See this blogpost: http://codeandme.blogspot.co.at/2012/07/reusing-platform-images.html for a plugin to browse the available plugins.

How to change JavaFx native Bundle exe icon

I am trying to chance the icon of the exe file created native bundling of javafx packaging but it still contains the default icon. Please suggest
did not help, it only changes the title bar and task bar icon.
The ico file still gets generated and icon of the exe files remains the default one
I also tried to assign an icon in the project properties-> Deployment-> icon but did not help
I believe I have encountered the same issue and the solution is described in the following thread.
As a side note - neither specifying your icon in the build.xml file or via the project's options in the deployment section is going to work thus far, but it seems to be fixed in the upcoming release of 7u10.
I added response here How to set custom icon for javafx native package icon on Windows and thinks it is the same issue you started out with. However you seem to have moved on, but others might find it interesting...
I added src/main/deploy/package/windows/myapp.ico there and it finally worked :)
For you:
Create src/main/deploy/package/windows/ folder
Add icon with name ${project.build.finalName}.ico
Run mvn jfx:build-native
I haven't played with it extensively - just got it to work and wanted to share. So if you want to use icon with different name, I don't know how. Not yet at least. The ... section in the config section seems to be for webstart, so I haven't been using it. Hope you get it to work!
Answered at How to set custom icon for javafx native package icon on Windows

How to change a file path in xcode 4?

I have a project where a couple of files are in red, In XCode 3 I used to click the file Get Info and change the Path, but I have no idea how to do it in the new XCode 4.
Click on your file, and then open the right side pane (there is a button in the top right corner). There you will see Identity and Type. Under the location drop down there is a small icon of I'm not sure what. If you click it, it lets you choose a file. I think that is what you want.
My method of choice is to just drag in the files from the new location and delete the references to the ones in the old location.
