No module named 'CLIP' - clip

I want to use simplified cc 12M
but I got "No module named 'CLIP" error, I tried to instll CLIP, but it still didn't work.
See the attachment.
How can I solve this problem?thanks.


How can I interact with the Github API using Perl6?

I want to use the Github API in a script and I want to use it as an experience to get better using Perl6. However, I cannot even get a simple proof of concept to work.
Through some testing I realized that Github requires that you supply a valid user agent so I turned to HTTP::UserAgent. No matter what I try, I get the following error:
Internal Error: 'server returned no data'
in block at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/FD28A8E22DFE16B70B757D9981C7B6C25543060C (HTTP::UserAgent) line 259
in any at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/precomp/F91BAB44DF15C5C298C627DD5E0F9D819ED79939.1517344679.60204/FD/FD28A8E22DFE16B70B757D9981C7B6C25543060C line 1
in method new at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/DDDD4497B34FC81BC1F5FF467999BC4DA2FA1CEB (HTTP::Response) line 25
in method get-response at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/FD28A8E22DFE16B70B757D9981C7B6C25543060C (HTTP::UserAgent) line 291
in method request at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/FD28A8E22DFE16B70B757D9981C7B6C25543060C (HTTP::UserAgent) line 159
in method get at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/FD28A8E22DFE16B70B757D9981C7B6C25543060C (HTTP::UserAgent) line 102
in method get at /Applications/Rakudo/share/perl6/site/sources/FD28A8E22DFE16B70B757D9981C7B6C25543060C (HTTP::UserAgent) line 105
in block <unit> at reporter.pl6 line 12
There is even an example in the the repo that doesn't seem to work for me.
#!/usr/bin/env perl6
use v6;
use HTTP::UserAgent;
my $ua =;
$ua.timeout = 1;
my $response = $ua.get('');
if $ {
say $response.content;
} else {
die $response.status-line;
Any tips on how to connect to Github via Perl 6? I really love many aspects of the language but this type of thing is discouraging.
EDIT: I went on #perl6 irc and no one was able to reproduce this on other OSes. I got it to work on Debian. The issue seems to be with OS X
Although in alpha stage, WebServices::GitHub is perfectly serviceable. You can use it to download user information, or you can use my fork if you want to interact with issues. This program, for instance, is used to download some issues from a particular repo.

A simple AMZI prolog recursion, but is not giving the correct result as expected

So this is my .pro file content (AMZI PROLOG) :
room('dining room').
door(office, hall).
door(kitchen, office).
door(hall, 'dining room').
door(kitchen, cellar).
door('dining room', kitchen).
location('washing machine',cellar).
location(nani,'washing machine').
What I want to achieve is that if I use, for example, is_located_in(X,office), then the result will be :
(in no particular order).
That way, the result will include things that basically located in / on the object in the office, instead of things that located directly in the office.
This is the source :
There is stated that the code are fine, but when I test it, it just returned :
Please help. Thanks.
Try this (in this order):

IDA assembly patching fails with "cannot reach destination from current location"

I'm a newbie in IDA (and reverse engineering).
I'm trying to use the "patch->assembly" option in the edit->patch menu, but it fails with an error I cannot understand.
My current line is "jnz short func" (where func is a label I renamed from loc_xxxx), and I am trying to change it to "jmp short func", but when I click OK I get a message box with the message: "cannot reach destination from current location".
Can anyone explain What does that mean and why doesn't it work? I tried to search all over and I can't find any answer!
I must also add that I'm doing this as part of an IDA tutorial I found (in
Thanks again for your help, I'm really stuck with that!
"jnz short func" and "jmp short func" instructions doesn't have the same number of bytes..Try to keep code alignment with the original code..
Also jnz, jz, ja,..(conditional jumps) don't work with far pointers (i.e. intersegment).. but only jmp..

XCode4 can not Watch value of variables

It's a bit annoying that when I hit a break point in XCode 4, values of Watch Expressions are always grayed out. I have to create dummy variables pointing to the thing I want to watch in order to get around it.
The log says the following errors when I run the app:
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.3 (8J2)/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/IOKit (file not found).
warning: Tried to remove a non-existent library: /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.3 (8J2)/Symbols/System/Library/Frameworks/IOKit.framework/IOKit
Current language: auto; currently objective-c++
warning: Unable to read symbols for /Developer/Platforms/iPhoneOS.platform/DeviceSupport/4.3.3 (8J2)/Symbols/Developer/usr/lib/libXcodeDebuggerSupport.dylib (file not found).
How can I fix this?
As for myself, I debug variables using two handy GDB console commands. You can enter them when in debug mode in debug console after GDB mark. I use "p" command for printing basic C type variables:
p [[[self pointerToMyClass] anotherPointerToOtherClass] someIntValue]
And I use "po" command for printing content of arrays, for checking objects:
po [[[self pointerToMyClass] anotherPointerToOtherClass] someNSArray]
po [[[self pointerToMyClass] anotherPointerToOtherClass] myUIImageView]

Qt moc error 1 - what does it mean?

I'm trying to build a project on Mac OSX, and it's giving me a cryptic error:
[moc_droparea.cpp] Error 1
droparea.cpp is (obviously) a file in the project. I checked that it exists in the project directory and is not corrupted. The file moc_droparea.cpp doesn't show up in the build folder after this error, so I'm assuming it's failing to build for whatever reason, but the error is too vague to help me figure out what's going on. Could anyone help me figure out what this means please?
Click on "compile output", scroll up and click the red line.
In my case the Red line was saying: You cant define an integer value in private slots..
Under the qt creator window, in "progress details" section, there is a button named "compile output" (button number 4). Errors are explained there with red font. Click it and scroll up.
The solution was annoyingly simple. I had a folder structure that put spaces (illegal characters) in the file path. I put underscores instead of spaces and it built fine. I would think the moc pre-processor could handle spaces in file names, but apparently not. I feel foolish, but at least the problem is solved now.
Hopefully this solution can help someone else.
This can be because of few other things as others have mentioned. I would like to add another one which is missing here.
You will get a "moc error 1" in case you create a class and add Q_OBJECT to it but do not inherit from QObject.
If you take a look at Compile Output there is a line saying:
Error: Class contains Q_OBJECT macro but does not inherit from QObject
Hence, the general approach to fix this problem is just taking a look at "Compile Output" window.
This can be because of many things I guess - I had a similar situation where I forgot to remove an entry in the .qrc file that didn't exist anymore.
So check your resource paths as well.
You can right click on the error 1 and select 'View output'. In my case, I had a bad file name in my qrc file.
Like J.Javan already pointed to, it might be helpful to check also the compiler output. In my case I found:
../stateMaschine/usermenu.h:57: Error: Class declarations lacks
Q_OBJECT macro. make: *** [Makefile:215: moc_usermenu.cpp] Error 1
So this helped me to fix the error by correction of the class declaration when using signals and slots:
class Menu : public QObject{
Same Error 1 occured to me due to a ressource file (.qrc) which referred to a file name beginning with a period. When I removed the period from the file name, compilation worked again. Interestingly, the error only occured under Mac OSX using the Clang compiler. On Windows using the gcc compiler, the file name did not provoke an error.
Maybe the "[source file name] Error 1" message in general means that a file could not be found due to unexpected characters in the file path.
In my case, I ran out of space on SD card causing this sort of error.
