how to solve Browser errors were logged to the console? - wordpress

PageSpeed Insights is showing this error message for my wordpress website (MyBGMI.Com
I can't fix this problem. To be very honest can't understand the problem.
**Errors logged to the console indicate unresolved problems. They can come from network request failures and other browser concerns. Learn more
TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'parentNode') at data:text/javascript;base64,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:1:200**
I tired figured out the issue but did not understand anything. Just checked the page with chrome browser developers tool.
And where i found two erros. but can't understand how to fix them.
enter image description here

This is base64 encoded JavaScript (usually bad when found on WordPress site)
(you can decode it online here:
Decoded it says:
var downloadButton=document.getElementById("download");
var counter=40;
var newElement=document.createElement("p");
newElement.innerHTML="You can download the file in 40 seconds.";
var id;
newElement.innerHTML="JUST WAIT "+counter.toString()+" SECONDS."+"YOUR BGMI 2.3 DOWNLOAD LINK IS GENERATING"
it appears that newElement.parentNode is null and that's what's causing the error.
if this is your code, and a desired code-piece on your WordPress website - try changing if(counter<0){ into if (newElement.parentNode && counter<0) { . otherwise, find where this is coming from, and remove it from your code base.
Try this:
var downloadButton=document.getElementById("download");
var counter=40;
var newElement=document.createElement("p");
newElement.innerHTML="You can download the file in 40 seconds.";
var id;
if (downloadButton && newElement.parentNode) {
newElement.innerHTML="JUST WAIT "+counter.toString()+" SECONDS."+"YOUR BGMI 2.3 DOWNLOAD LINK IS GENERATING"


Using Graph in Outlook addin to read email in MIME format

I am getting lost with Outlook addin development and really need some help.
I have developed an addin that sends selected email to another server via REST API and it worked fine, but there was a limitation to 1MB so I tried to develop a solution that use ewsURL + SOAP but faced with CORS issues.
Now I got a suggestion to use GRAPH approach (fine with me) but I have no idea how that suppose to work using JavaScript.
Basically I need to get an email as MIME/EML format.
I was guided to check this article:
There is endpoint that looks promissing:$value
But I do not see explanation
how to make authorization process?
I have tried to get token from getCallbackTokenAsync but that did not work
I have tried Office.context.auth.getAccessTokenAsync but getting an issue:
Error code: 13000 Error name: API Not Supported.
Error message: The identity API is not supported for this add-in.
how to get email id
I have tried to do Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId but it looks different compare to what I have seen in the examples (but hopefully that is not a problem)
Please help :-)
There are 2 solutions here. It is preferred longer term to use graph end point with and you can use$value. However this solution requires a backend / service . Transferring through backend is preferable for large content so the content can transfer directly from Exchange to the service.
Alternatively, you can get token from getCallbackTokenAsync, from this doc:
As you noted is that you will need to translate the ews id using convertToRestId. Putting together, your solution should look something like this:
Office.context.mailbox.getCallbackTokenAsync({isRest: true}, function(result){
if (result.status === "succeeded") {
let token = result.value;
var ewsItemId = Office.context.mailbox.item.itemId;
const itemId = Office.context.mailbox.convertToRestId(
// Request the message's attachment info
var getMessageUrl = Office.context.mailbox.restUrl +
'/v2.0/me/messages/' + itemId + '/$value';
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();'GET', getMessageUrl);
xhr.setRequestHeader("Authorization", "Bearer " + token);
xhr.onload = function (e) {
xhr.onerror = function (e) {
console.log("error occurred");

Meteor: The application is not spiderable

My application is not spiderable both on local and production.
When I go to http://localhost:3000/?_escaped_fragment_=, I can see the following error appears (phantom is killed after 15 seconds):
spiderable: phantomjs failed: { [Error: Command failed: ] killed: true, code: null, signal: 'SIGTERM' }
It seems that many other people got this problem:!msg/meteor-talk/Lnm9HFs4MgM/YKDMR80fVecJ!topic/meteor-talk/7ZbidddRGo4
The thing is I am not using observatory or select2 and all my publications return a cursor. According to me, the problem comes from the minification. I just read in this thread that someone succeed to display "SyntaxError: Parse error". How can I know more about what is going wrong with Phantom and which file is causing the problem?
This happens when spiderable is waiting for subscriptions that fail to return any data and end up timing out, as mentioned in some of the threads you linked.
Make sure that all of your publish functions are either returning a cursor, a (possibly empty) list of cursors, or sending this.ready().
Meteor APM may be useful in determining which publications aren't returning.
If you want to know more about what is wrong with phatomjs, you might try this code (1):
// Put your URL below, no "?_escaped_fragment_=" necessary
var url = "";
var page = require('webpage').create();;
setInterval(function() {
var ready = page.evaluate(function () {
if (typeof Meteor !== 'undefined'
&& typeof(Meteor.status) !== 'undefined'
&& Meteor.status().connected) {
return DDP._allSubscriptionsReady();
return false;
if (ready) {
var out = page.content;
out = out.replace(/<script[^>]+>(.|\n|\r)*?<\/script\s*>/ig, '');
out = out.replace('<meta name=\"fragment\" content=\"!\">', '');
}, 100);
For use in local, install phantomjs. Then outside your app, create a file phantomtest.js with the code above. And run phantomjs phantomtest.js
Another thing that maybe you can try is to use UglifyJS to catch some errors in the minified JS file as Payner35 did.
My problem was coming from SSL. You can have a complete overview of what I did here.
Edit the spiderable source and add --ignore-ssl-errors=yes to the phantomjs command line, it will work.

