Identifying individual plots in a Scatter Graph - r

So right now I have a scatter graph with 80 plots that plots out data regarding music albums, my question is, is there any way to individually identify the plot? For example, when I click on the plot, it will tell me the name of the album.
I tried using the identify() command but it seems a bit glitchy right now and I kept getting "no data within 1 inches".


Trying to make a paneled spaghetti chart with highlighted line

I'm trying to make a graph like the one found here at the very bottom:
unfortunately I have a character variable instead of a numeric one for the x axis (I have four years by months), and I don't get the grey lines as in that graph per panel. Does anyone know how else to obtain that graph?
It's hard to say without more details/an example, but it seems like you should be able to do this using the gghiglight package. There's a facetted example half way down this page.

Making a 'flip-book' type animation using density plots from R

I'm new to R, but have worked out how to graph the distribution of my students' grades for a given term using a density plot, and have made some ridgeline plots to show how the distribution evolves throughout the academic year.
I'm thinking it might be fun (and make the graphs easier to interpret) if I could make a kind of flip-book animation that went from one terms grades to the next, relatively quickly, to see how the distribution changes. At its simplest, I could just pop these distribution plots into Powerpoint and just scroll through the pages, but I'm wondering what commands I need to put into R's ggplot command to ensure that the axes/scaling from one chart to the next stays consistent from one chart to the next?
At the moment, I'm just making a simple chart using this command, where HT102 is the data from the 2nd term of Year 10, and A8 is a vector containing all the (numeric) grades. I am then doing the same thing with another set of grades called ht103, and so on...
ggplot(ht102, aes(x = A8)) +
What would you recommend to keep the scaling consistent, and any thoughts on a better way to animate this than just popping them into powerpoint?

Scatter plots in R. Why am I getting boxes around certain points?

Apologies, this is probably the simplest question. I'm having trouble making a scatterplot in R Studio. I am trying to see if amphipod counts are correlated to oxygen content. Whenever I plot this using:
I get a graph with boxes around certain points and I have no idea why. Only 5 points and I can't see anything different about those.

Hyperlink like plots in R

Is there a package in R where if you have a line graph, and you click on one of the lines, it will take you to another graph?
So basically I want to portray a large scale view of paramters and then when I click on one of the lines in the graph, it will take me to a more detailed look at the data in a different graph created.
If that isn't possible, then a text hyperlink in the legend would be fantastic.

multiple plots in r, a, b, c, d with lines and curves

I have some pretty nice plots that I want to present in a report, but I would like to have multiple plots with one common legend, title and caption. The problem is the lines in the plots. So far I have made a plot and added lines or curves from one or several binomial models. These curves/lines exist in different data.frames, but they can fit in the same plot because they have the same parameters and lengths.
I have tried to make a plot where I add all the lines at the same time as the plot is being created but then only the lines show up and i got a lot of errors.
So when i create a plot with lines i do like this:
I cannot upload a picture of the plot, but it's nice.
The problem is that I need to present it with several other plots to explain my point and then I would like to do it as one of several a,b,c,d plots.
I have used
To have all plots visual at the same time but I would like to name them a,b,c,d and have a common legend, title and mtext.
Any suggestions how to do that?
