How to locate input file on Run? - ada

Using GNAT Studio I have a project with a Main and an input file. The latter is next to the project file. I want to pass the path to the input file as argument to Main Run. How to do that?
(In Visual Studio I'd add it to the project and set "Copy to output directory", then locate it relative the output dir.)

I ended up putting the output files in the project directory and run Main from there:
for Exec_Dir use ".";


How to make setWindowIcon work properly in a stand-alone executable (Qt5.14 + VS2019)?

I am programming a Qt application in MS Visual Studio Community 2019. I am trying to add an icon to my application window with the following command, and I also have the corresponding file my_icon.ico mentioned in the .qrc file:
When I build and run my program in VS, everything is perfect - the icon replaces the standard one. However, when I make a release and try to run the resulting stand-alone executable, the icon is NOT shown! This is particularly weird as images which I also mention in the .qrc file (pictures for buttons) are on their places.
I have tried to put my_icon.ico alongside the .exe file, but with no result.
I give up, please give me a clue what might be happening here.
Thanks to chehrlic, I understood that it was as simple as running the windeployqt.exe on the .exe file build by the Release configuration by Visual Studio.
This will link all required libraries dynamically.
Avoid using this tool while the .exe file is inside the Release folder as it will create many other files & folders near .exe file. I have copied my_app.exe to a fresh directory and ran the following command from it:
C:\Qt\5.14.1\msvc2017_64\bin\windeployqt.exe my_app.exe --release
See for more details.

IAR project variable like $PROJ_DIR$

Is there any possibility in IAR to add additional project variable like $PROJ_DIR$ to specify my project environment?
I like to keep my project portable and adaptable.
Of course there are, according to the manuals:
Variable / Description
$CONFIG_NAME$ The name of the current build configuration, for example Debug or Release.
$CUR_DIR$ Current directory
$CUR_LINE$ Current line
$DATE$ Today’s date
$EW_DIR$ Top directory of IAR Embedded Workbench, for example c:\program files\iar systems\embedded workbench 6.n
$EXE_DIR$ Directory for executable output
$FILE_BNAME$ Filename without extension
$FILE_BPATH$ Full path without extension
$FILE_DIR$ Directory of active file, no filename
$FILE_FNAME$ Filename of active file without path
$FILE_PATH$ Full path of active file (in Editor, Project, or Message window)
$LIST_DIR$ Directory for list output
$OBJ_DIR$ Directory for object output
$PROJ_DIR$ Project directory
$PROJ_FNAME$ Project filename without path
$PROJ_PATH$ Full path of project file
$TARGET_DIR$ Directory of primary output file
$TARGET_BNAME$ Filename without path of primary output file and without extension
$TARGET_BPATH$ Full path of primary output file without extension
$TARGET_FNAME$ Filename without path of primary output file
$TARGET_PATH$ Full path of primary output file
$TOOLKIT_DIR$ Directory of the active product, for example c:\program files\iar systems\embedded workbench 6.n\arm
$USER_NAME$ Your host login name
$ENVVAR$ The environment variable ENVVAR. Any name within $_ and _$ will
be expanded to that system environment variable.
If you go to Tools > Configure Custom Argument Variables you can add variables that you can address with $VARIABLE_NAME$. Not sure if that's exactly what you were looking for.
As a caution, if you are using IarBuild.exe to build from the command line, the workspace or global values set from "Configure Custom Arguments Variables" are not included in the project files (.ewp) and thus is not expanded by IarBuild.exe at build time. This is not an issue if you only use the IDE to build.
I found a reason for my problem (but it givs another one):
I define a windows "path-variable" like LIB_PATH and put it in the IAR project file with $_LIB_PATH_$.This works as long until i save the IAR-project. Then IAR sets all paths realive to $PROJ_DIR$ :-(

Cannot open include file: "ui_window.h" - Visual 2012 + Qt add-in

I created my program in QtCreator, but now I have to move it to VS2012 (with Qt add-in 5.2.1). But visual doesn't find the ui files. I get:
error C1083: Cannot open include file "ui_window.h": No such file or directory"
Yes, I write #include "ui_window.h"
I tried two ways to do that:
creating new project and adding existing files
creating new project and creating new classes, and then copy code from old files to new files (named the same)
If anyone knows where the problem is?
I have had the same issue.
Does it create a header file "ui_window.h" from a file "window.ui" and put it to a directory $(ProjectDir)\GeneratedFiles?
Also you could try to compile "*.ui" file by right mouse click/compile or Ctrl+F7
If Visual Studio doesn't compile the file then check properties of the "*.ui" file:
1) check "Configuration properties/General/Item type: Custom Build
2) check "Custom Build Tool/general/Commad Line, Description and
other arguments".
If it's empty or not set than try to reinstall "Qt Visual Studio Add-in".
Hm, I had the same problem, In my case i fixed it by first clicking on the .ui form file in visual studio, creating some qui in qtDesigner, then I commented out the include causing the problem, built the solution using release mode, got errors, re enableled the include file, and Voila it works perfectly..

How do I add an entire directory to a QT creator project

I have an existing QT Creator project. I want to add an entire directory to this project. I see that I can right click in the project file browser tree and "Add Existing Files..." However through this dialog box, I can only add individual files. How can I include an entire directory?
The simplest way is to directly edit your .pro file, add HEADERS += mydir/*.h and SOURCES += mydir/*.cpp and the contents of the whole directory will show up in QT Creator. Further reference:
Open a terminal, navigate to the folder where you want to have you project file, and then run the command
qmake -project
This will search the current directory and all subdirectories for files with extensions such as .c, .cpp, .h, etc. (the full list is found by typing man qmake).
But keep in mind that it will overwrite your current .pro file if you already have a project set up.
qmake provides a convenient files function for this very purpose. Adding the following line to your project file will add .cpp files inside the src/ directory:
SOURCES += $$files(src/*.cpp)
By default, this is non-recursive. Setting the second parameter to true recursively finds all files:
SOURCES += $$files(src/*.cpp, true)
The files function was introduced since Qt 5.10.
Nowadays you can just right click on project name and select Add existing directory

How To Run MSBuild scripts in .wixproj?

Im trying to learn to make a web installer using Windows Installer XML (WIX 3.5). I found this blog about using msbuild in .wixproj files to avoid the scenario where the installer ends up dropping the web project assemblies right in the root of the app instead of keeping them in the bin folder like they're supposed to be.
Here is the link to that:
But after adding the MSBuild scripts in the .wixproj file, I don't know what to do anymore. According to the instruction after adding the MSBuild script:
"When that target runs, you'll see a .wxs file pop out in the .wixproj project folder. Add the generated .wxs to your .wixproj project so it knows to include it in the build."
I really don7t know what this means. How can I run the target? I tried to build it but there was no .wxs file generated in the .wixproj folder.
Am I missing something? Please help...
Assuming you have added the section from the tutorial:
<Target Name="BeforeBuild">
The target will be run automatically when you build the project. The "BeforeBuild" target is one of the standard entry-points to add your own modifications to the build. The target will then generate a file (named [WebProjectName].wxs that is placed in the same directory as your wixproj file. Click on the show all files button in visual studio and right-click on the file and "Include in project" That will then include the wxs is your installer and when you next build it will have the correct folder/file structure.
