IP address configuration (kathara) [closed] - ip

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Closed 2 months ago.
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When you configurate some interface for a device using 'ifconfig eth0 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx up' what's the difference bettween using IP like '' and ''.
I understand the idea of a submask and that it's good use for redirect datagrams only taking part of the IP address but I dont get why using it when assinging the IP for some interface.

I found out that using the submask when for assigning the IP address establish the range for the broadcast direction.
So using direction like '' will establish broadcast on '' but using '' will use '' since its the last avaible direction when you taking the first 30 bits.


Discovering an embedded device's IP address [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am working on a small embedded device based upon an STM32F4xx MCU. It implements a TCP/IP server over a Wi-Fi connection. The question I have relates to exposing the IP address of the device so that it may be discovered by computers on the same network. UPnP and SSDP seem to be rather "heavy" solutions to this problem.
Are there other techniques/protocols that have a smaller footprint than UPnP and SSDP?
Thanks in advance for your input,
If you can make up any custom protocol, a simple UDP beacon periodically sent to the broadcast address ( or your preferred interface's broadcast address) is simple and reliable.
Synopsis of comments:
For listing in mainstream platforms' (Windows, Linux, OS X) network views, the best option would likely be to implement the full stack required for Windows' Network Discovery.
If hostname lookup is enough, Netbios or mDNS could be enough.
The search term you are likely looking for is zero-configuration networking and should give you all the available options

Addressing among private ip-addresses in networking [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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So, i was reading networking in depth. One concept i failed to understand was how different machines in LAN manage to access internet through one public IP address provided to company by ISP.
For eg. let's say the public address provided is And all the machines when get to internet, they all are recognized as despite their private address being 192.168.3.x, which is fine. But now when the router sends the request for each of these machines, how does it maps each response to respective machine?
If the answer is NAT, what entries does NAT has? Is there port no. or something else?
I will give you the idea about the complex case scenario :-
If all datagrams arriving at the NAT router from the WAN have the same
desti- nation IP address (specifically, that of the WAN-side interface
of the NAT router), then how does the router know the internal host to
which it should forward a given datagram?
The trick is to use a NAT translation table at the NAT router, and to
include port numbers as well as IP addresses in the table entries.
See more details about NAT Table here.
SORRY, don't know why it took me minutes to post an answer, it was not allowing me to add the answer...
NAT has following fields:
source computer address and website, so when it receives packet it will replace source computer address with its public address, and send it to the internet once response comes back it sees oh this come from the website and it was requested by the source computer. It will again replace destination address with source computer address and send it in LAN.

Two ethernet adapter [closed]

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Closed 7 years ago.
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I have mounted two ethernet adapter on my pc and each of them has connected to a seperate network. The problem is that only one of them is active at a same time. In other verb I can ping only through one of them at the same time and if l want to ping another network l should disable the first adapter. So now l want to know how can I use both of them same time.
Avoid assigning multiple adapters in the same computer to the same subnet.When configuring multiple NICs, each NIC should communicate with a different subnet. Configuring two or more NICs on the same subnet may cause communication problems. Delve deeper in this article. There're also example scenarios using two adapters
Also you just can assign to the first adapter, and to another

Difference between IP address and MAC address? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I know they are address schemes used in different layers, and that IPV4 is 32 bits while MAC is 48 bits.
My questions are:
Why do we need two different address schemes?
What is the problem if we decided to use the same address for both purposes?
Is there a reason for the MAC address requiring more memory?
Has the introduction of ipv6 changed anything?
MAC addresses is a Layer 2 Address, while IP is a Layer 3 Address.
Layer 1 is phisical layer
Layer 2 is data link layer ---> MAC ADDRESS
Layer 3 is Network Layer ---> IP Address

How a unique MAC address is maintained by the manufactures? [closed]

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Closed 8 years ago.
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I understand that the MAC address is flashed on the NIC. It is supposed to be unique as is is used by ARP/RARP protocol to map IP to MAC and vice versa. The MAC address needs to be unique otherwise the data delivery will fail. I am wondering the NIC card manufactures are many. How do they ensure that the MAC address is unqiue? If it is not unique then the transmission will fail right? Do they speak to each other that I am using this MAC address, don't use this one? I guess this is not the case.
The first 6 bytes of the MAC address are a prefix that is assigned to each manufacturer by the IEEE. Manufacturer must only use prefixes that are assigned to them, and then they're responsible for ensuring that the remainder of the MAC address is unique within their products.
IEEE Registration Authority
