I want to get information like how much a particular employee worked this month on certain workspace ,so how can I use Clockify API to get this information?
Thanks in Advance
I'm working on a simple app to programmatically retrieve ads performance within Linkedin. I have general API experience but this is the first time i get my feet wet with the Linkedin API.
One example from Linkedin API documentation suggest something that would get me started:
GET https://api.linkedin.com/v2/adAnalyticsV2?q=analytics&dateRange.start.month=1&dateRange.start.day=1&dateRange.start.year=2016&timeGranularity=MONTHLY&pivot=CREATIVE&campaigns=urn:li:sponsoredCampaign:112466001
I am encountering two problems:
First this example implies that you already know the campaign ID. However I am unable to find a way to retrieve a list of campaign ID's for a given account.
Second, if I manually pull a campaign ID, I receive an error: "{"serviceErrorCode":2,"message":"Too many fields requested. Maximum possible fields to request: 20","status":400}". Pretty clear error.
A little research tells me that by adding the parameter "&fields=" I will be able to limit my query to less than 20 field (I really need only a dozen anyway) but I can't find and documentation regarding the names of the fields available.
Any help or pointer will be appreciated.
please refer the link below scroll down where you ill see the field names mentioned as metrics , these are the fields.
I am trying to get in touch with LinkedIn support for the past month now, unfortunately I had no luck getting to the dev team through the account management.
We are using a reporting tool to pull LinkedIn campaign data via their API. We would like to pull Campaign Names which doesn't seem to be possible at the moment referencing https://developer.linkedin.com/docs/ref/v2/ads/adcampaigns#get
However, is there any kind of way to retrieve the Campaign Names (ID is making it really hard for us to identify campaigns on the fly)? It seems like such a basic request, I find it hard to believe LinkedIn has no way of doing this.
Thanks in advance!!
A little further down that page you referenced is a section called "FINDER" with this:
You will get the "name":"MY_CAMPAIGN_NAME" field there. That's the only place I've found it so far.
I am trying to retrieve the invoice number of a PNR from the Sabre API.
Can anyone advise the correct API to use?
Thank you,
I believe you can use the TravelItineraryHistoryLLSRQ API or the getReservationRQ to gather invoice numbers on all accounting lines. If using the getReservationRQ API, take a look at the fields in the documentation related to InvoiceData.
If you are more familiar with reading native Sabre responses you could also use the SabreCommandLLSRQ API with the entry "*HAC" to bring back a list of all of the historical accounting lines and accompanying invoice numbers, but that gets a little difficult to parse out.
For my recent project, i m trying to develop a brand new report for google analytics using the Sessions data over a period of time.
When I compare the numbers that I get from https://ga-dev-tools.appspot.com/query-explorer/ and check the report that we have created in analytics.google.com the numbers for sessions are off. They dont match exactly. They are off by like 1%. What might be the reason for this.
Can someone please help me here?
I can give more details if needed.
Adding to the above , one more thing I noticed
This happens only When I add Segment filter to be specific. Without the segments the numbers for all users look good.
Had a call with Google Analytics support. They say that there isnt actual support for the Rest Api code and the Front End report from Google Analytics has built in Logic to filter out certain personal information like age related, sex, etc. which is not there in the Rest Api when it pulls in data.
So this is the reason why the numbers are off by 1% all the time.
Hope this helps
I need to get a goal name using google analytics API. I'd like to display this name along with some dimensions such as ga:goalCompletionsAll, ga:goalValueAll but I'm unable to.
I have done some research and all I could find are the explanations here Not getting Goal name using Google Analytics gapi but I'm using coldfusion and http requests to make the API call.
I know that I need to use the Management API to get the goal names and the Core Reporting API for other dimensions. I've done the API calls for both and looked at both responses and I'm unable to connect both results i.e the goal name and dimensions.
Kindly assist and thanks in advance
The reporting API doesn't return the name of the goal. You will need to go though the Management API.
goals.list returns a list of goals for the authenticated user. Then you can check if the goal nr is 1 what the name of it.
Note: Remember goal names can change over time so you cant really store these.
You should have two lists your the metrics you are requesting and the results of the goals.list. Currently there are only XX goal columns for metrics this may change in the future who knows. You will need to test your metrics to find out which number they selected. Depending upon what your application is allowing you can end up with several goals selected in one request.
You want to look at goal.id and goal.name. Goal id is the number.
My application is C# so I cant really share with you how I am handling this.