Disable favicon.ico request in wordpress based site - wordpress

I'm using twentytwentytwo theme. When I open the page, it performs 2 requests to favicon.ico. How can I completely disable favicon.ico request in wordpress based site? Do we have any htaccess setting for this?

all it means is that people with browsers that use favicon (Internet Explorer 5.0 +, Firefox, Opera and a most others) are visiting your site. While seeing a 404 in your log files usually means that a visitor got the dreaded "404 Page Not Found" error, in this case it doesn't. All it means is that the default icon was shown instead of a custom one, your visitors saw no errors :-)
This is the easiest to do and it will show your icon no matter what page your visitor adds to their favorites. Simply upload your new icon to the main directory of your site, ie. www.example.com/favicon.ico.
Thank You


Problem with Page has redirected JavaScript

I did an audit of my website and it sends me this message
"Page has redirected JavaScript"
Issue details
Some pages on your website link to JavaScript files via a redirect.
This forces web browsers and search engine crawlers to make an additional HTTP request in order to reach the destination JS file URL. On a vast scale, this can increase page loading times for your website.
How to fix
Review the pages that have a link to the redirecting URL and replace this link with the direct link to the destination JS file.
If you decide to keep links to redirecting URLs that do not belong to your website, make sure that the destination files are relevant.
And I get several links like these:
https://s7.addthis.com/ with randoms numbers
Has anyone had a similar problem who can help me to see how to solve the problem?
It sounds like you have some pages that are actually loading a remote JS file, which then redirect to another page on your website.
Why this is happening is anyone's guess - maybe you have a plugin installed that is doing it intentionally as part of it's functionality. I would start by disabling plugins one at a time (ideally on a staging environment) until the problem goes away, and then you'll know who the culprit is and make a decision.

Internet explorer not finding right content from wordpress multisite

Okay, so this is at weird one. I only encounter this issue in IE and no other browser.
I have a wordpress multisite installation where I have content on: example.com and example.com/sub-installation
So there is a front page when a user accesses: example.com/sub-installation
The front page does show up when you access it. However, the content of that page is supposed to change if the user is logged in. SOMETIMES that content won't change when the user is logged in.
When I click F12 and check the Network tab, it seems like the issue occurs because the browser tries to access a sub-page to example.com and not example.com/sub-installation:
When it looks like this the page works as intended:
Is there a way to prevent this?
Does anybody know why it only does this sometimes?
I figure that I could just change the URL for the sub-installation, but is there anything else or?
So, I see that the likely reason I because Internet Explorer is hit with a 304 redirect trying to access a sub-page to the example.com installation, whereas every other browser is hit with a 301 redirect and thus tries to access the sub-installation instead....
Does anybody know why Internet Explorer is the only one receiving a 304?
And what can I do to prevent this?
So this is in no way the best solution, but it seems like the issue in Internet Explorer occurs when the browser is trying to access just the URL: example.com/sub-installation
When I simply add a slash to the end of it, the browser will try to access the front page on example.com/sub-installation and not try to access a sub-page to example.com.
It doesn't really solve the issue for good, but it works for now....

Font awesome icons loading on homepage but not inner pages

So recently I migrated my site to new domain and did 301 redirects from normaldomain.co.uk to www.normaldomain.co.uk
After these changes, fontawesome icons stopped working on all inner pages, but they still work on home page.
Here is the link to the website.
Can you please help?
open your web console / web inspector (F12 for Windows) and go to the "network" tab. Refresh the page to see if there are some errors when loading the home page. Try the same on other pages where the fontawesome fails.
The problem may be a bad linked URL.
On this example you can see an error when loading the folder /alpimacar
With this information you may still have to solve the problem but may know where's the problem
Sometimes it's happened for cache or bad links.
You may try hard refresh by pressing Shift+R

Magento 2 homepage issue | CSS and Layout differ from any other pages

I have a really weird problem with my magento 2.1.8 website. Suddenly, the homepage started to look a look different from any other pages on my site.
The home page:
Any other page on my site:
As you can see the homepage loads a completely a different class to other pages on my website... What could cause this problem? Anyone came across this before?
When I add session id to the homepage url /?SID=5d1ia2d0j92bn95qbc9g5jc7l3 it displays the site correctly...
When I go to the browser and go to my website by typing domain.co.uk it redirects me and assigns a session ID to it. The website is then being displayed properly. However, when I type in www.domain.co.uk, it doesn't assign the session ID and the homepage look totally different.
When I navigate to my website using http://domain.co.uk it redirects me to https://www.domain.co.uk/?SID=1m9tt10hmga4slep7sac8ur8v2 and everything is working fine. When I add https or add www to the URL it redirects me to https://www.domain.co.uk/ without a session ID where CSS is completely different to what it should be.
After dreadful investigation...
I have a server side scanner running every weekend. The scanner was sending alot of post requests and managed to send a request to change a theme in "panel tool".
It didn't have any effect on the website until Varnish cached this request and started displaying this cached version to customers.
After purging Varnish cache and disallowing the server side scanner of accessing "panel tool" the site went back to normal.

WordPress with ssl form let's encrypt, but homepage not fully secure. "Attackers might be able to see images.." message

Could you help me find out what to do with not fully secure message.
I have installed ssl certificate from let's encrypt, but my wordpress homepage has a message "Attackers might be able to see the images you're looking at on this site and trick you by modifying them".
The home page is still in development, with demo content. About what images chrome notification is telling? Something to do with cookies?
Thank you for your answers!
Edit: Does it have to do with the theme itself? Whole wordpress dashboard and login is served over proper secure ssl.
Sending images via http protocol is what triggers this issue. Using any content from a cdn that does not use https will also trigger this issue. This quote explains it pretty simply (the yellow padlock / warning of unencrypted content/images):
If a yellow padlock appears with a mini yield sign, the likely cause
is links in your site still refer to an unsecured page. Make sure that
all your images, menu items and links use https in the URL.
I would use a tool to help identify all non-encrypted file transports. One such tool would be something like Why No Padlock.
Did you enable https after installing WordPress? If so, you must change the WordPress address and Site Address under "General Settings" in WordPress. Make sure both addresses use https.
If your WordPress site address is set to use http, your server will force https but WordPress will serve certain images, like the favicon, over http. This triggers a "mixed content" warning.
I too had run into this issue. It appears there are many http: that need to be replaced with https:
You typically do this using a plugin called Better Search and Replace. Make sure you are adding colon (:) at the end of both http and https.
I found a working answer here
To check for issues on the chrome/opera inspection console (ctrl+shift+C) is also a great idea: I had setup all correctly and the issue was the footer image, not something you would check very often looking for this fix. I had applied SSL to many websites, sometimes the issue is just one simple link and this method helps find it.
I had the same problem where the home or index page was saying the page was not fully secure "Attackers might be able to see images blah blah blah"
After enabling https in general settings under site address and wordpress address I was still getting the insecure image warning on the index or home page.
The next step was to find out what images were not using the https ref on the index or home page.
In my case I viewed the page source of the page, by right mouse clicking the page in the chrome browser & looking for images url ref which were still showing http. I was using a sliding header and those images were showing http. So all I did was go into slider header in the appearance menu of the wordpress, and re-assign each of the header slider image for each frame. RE-checked the home page now the image urls were showing https. Bingo the secure lock symbol returned.
Obviously these image urls don't get updated via the general settings... which seems an oversight by whoever wrote the part of the word-press script.
