Font awesome icons loading on homepage but not inner pages - wordpress

So recently I migrated my site to new domain and did 301 redirects from to
After these changes, fontawesome icons stopped working on all inner pages, but they still work on home page.
Here is the link to the website.
Can you please help?

open your web console / web inspector (F12 for Windows) and go to the "network" tab. Refresh the page to see if there are some errors when loading the home page. Try the same on other pages where the fontawesome fails.
The problem may be a bad linked URL.
On this example you can see an error when loading the folder /alpimacar
With this information you may still have to solve the problem but may know where's the problem

Sometimes it's happened for cache or bad links.
You may try hard refresh by pressing Shift+R


Disable favicon.ico request in wordpress based site

I'm using twentytwentytwo theme. When I open the page, it performs 2 requests to favicon.ico. How can I completely disable favicon.ico request in wordpress based site? Do we have any htaccess setting for this?
all it means is that people with browsers that use favicon (Internet Explorer 5.0 +, Firefox, Opera and a most others) are visiting your site. While seeing a 404 in your log files usually means that a visitor got the dreaded "404 Page Not Found" error, in this case it doesn't. All it means is that the default icon was shown instead of a custom one, your visitors saw no errors :-)
This is the easiest to do and it will show your icon no matter what page your visitor adds to their favorites. Simply upload your new icon to the main directory of your site, ie.
Thank You

Holding page still showing after I have uploaded the new website

I have just uploaded a wordpress website to a live URL which previously displayed a placeholder 'new website coming soon' page.
I have since uploaded the new site which is working fine in Google Chrome however when I try to load it up in Firefox or Edge it still displays the placeholder page.
I have tried clearing the cache for both browsers but the issue still persists!
Is there anything I can do in wordpress or anywhere else to resolve this issue.
The web address is
This is what you should be seeing.
This is what i am currently seeing.
I had initially set the home page to be the 'coming soon' page that I created but I have checked this and the home page is now set correctly in the homepage settings menu. Strangely, other pages on the site such as all seem to load up fine, it's just the homepage.
Update: Chrome on other PCs are showing the old holding page also, simple browser cache won't fix this either
There is cache issue, please go to plugins sections and un-installed all the cache plugins and then save permalinks from settings > Permalinks.
Please access this link, its working fine.
If the above steps do not help you to resolved your problems, then go to your root directory and delete your .htaccess files and save permalinks again from settings > Permalinks.
I hope its help you. :)

wordpress Front page still showing up an old one

I changed the front page design and content, but the website is still showing the old one. Using Ctrl+F5 only gets me the new page. And it happens every time I enter the site. I tried other computers too and the same, an old version. It happens on other pages too.
The site:
Hi I think some server side cache are enabled for your site. While I test your url with caching checker then it says server level caches are enabled. please contact your server admin
There are two common causes for this issue. The first one is your browser cache. Sometimes your browser will show you a cached copy of your website instead of showing the new one. To resolve this issue, you need to simply hit CTRL + F5 (or Cmd + R in Mac) buttons on your keyboard to reload the page.
The second and most likely cause of this issue is poorly configured WordPress caching plugin. If you are using a cache plugin, then check it's settings and most of the plugin provide an option to exclude home page from caching. Please activate it.
more details can be available here

net::ERR_INCOMPLETE_CHUNKED_ENCODING redirecting WP Login page

I have a plugin on my three Wordpress sites called Launchkey. Launchkey removes the password field on the wp-admin login page and directs logins to a mobile app with its own authentication on your smartphone.
On two sites, it's working fine and the password field is removed by the JS script. On the third site, which as far as I can tell is configured the same as the others, the password field is NOT removed. When I use the developer console in Chrome (latest stable) it throws up the error in the title when it's trying to load JQuery.
I have changed my Cache plugin to the same as the other sites (W3-Total Cache) and I have created wp-admin/php.ini with max_input_vars = 3000 because I saw someone else had used this to fix this error.
It hasn't worked.
Does anyone have any clues as to what more info I can give you to narrow down why this is happening? Or even where I can start looking?
This is happening in all browsers so it's not browser extensions causing it; I just chose to do the debugging in Chrome.
OK guys this is very strange but:
I am using Chrome as my default browser; and it worked on two other sites. In Chrome. But installing the latest JRE from Java dot com fixed it. For all browsers. I have no idea how that can be - but it is.
Thank you to anyone who was thinking about answering.

WordPress home page not appearing

I have just installed a WordPress site on GoDaddy but unfortunately the home page of the site does not appear - just stays in waiting mode with the progress wheel spinning.
But if I go down a level to, the site appears as required but going back to just does not show anything?
Perhaps the home page is set to look up data from a location that is unavailable? Try looking up the source of the home page and see if it is trying to resolve a non-existent page. In addition you might like to use the W3C Validatior to check for errors before proceeding. You error otherwise seems quite vague.
