Scatter plots in R. Why am I getting boxes around certain points? - r

Apologies, this is probably the simplest question. I'm having trouble making a scatterplot in R Studio. I am trying to see if amphipod counts are correlated to oxygen content. Whenever I plot this using:
I get a graph with boxes around certain points and I have no idea why. Only 5 points and I can't see anything different about those.


Identifying individual plots in a Scatter Graph

So right now I have a scatter graph with 80 plots that plots out data regarding music albums, my question is, is there any way to individually identify the plot? For example, when I click on the plot, it will tell me the name of the album.
I tried using the identify() command but it seems a bit glitchy right now and I kept getting "no data within 1 inches".

Is there a way to create a heatmap of multiple values for the same compared variables – essentially a heatmap within a heatmap?

Hi I am new to R and trying to learn. I would like to compare the overlap of 4 clusters which have the same 4 categories each in them. Basically, I am thinking of making a clustered heatmap like this image below that I quickly made as an example in excel. Does anyone know of an R package that would allow me to make a graph like this? So far, I have only found packages that limit you to one variable per X vs Y variable grid space. Thanks so much for your suggestions!

Can I create a target zone on my time series plots in R?

I've created a time series plot in R using the ggplot package, but I wanted to see if I could further customize it by creating target zones. I originally started with an Excel plot that allows me to move a gray box to different areas of the plot as an easier way to point out a range of temperatures. However, I wanted to see if I could replicate this in R. Here's a screenshot of my Excel plot to better explain my goal: Time Series on Excel. On the time series plot, you can see a gray box that you can drag around and change the size of to better define a range of temperatures (in this case, it covers from 15-25C). Is this possible to do on top of my time series plot in R? I'm only starting to code in R so it's been quite hard for me to navigate, and I appreciate any help I could get. Thanks!

geom_bspline across multiple plots combined into a single figure

I would like to create a ggplot2 layer that includes multiple geom_bspline(), or something similar, to point to regions on different plots after combining them into a single figure. A feature in the data seen in one plot appears in another plot after a transformation. However, it may not be clear to a non-expert they are due to the same phenomenon. The plots are to be combined into a single figure using ggarrange(), cowplot(), patchwork() or something similar.
I can get by using ggforce::geom_ellipse() on each plot but it's not as clean. Any suggestions?
Of course, after asking the question and staring at the figure in question, it came to me that I simply need to add a geom_bspline() to the combined figure. Tried that earlier but didn't give enough thought to the coordinates on the new layer. The coordinates of the spline are given in the range of 0 to 1 for both the x and y values on this new layer. Simple and obvious.

Trying to make a paneled spaghetti chart with highlighted line

I'm trying to make a graph like the one found here at the very bottom:
unfortunately I have a character variable instead of a numeric one for the x axis (I have four years by months), and I don't get the grey lines as in that graph per panel. Does anyone know how else to obtain that graph?
It's hard to say without more details/an example, but it seems like you should be able to do this using the gghiglight package. There's a facetted example half way down this page.
