Telegram API 404 error on messages.hideAllChatJoinRequests - telegram

Telegram api has a messages.hideAllChatJoinRequests method, but when calling it, the api gives an error
{"ok":false,"error_code":404,"description":"Not Found"}
I try to call it like this:
What am I doing wrong?
Tried adding parameters to the request


LinkedIn Access Token Being Used

I've successfully secured my access token for the LinkedIn API. However, when I try to use it to gather user information (currently just my own so I know that the profile has all public settings) using this code:
requestURL = '{my_linkedin_id})'
headers = {'Authorization': 'Bearer' + ' ' + access_token}
a = requests.get(requestURL,headers=headers)
could someone elaborate on any steps I might be messing?
When I run this code I keep getting a
<Response [404]>
You have 404 as response and in LinkedIn documentation you can see that:
404 Resource Not Found
This error occurs when your application tries to call an API or fetch
an entity that does not exist. For example, the API to get a friend’s
profile is /v2/people/id={personId}, not /v2/person/id={personId}. In
some cases (Ads, for example), a 404 error is returned when attempting
to access a restricted API. See 403 Access Denied and contact your
partner technical support channel if you continue to see the error.
I think you need too check if your link to resource is good.

Gmail search with API and access token

I am trying to fetch Gmail search results from Gmail API using an access token.
The following code works and returns an array of my email IDs:
I then try to append a search query following the Gmail API documentation guidelines
and it brings this error code: 401, message: 'Invalid Credentials'
Authentication scope is set to which assumes full control of the email. I tried swapping access_token and q parameters, as well as removing the access_token parameter but still no success. What am I doing wrong?
you are preforming a HTTP GET in this call. Additional parameters are tacked on using a & only the first one starts with a ?
try this:

IBM Conversation API - What should be a endpoint URL and Parameters

I try to access IBM conversation using Postman tool but getting 404 (Resource not found) error.
EndPoint :
my workspace id = 883c7704-02c4-41fc-b8a0-aea1d0325c5a
Is there anything wrong in endpoint or parameter?.
How to pass version?
Your endpoint looks correct if you're trying to send a message to conversation:
Try changing the version to the most updated: version=2017-05-26

"No route found" error with Asana Connect

As per this, I'm trying to use the code received from the authorization endpoint to exchange for a token, using the Authorization Code Grant flow. I first issue this call:
(I admit I don't know how the 'state' param should be used - the documentation doesn't clarify this, and it's required; also, my app is not web-based so the value for the redirect URL is auto-generated on the Developer App Management page for my app)
That gives me this code (slightly obfuscated): 0/12341234fd6ccf6d168420f7f8600c93
Which I then use for this call:
Which unfortunately returns "No route found" instead of the token I need. What am I doing wrong?
It has to be a POST. I was using a GET call.

send grid & parse 502 Bad Gateway with nginx

I am trying to migrate my parse application over to digital ocean and followed this guide :
Everything works perfectly fine until I get to the very end Test Parse Server ( Executing Example Cloud Code ) section
I tested the cloud code for the sample cloud code that was provided in the tutorial :
Parse.Cloud.define('hello', function(req, res) {
so I got a Hi back in my browser as well as in postman.
See image here :

Then I test the function that uses sendgrid's service to send emails (, my cloud code file looks like this :
see image :
and now I try to run my post request from postman and I get an error even on my hello function that was working before
See image :
So I look around and figure out that its an issue with my sendgrid import
var sendgrid = require("sendgrid");
sendgrid.initialize(“xxxxxx”, “xxxxx.”);
in these lines.
does anyone have any experience with digital ocean cloud code and send grid emailing service please help me out I will be grateful as this is the last step left and I will be done with my migration :)
you have to specify server URL in parse config file. It is required and could be the reason why you cant run cloud code.
"PARSE_SERVER_URL": "http://localhost:1337/parse"
The url has be the same what you are using. There is also error in Nginx config in that tutorial, I explained it here
So I looked up at pm2 and to see real-time logs the command is
pm2 logs
at first when I ran the command I saw some errors, maybe they were there from before :
Then I tried the hello cloud function from postman app to test for its output in pm2 logs and I got the following :
Next I try to run my sendMail sendgrid function and I find out the the api-key I had used in my sendgrid function was throwing an error
ReferenceError: XXXXXXXXXXXX is not defined
So I went back to my cloud code and used quotes around my api-key parameter and passed it as a string in my send grid initialize function. Then I retry and get
[Error: The provided authorization grant is invalid, expired, or revoked]
So I went back to my sendgrid account and made sure that the api-key I was using was the correct one and it seemed to be just fine. I tested again and got the same error again so I decided to generate a new api-key just in case.
So I realize that I was not using the api-key but instead API KEY ID :
When we create a new api-key on sendgrid they give us the actual api key once and they ask us to store it in some secure place :
We can only display the key above one time. Please store it somewhere safe because as soon as you navigate away from this page, we will not be able to retrieve or restore this generated token.
So after I used an actual api-key I was able to send emails 😃
But one small issue still remains and I am not sure if its because of postman that I am using to run cloud code or something in the parse server or nginx that is still returning me with a 502 Bad Gateway as a response
But when I look at the logs for my parse server I do see a
parse-wrapper-0 { message: 'success' }
but it never gets back to me in my postman and instead I am getting a 502 error not sure why but the emails are being sent succesfully :)
