Theming rss in drupal 9 - drupal

I have a mystery about RSS feed generated by Views RSS
In a Drupal 9 project I have a custom theme. In this custom theme I have
but it never uses by Drupal.
In CUSTOM_theme.theme I have
function CUSTOM_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
and the path for the theme is good..
string(34) "themes/custom/CUSTOM_theme/templates"
BUT in web/core/lib/Drupal/Core/Theme/ThemeManager.php I add (only for test, of course, I don't want to modify this file) for the hook views-view-row-rss
echo '<pre>';
And the result says the path is
string(35) "modules/contrib/views_rss/templates"
More mysterious, in both cases, the thme_path is good
["theme path"]=>
string(24) "themes/custom/CUSTOM_theme"...
Do you know how to correct this and use the web/themes/custom/CUSTOM_theme/templates/views-view-row-rss.html.twig

Ok, someone found the trouble on a Discord, thanks to him.
* Implemenents hook_theme_registry_alter().
function views_rss_theme_registry_alter(array &$registry) {
// Use the twig file that comes with this module so that the CDATA wrapper can
// be added.
$module_dir = \Drupal::service('extension.list.module')->getPath('views_rss');
$registry['views_view_row_rss']['path'] = $module_dir . '/templates';
the module will search the path on views_rss each time.
So, the solution is to do
function CUSTOM_theme_registry_alter(array &$registry) {
// Use the twig file that comes with this module so that the CDATA wrapper can
// be added.
$module_dir = \Drupal::service('extension.list.theme')->getPath('NAME OF THEME');
$registry['views_view_row_rss']['path'] = $module_dir . '/templates';


Drupal 7 - Theme the user profile form

I'm trying to theme my Drupal site's user profile form at the moment. I'm using hook_form_alter in the theme's template.php file.
The code is the same as the code I've used to edit another form but for some reason I can't spot it's not working.
function THEME_NAME_form_alter(&$form, &$form_state, $form_id) {
if ($form_id == 'user_profile_form') {
$form['current_pass']['#prefix'] = '<div class="loginFormBlock">';
$form['current_pass']['#suffix'] = '</div>';
$form['current_pass']['#size'] = '500';
//$form['actions']['submit'] = array('#type' => 'image_button', '#src' => base_path() . path_to_theme() . '/images/Login.png');
Now the commented out submit button part works when it's un commented but the current_pass bits don't do anything. Current_pass is the name of the field I'm trying to theme. THEME_NAME has been replaced by the theme's name.
As suggested I looked into the $form array.
echo '<pre>';
echo '</pre>';
Saw that current_pass was in the account array and amended the code to the following, which works fine.
$form['account']['current_pass']['#size'] = '500';
Hopefully this can help someone else.
I was just going to say same thing - do a dump of $form and make sure that the field actually exists - if it does and it still doesn't work then there may be another hook being called after yours and changing your changes.
ps: I am still using D6 but are you sure your putting your form_alter function in the right place? yours says THEME_NAME_form_alter - I know in D6 you have to put them in module layer not the theme layer (unless this has changed in D7???) - could this be your issue?