LinkedIN Integration JS API

We are integrating with Linked IN to extract the users profile. Its working fine, but we notice in some Windows 7 / IE 9 machines, Linked IN pop up comes up and is blank. We see the below error in console.
Message: Object doesn't support property or method 'replace'
Line: 861
Char: 17
Code: 0
Code Snippet Below
<script type="text/javascript" src="" >
api_key: tw6oqfav7ms1
//We have a custom image for linkedIN, onclick of the same below code is called.
$("#mylinkedin").click(function () {
IN.UI.Authorize().params({"scope":["r_fullprofile", "r_emailaddress","r_contactinfo"]}).place();
IN.Event.on(IN, "auth", onLinkedInAuth);
function onLinkedInAuth() {
IN.API.Profile("me").fields([ "id","firstName", "location","lastName","skills","positions","educations","languages","phone-numbers","certifications","emailAddress","mainAddress"]).result(displayProfiles);
IN.User.logout(); //After we take the data, we do a log out
function displayProfiles(profiles) {
//Access profile and process
member = profiles.values[0]
Thanks for your response.I was able to figure the issue on my own. What we observed was in the Win7 machines with IE9, the Linked IN authorization Pop Up was blank. When I uncheck the "Enable Protected Mode" the pop up is coming up without any issues.
I haven't had a chance to test this, but to me it looks like you've introduced a race condition in your code, specifically, in onLinkedInAuth().
The call to IN.API.Profile() invokes an async call to LinkedIn that may not be complete by the time the JavaScript engine in the IN.User.logout() code.
I would change the code to the following to see if this resolves the issue:
.fields([ "id","firstName", "location","lastName","skills","positions","educations","languages","phone-numbers","certifications","emailAddress","mainAddress"])
.result(function(profile) {
IN.User.logout(); //After we take the data, we do a log out

How to close already open browser from application in Qt

I am using QDeskTopServices to open a URL in my application in Qt, but if the browser is already open in background, it does not come to the foreground and does nothing on calling on QDeskTopServices.
Is there any way to check and close the browser if it is already open in background?
I found an answer for bringing browser to front but still work needed to pass the Url to browser.
#if defined(Q_WS_S60)
TPtrC16 textPtr(reinterpret_cast<const TUint16*>(theUrl.utf16()));
HBufC *param = HBufC::NewMaxLC(textPtr.Length());
RApaLsSession apaLsSession;
const TUid KBrowserUid = {0x10008D39};
TApaTaskList taskList(CEikonEnv::Static()->WsSession());
TApaTask task = taskList.FindApp(KBrowserUid);
if (task.Exists()){
// Switch to existing browser instance
HBufC8* param8 = HBufC8::NewLC(param->Length());
task.SendMessage(TUid::Uid(0), *param8); // UID not used
else {
if(!apaLsSession.Handle()) {
TThreadId thread;
User::LeaveIfError(apaLsSession.StartDocument(*param, KBrowserUid, thread));
If any suggestion then please add it to the answer.
Problem solved, just add "symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += SwEvent" in your file and make signed app. This will solve the problem :)
using the above line you can open browser. And also just add "symbian:TARGET.CAPABILITY += SwEvent" in your file and make signed app.
Refer this LINK

posting message from my site to facebook wall

I am trying to post message on facebook wall . i tried with developer.facebok and the settigns in that asking for site to which i have to link .actually am working on local now and site is not published in a server. how can i post to facebook wall from my local mechine.
var body = 'Reading Connect JS documentation';
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: body }, function(response)
if (!response || response.error)
alert('Error occured');
alert('Post ID: ' +;
I'd suggest alerting the response.error instead of the static string, or set a debugger; point there and look at the value.
Also look at the network traffic and check out the response stream if those don't work.
To post to a wall even after the user left your app (but still left the permissions accepted for publish_stream), then you can just user your app id/secret to post as them. From
Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's
stream and to the streams of the user's friends. With this permission,
you can publish content to a user's feed at any time, without
requiring offline_access. However, please note that Facebook
recommends a user-initiated sharing model.
