posting message from my site to facebook wall -

I am trying to post message on facebook wall . i tried with developer.facebok and the settigns in that asking for site to which i have to link .actually am working on local now and site is not published in a server. how can i post to facebook wall from my local mechine.
var body = 'Reading Connect JS documentation';
FB.api('/me/feed', 'post', { message: body }, function(response)
if (!response || response.error)
alert('Error occured');
alert('Post ID: ' +;

I'd suggest alerting the response.error instead of the static string, or set a debugger; point there and look at the value.
Also look at the network traffic and check out the response stream if those don't work.
To post to a wall even after the user left your app (but still left the permissions accepted for publish_stream), then you can just user your app id/secret to post as them. From
Enables your app to post content, comments, and likes to a user's
stream and to the streams of the user's friends. With this permission,
you can publish content to a user's feed at any time, without
requiring offline_access. However, please note that Facebook
recommends a user-initiated sharing model.


Is there any Possible way to send friend request to facebook user using Facebook Api in react native 2019

i need to implement a functionality that user1 send a friend request to user 2 within my app. both users are loggedin(facebook auth) to my app.
I am using react-native-fbsdk and firebase for login and other stuff.
How do I send friend request to other user within my app.
I tried some methods but failed
1, I can redirect the User1 to User2 profile but it needs (id) like ,this numeric Id is no
more provided by facebook sdk. (see field third_party_id)
2,There are some Dialogs available in Facebook SDK
Like Share Or Send but they useful when user1 and user2 already are friends, which is not the required condition
3,The other way is to send Request Dialog , I applied it
requestDialog (){
var tmp = this;
function(canShow) {
if (canShow) {
function(result) {
if (result.isCancelled) {
alert('Request cancelled');
} else {
alert('Request success with postId: ' + result.postId);
function(error) {
alert('Request fail with error: ' + error);
but this is only for games not apps
So please tell me how to send friend request from my app to other user.
if this is officially not included in facebook sdk , there should a possible side way or hack to this?

Service Worker - Push notification with VAPID prv/pub keys

A couple of years ago I implemented push notification with service worker on a project I was working on, by registering an app on Firebase, and using the registration number as part of the manifest.json file on the server side app. In that case I requested the user to allow notifications, got the browser registration once, saved on server side, and all works fine.
I'm now trying to implement a similar solution, but using the VAPID (
Browser registers correctly, sends the registration to the server side app, and the app is able to send push notifications.
The issue I got is that after at least 24 hours, when I try to send a push notification to an already registered subscription, I get InvalidSubscription response (410 NotRegistered).
Using VAPID, does the browser registration expire after a few hours? do I need to get new registration every certain amount of hours? If yes, how? For example, if user never revisits the site within a day or so, how am I able to keep sending them notifications? I can't find any clear reference for this issue I'm experiencing.
Here is the JS code I use within the SW to get the browser registration:
function postPushReg(sub){
var rawKey = sub.getKey ? sub.getKey('p256dh') : '';
var key = rawKey ?
btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawKey))) :
var rawAuthSecret = sub.getKey ? sub.getKey('auth') : '';
var authSecret = rawAuthSecret ?
btoa(String.fromCharCode.apply(null, new Uint8Array(rawAuthSecret))) :
fetch('https://XXXXX', {
method: 'post',
headers: {'Content-type': 'application/json'},
body: JSON.stringify({endpoint: sub.endpoint, key: key, authSecret: authSecret}),
self.addEventListener('install', function(event){
if (sub) return postPushReg(sub);
return self.registration.pushManager.subscribe({userVisibleOnly: true,
applicationServerKey: urlB64ToUint8Array('XXX')})
self.addEventListener('push', function(e){
This is the Rails/Ruby server side gem (webpush) I use to send the notification:
message: "msg",
endpoint: j['endpoint'],
p256dh: j['key'],
auth: j['authSecret'],
vapid: {
subject: "mailto:XXXX",
public_key: "XXX",
private_key: "XXX",
Again, within the first few hours everything works, then I get 410 NotRegistered response.
Trying the same suggestion posted here: Web Push with VAPID: 400/401 Unauthorized Registration , it is now working fine. I get the browser registration only once, and after 2 days it is still working fine