Wordpress - How to include() a file that lies in another dir

I am writing a plugin that will take advantage of other plugin's features (think about a plugin for a plugin).
My file lies in /plugins/new-plugin/new-plugin.php
and I need to make a
so I can use a couple of functions from the old-plugin.php file.
What is the correct way to do this? I could maybe make the functions in old-plugin.php available globally, but I don't want to change the old-plugin.php file.
I've already tried several ways to do this, but none worked. The new-plugin will only show some info in an options page, not viewable for the general public and does not interact with any public page or post in my site.
I've already tried $_SERVER, WP_PLUGIN_DIR, WP_CONTENT_DIR, the absolute server path, relative paths and even some black magic, but nothing seems to work good.
With some of this solutions the plugin's options page shows good but the blog's pages do not render. With other solutions the inverse happens, and with some other solutions nothing even render, be it admin pages or blog's pages, all with errors regarding to file not found.
The new-plugin.php is as simple as
WP Common Headers
global $wpdb;
if ( ! defined( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR' ) )
define( 'WP_CONTENT_DIR', ABSPATH . 'wp-content' );
if ( ! defined( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR' ) )
define( 'WP_PLUGIN_DIR', WP_CONTENT_DIR . '/plugins' );
include '/server-absolute-path/public_html/gameblogs/wp-content/plugins/old-plugin/old-plugin.php';
add_action('admin_menu', 'new_plugin_menu');
function new_plugin_menu() {
$page_title = 'New Plugin';
$menu_title = 'New Plugin';
$function = 'new_plugin_admin_page';
$menu_slug = 'new_plugin';
add_menu_page($page_title, $menu_title, 0, __FILE__, $function);
function new_plugin_admin_page() {
$result = old_plugin_link_data(" WHERE link_destination NOT LIKE '/%' AND link_destination NOT LIKE '%gameblogs%'");
$total = count($result);
old_plugin_list_links($result, $total, FALSE, FALSE);
thanks for any ideas!
check the old plugin files and see if there are any do_actions or apply_filters in it. If there are then you can hook into the old plugin script with your new plugin using add_action and apply_filters and execute other things you want to do.
For example (very basic example):
If in old plugin you find a:
In your new plugin you can hook into it by doing:
`add_action('some_type_of_reference', 'name_of_my_function');
function name_of_my_function() {
//executed code here
If in old plugin you find a:
apply_filters('some_type_of_reference', $variable);
Then in your new plugin you can hook into the filter by doing:
apply_filter('some_type_of_reference', 'my_function');
function my_function( $variable ) {
//act on the variable from the filter.
return $variable;
Have you looked at the plugins_url function? I haven't had an in-depth read through your code, but it might help.
The plugins_url template tag retrieves the url to the plugins directory or to a specific file within that directory. You can hardcode the plugin slug in $path or pass FILE as a second argument to get the correct folder name.
Hope this helps!

How to insert a block into a node or template in Drupal 7?

