with 4.12.9 it seems the Flutter SDK is now supporting Android Auto and CarPlay. Any tips as I could not find the MapViewHost class - here-api

I tried to support Android Auto and CarPlay using the 4.12.9 Flutter SDK.
I did not understand or find an example on how to use the new classes
Any example or tip on how to do that?


Firebase Authentication on Xamarin.Forms

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and I'm looking for an updated tutorial link or document that shows how to get Firebase Authentication working with Xamarin.Form or if someone can supply a GitHub link with an example of how to get firebase auth working on Xamarin.forms with Visual Studios 2019?
Note: I've followed the tutorial from https://medium.com/firebase-developers/firebase-auth-on-xamarin-forms-171432aa3d76 but it doesn't work.
I have this link for you.
Try it and let me know if it will be working or not.
this one really helped me, it is a perfect example
using FirebaseAuthentication.net nugget

React Native Crashlytics Firebase

We are using firebase crashlytics in react native. But the problem is when the android app crashed, crashlytics give us android native code report. Not the react native code. That is obvious since it is already compiled to native code. But the thing is we are not able to map issues into react native code. Is there any mechanism to do this automatically or manually with the minimum human involvement?
Crash Analytics won't give you detailed report in javascript. Rather it would define the screen where it crashed and the devices/OS etc. You will have to figure the crash yourself. It will give you the crash report like :
com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.doLoadLibraryBySoName (SoLoader.java)
com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.assertInitialized (SoLoader.java)
com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.assertInitialized (SoLoader.java)
com.facebook.soloader.SoLoader.assertInitialized (SoLoader.java)
com.facebook.react.bridge.ReactBridge.staticInit (ReactBridge.java)
com.facebook.react.bridge.NativeMap. (NativeMap.java)
*You need to have a basic native knowledge or you can google these errors and know the root cause. Also, FYI Sentry can of great help to you as it records javascript error also. Also, A/c firebase latest version 6+ now records JS errors also*

how to implement mixpannel analytics in react native

i have to implement mixpannel analytics in one of my app.
i checked out Mixpannel officail site and react-native-mixpannel
but i'm struggling how to get started with it.
How to use it from scratch and what things i need for it like firebase
or not ?
Please suggest me some article or something else from where i can implement mixpannel anaylits to my react native app
First of all did you use react-native init AwesomeProject or expo new?
With the first one you have access to the native code for iOS and Android.
For expo you have only the JavaScript files and you can't use this SDK.

Implementing Firebase Crashlytics in React native application - Android

I want to add Firebase Crashlytics to my React native project. I had a look online and some of the links suggested using Crashlytics with Fabric,
When I looked at Fabric and at somepoint it was mentioned that it was only available till 2020 and recommended to use Firebase Crashlytics. I am a bit confused.
Can any one suggest any link/guide to implement Firebase Crashlytics in my React native project.
Its kind of simple.
First you need to add firebase to your project use the following link to link react-native-firebase .
Then use there doc to add firebase crash analytics into your code
for example:
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase'
firebase.crashlytics().log('Test Message!');
firebase.crashlytics().recordError(37,"Test Error");
Add firebase to your project followed by crashlytics sdk. You might need to put the keys in your android and ios projects. Thts it.
Also have a look at sentry- its more suitable for JS based apps as it shows the line nos and the code which caused the crash. Crashlytics on the other hand as i remember shows only native crashes.

React-Native : Firebase Realtime Database How Can I Get One Data

I have this database.
How can i get firstName in React-Native ?
It's simple in your case : use react-native-firebase
import firebase from 'react-native-firebase'
const ref = firebase.database().ref('users/fwDRY...G3');
const name = ref.get({ firstname: 'firstname' });
Find yourself helpful from the docs: https://rnfirebase.io/docs/v5.x.x/database/reference/database
As React Native runs in Java Script thread on mobile platforms there are 2 ways to use it.
Using Web SDK, but it might be slower and is not as well integrated to the mobile operating system as native.
Using Native SDK for each platform. Using them manually on 2 platforms would require you to write React Native bindings for both platforms. Fortunately, the job has already been done. I highly recommend you to use this library https://github.com/invertase/react-native-firebase. It uses native APIs internally but exposes them into nice JavaScript API. It requires some setup but you won't work it around anyway regardless of the method chosen.
For example, to set it up for Android, you need to follow
After you set it up, follow the link provided by frank-van-puffelen, https://firebase.google.com/docs/database/web/read-and-write#listen_for_value_events. The API on react-native-firebase is almost the same.