Google Cloud Print or other service to auto print using C# or PHP

Are there ANY code examples of how to use Google Cloud Print (using the new OAuth 2) and how when a document comes into the Google Cloud Print queue to automatically print it?
Pretty much what I am trying to do is not spend thousands of dollars that when an order is submitted to our online store, that the order automatically gets printed to our printer. Any ideas, pointers, code examples.
I have done a bunch of searching, and a lot of examples using C#, use Google's old service, not the OAuth2, documentation.
Pretty much, I need a service that will sent a print command to our printer when we get an order in. I can write the part from the store to the service, it is the service to the printer part I have a ton of trouble with.
Thanks in advance.
There's a brilliant PHP class you can download and use that does exactly that:
The problem with what you want to achieve is that Google Cloud Print is meant for authenticated users submitting their own print jobs. If I understand correctly, you want to have the server submit a print job as a callback after receiving an order. Therefore, print jobs need to be submitted by a service account, not a Google user. This can be done (we use it in production at the company I work for) using a little hack, described here:
Share printer with Google API Service Account
I can't help you with C# or PHP code, basically you need to be able to make JWT authenticated calls to Google Cloud Print, here you are a code snippet in NodeJS, hope it helps:
var request = require('google-oauth-jwt').requestWithJWT();
service.submitJob = function(readStream,callback) {
// Build multipart form data
var formData = {
printerid: cloudPrintConfig.googleId,
title: 'My Title',
content: readStream,
contentType: "application/pdf",
tag: 'My tag',
'ticket[version]': '1.0',
'ticket[print]': ''
// Submit POST request
uri: cloudPrintConfig.endpoints.submit,
json: true,
method: 'post',
formData: formData,
jwt: cloudPrintConfig.jwt
}, function (err, res, body) {
if (err) {
} else {
if (body.success == false) {
callback('unsuccessful submission',null);
} else {
callback(null, body);
Details about JWT credentials can be found here

Meteor.js google account : filter email and force account choser

In my Meteor.js application, I'm using the accounts-google package in order to be connected with a google account. I have two questions about it.
First, is there a simple way to filter the account used? I would like that the users can connect only with google accounts belonging to my company. Our google account mails end with So it would be a simple mail filtering.
I already done that with some post log in hooks but I was wondering if there was a simpler way for doing it.
My second question is how to force the opening of the google account choser. For now, if I try to connect with a wrong google account, and if I only added this account (like in gmail, drive, etc), the google choser doesn't pop and automatically connect with this wrong account. So, in this case, the user is totally blocked (my application disconnect him if he tries to log in with a wrong account but the google account module doesn't propose him to connect with another account).
Thank you for your help.
In order to restrict signup/login to your domain, simply do on the server:
var checkEmailAgainstAllowed = function(email) {
var allowedDomains = [''];
var allowedEmails = ['',''];
var domain = email.replace(/.*#/,'').toLowerCase();
email = email.toLowerCase();
return _.contains(allowedEmails, email) || _.contains(allowedDomains, domain);
restrictCreationByEmailDomain: function(email) {
if (!email) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403,'This email address is not allowed');
if (!checkEmailAgainstAllowed(email)) {
throw new Meteor.Error(403,'This email domain is not allowed');
return true;
And to login, you'll need on the client:
forceApprovalPrompt: true, //this is what you want, to rerequest approval each time that prompts the google login prompt
loginStyle : "redirect", //or not, depending on your need
requestPermissions : ['profile', 'email'],
requestOfflineToken: true
}, function (err) {
if (err)
// set a session variable to display later if there is a login error
Session.set('loginError', 'reason: ' + err.reason + ' message: ' + err.message || 'Unknown error');
Side note:
Alternatively, you can set up your routes so that every time a new route is called, you login, and every time a route is destroyed or on windows's unload, you call logout. This causes login/logout roundtrip everytime the route changes, but you'll make sure that the new user always has a fresh session
When you log out of your meteor app, you don't log out of google. That's how oauth works. So, basically, if you want a meteor log out to also log the user out of their google account, so that the next time they come back, they need to provide credentials again, you should do:
Meteor.logout(function(e) {
if (e) {
console.log("Could not log the user out")
} else {
This uses the callback of Meteor.logout() so that when the logout is successfull, the user is redirected to google's central account logout url where the user is also logged out of all google services.

Apigee 401 Unauthorized with token_expired

I'm trying to create a user account through the apigee JS API. This worked just fine when I was last doing this before the holidays in mid December. Now, however, I get a 401 Unauthorized error reading token_expired.
Is there a way to refresh the token? I don't know why it would have expired.
This is what I'm trying. First I instantiate the data client. No problems here:
var dataClient;
var client_creds = {
orgName: '*******',
appName: '*******'
dataClient = new Apigee.Client(client_creds);
Later, when trying to create a new user, I get the token_expired error:
dataClient.request(options, function (error, response) {
if (error) {
alert("Something went wrong when trying to create the user. " + response.error)
// Error
} else {
// Success - the user has been created, now login.
dataClient.login(, user.password,
function (err) {
if (err) {
//error - could not log user in
console.log("There was an error logging in " +;
} else {
//success - user has been logged in
I've also tried dataClient.signup, but same error.
There are no refresh tokens within App Services; you'll need to follow the login flow in order to retrieve a new token. Note that you can specify the ttl parameter, like so, so you don't need to do this as frequently:{org}/{app}/token?ttl=604800
By default, this is set to 7 days, but you can change the default app max ttl to 0 (non-expiring) or something else like 31104000000 (365 days).
To do that, you make a PUT request:{org}/{app}/?client_id={app_client_id}&client_secret={app_client_secret}
With JSON payload:
Or for 1 year:
If that doesn't work for you, the authorization tokens for the JavaScript SDK are kept in your browser's local storage. In Chrome, use the Developer Tools. In the Resources tab on the left hand side expand the Local Storage entry. You should see something like "" or something similar. Choose that and on the right hand side you should see an entry for accessToken. Delete that and it should solve your problem.