In Drupal 6, it was easy to insert a block into a template with the following code:
$block = module_invoke('views', 'block', 'view', 'block_name');
print $block['content'];
However, using the same instructions in Drupal 7 does not seem to work. I have looked around and cannot find the new method.
Does Drupal 7 have a routine that can allow for programmatically inserting a block into a template or node?
$block = module_invoke('module_name', 'block_view', 'block_delta');
print render($block['content']);
'module_name' = The machine name of the module (i.e. the module's folder name). This is true for core modules too, so for instance 'search', 'user' and 'comment' would all work here.
'block_delta' = The machine name of the block. You can determine what this is by visiting the block administration page and editing the block. The URL for editing a webform block, for instance, would be something like:
Drupal 7: admin/structure/block/manage/webform/client-block-11/configure
In this example, 'webform' is the module's name, 'client-block-11' is the block's delta.
Custom blocks will have module name of 'block' and a number for a delta, which you can also find by editing the block.
More information:
This appears to be the solution for inserting blocks into templates for Drupal 7, but it seems a bit clunky and I have no idea about impact on performance:
$block = block_load('views', 'block_name');
$output = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
print $output;
If anyone has a better procedure, please do add.
With wrburgess's answer you may get an error if your server is using a newer version of PHP.
Strict warning: Only variables should be passed by reference in include()...
This is what I did to not cause/get rid of the error.
$blockObject = block_load('views', 'block_name');
$block = _block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($blockObject)));
$output = drupal_render($block);
print $output;
This work for me:
98 is the id of the block
$block =block_load('block',98);
$output = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($block))));
print $output;
Just tested this in drupal 7 and it works:
$bloqueServicios = module_invoke('views', 'block_view', 'servicios-blo_home');
print render($bloqueServicios);
Good luck!
The module_invoke() function works. However, I found that rendering a block this way apparently won't use a custom template for that block. This might be OK depending upon your needs.
As commented before in other answers, this works as well and also makes use of custom templates:
$raw_block = block_load('your-module', 'delta');
$rendered_block = drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array($raw_block))));
print $rendered_block;
So, if you have a custom block--your-module--delta.tpl.php template file, it will be used to format the block.
For some reason render() doesn't work for me, but this does:
$block = module_invoke('block', 'block_view', '1');
echo $block['content'];
In my search to include a block in a template, i came across this post.
As an addition, if you want to include a custom block (that you added through the block interface) you have to use (instead of block_load(); in drupal 7)
$block = block_get_custom_block($bid);
$content = $block['body'];
Improving wrburgess' answer, you can do it in one line...
<?php print drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array(block_load('module_name', 'block_delta'))))); ?>
So for example, I use block number 6...
<?php print drupal_render(_block_get_renderable_array(_block_render_blocks(array(block_load('block', '6'))))); ?>
This worked for my Drupal 7 ,
URL: admin/structure/block/manage/addthis/addthis_block/configure
NOTE:delta and module name present in the url itself
$addblock = module_invoke('addthis','block_view','addthis_block');
print render($addblock['content']);
More information can be found on
$block = module_invoke('menu_block', 'block_view', '6');
echo render ($block['content']);
This works for me for printing menu block.
There's module called insert_block for those which want to insert block "Drupal way" (not to program anything, just enable the module). Here's how to set it up.
NOTE: I know this question is about "programmatically inserting a block into a template or node" but Google sends people here even their are looking for non-programmer solution like me.
Have a look how Drupal does it in _block_render_blocks. The result of that function gets passed to drupal_render.
Recently I faced the same issue and I came across a nice solution which describes the solution in drupal as drupal's way.
You can print regions inside any template, but they aren't available out of the box in the node.tpl.php template. To make them available, you'll create a new variable for use in your node.tpl.php template that'll contain all the region content.
Creating new template variables is done by using a preprocess function. In your theme's template.php file, create a function that looks like this:
function mytheme_preprocess_node(&$variables) {
// Get a list of all the regions for this theme
foreach (system_region_list($GLOBALS['theme']) as $region_key => $region_name) {
// Get the content for each region and add it to the $region variable
if ($blocks = block_get_blocks_by_region($region_key)) {
$variables['region'][$region_key] = $blocks;
else {
$variables['region'][$region_key] = array();
Then, in your theme's node.tpl.php template, you can render any region by doing the following:
<?php print render($region['sidebar_first']); ?>
Where sidebar_first is the name of the region you want to render.
Read the complete article here:
module_invoke Working fine for render block in the template file, but it's not working multilingual sites.

Content elements for wordpress

I'm looking for a plugin (or better yet, not a plugin) for wordpress that lets me generate standard content elements, or includes for posts and pages.
For example, my_content_1 could be:
buy it now for $23!!
Which could then be included in posts and pages using some kind of syntax (or whatever) like:
Welcome to my site, blah blah blah.. check out this product - %my_content_1%
Not looking for anything fancy, anything that does this sort of thing would be awesome.
The point of this being much like a regular php include I could have the same information updated in one place and applied over many pages/posts.
I found something that is pretty much what I'm looking for:
However, other suggestions would be good as I'm not too confident in the quality of the code for that plugin.
Not sure about a plugin, but how about simply creating something yourself? If you created a PHP page and set up variables such as
$content->title = "This is a title"
$content->smallText = "Insert some short paragraph here"
And then just include it in your header? You could store it in your theme directory and then call it like so
<?php $themeFolder = get_bloginfo("template_url"); ?>
<?php include($themeFolder."/content.php") ?>
Would that be suitable?
How about creating a few files and link them in using shortcode?
ie: open your themes/functions.php file add this..
function wp_my_shortcodes($atts)
'type' => '', //author, rss, adverts
), $atts));
switch($type) {
case 'author' : $display = wp_display_author_info(); break;
case 'rssview' : $display = wp_display_rss_info(); break;
case 'adverts' : $display = wp_display_adverts(); break;
default : $display = wp_display_author_info(); break;
return $display ;
add_shortcode('mycontent', wp_my_shortcodes);
function wp_display_author_info()
function wp_display_rss_info()
function wp_display_adverts()
using shortcodes inside your posts you can then bring in which ever piece of content that you want.. in the example above I've created 3 pages in the template root folder called
my_author_info.php, my_rss_info.php, my_adverts.php all of which speak for themself..
this page could use the the_author_meta() to populate a div box with included author info,
include your subscription box to let users subscribe to your blog
include 4x 125x125 adverts?
so in the post i could use
[mycontent type='author']
[mycontent type='rssview']
[mycontent type='adverts']
if no argument is added to the shortcode then the default view is shown, in this case..
would return the authorview as default...
this would then include that file in the content...
just remember to create the included files :)
I found something that is pretty much what I'm looking for:

Load view template on module activation

I have developed a blogger-like archive feature (you know, from the feature module).
I want to edit the .module file in order to automatically load the view-template (which is bundled in the feature) into the theme. Is there a way to do it?
On a general level: you should think "features = modules" and leaving theming for... themes! This does not mean that you shouldn't include a template with your feature, but that you should evaluate whether the template you have built suits a general use of your feature or it is specific for your currently used theme. If it is the latter case, you should not package your template file with the feature, but leave it with the theme instead. Just think to how the views module works, to get an idea of what I mean.
[Maybe you are already aware of this and made your considerations to this regards, in which case simply disregard what above. I thought about writing it because your sentence "I want the tpl.php to be actually available for the feature to use it (just as if it were in the active theme folder)" surprised me as general-use templates do not live in the theme folder but in the their module one, and moreover views already provide a "general use" template.]
That said, the way you normally tell drupal to use a given template, is via implementing hook_theme() in your module. In this case - though - given that you are going to override the template defined by views you should implement hook_theme_registry_alter() instead.
Somebody actually already did it. Here's the code snippet from the linked page:
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$my_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'MYMODULE');
$hooks = array('node'); // you can do this to any number of template theme hooks
// insert our module
foreach ($hooks as $h) {
_MYMODULE_insert_after_first_element($theme_registry[$h]['theme paths'], $my_path);
function _MYMODULE_insert_after_first_element(&$a, $element) {
$first_element = array_shift($a);
array_unshift($a, $first_element, $element);
Of course you will have to alter the theme registry for your view, rather than for a node (the original example refers to a CCK type).
As on using the template in the views_ui, I am not sure weather the features module already empty the theming cache when you install a feature (in which case you should be good to go). If not, you can trigger it manually by invoking cache_clear_all() from your install file. If emptying the entire cache is too much, you should dig into the views module on how to flush the cache relatively to a single views.
Hope this helps!
Try to add this to your feature .module file
* Implementation of hook_theme_registry_alter().
function MYMODULE_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$theme_registry['theme paths']['views'] = drupal_get_path('module', 'MYMODULE');
On the .install file use this
* Implementation of hook_enable().
function MYMODULE_enable() {
Here is my snippet to declare views templates stored in the "template" folder of my "custom_module":
* Implements hook_theme_registry_alter().
function custom_module_theme_registry_alter(&$theme_registry) {
$extension = '.tpl.php';
$module_path = drupal_get_path('module', 'custom_module');
$files = file_scan_directory($module_path . '/templates', '/' . preg_quote($extension) . '$/');
foreach ($files as $file) {
$template = drupal_basename($file->filename, $extension);
$theme = str_replace('-', '_', $template);
list($base_theme, $specific) = explode('__', $theme, 2);
// Don't override base theme.
if (!empty($specific) && isset($theme_registry[$base_theme])) {
$theme_info = array(
'template' => $template,
'path' => drupal_dirname($file->uri),
'variables' => $theme_registry[$base_theme]['variables'],
'base hook' => $base_theme,
// Other available value: theme_engine.
'type' => 'module',
'theme path' => $module_path,
$theme_registry[$theme] = $theme_info;
Hope it helps someone.
