Firebase Authentication on Xamarin.Forms - firebase

I'm new to Xamarin.Forms and I'm looking for an updated tutorial link or document that shows how to get Firebase Authentication working with Xamarin.Form or if someone can supply a GitHub link with an example of how to get firebase auth working on Xamarin.forms with Visual Studios 2019?
Note: I've followed the tutorial from but it doesn't work.

I have this link for you.
Try it and let me know if it will be working or not.

this one really helped me, it is a perfect example
using nugget


how to implement mixpannel analytics in react native

i have to implement mixpannel analytics in one of my app.
i checked out Mixpannel officail site and react-native-mixpannel
but i'm struggling how to get started with it.
How to use it from scratch and what things i need for it like firebase
or not ?
Please suggest me some article or something else from where i can implement mixpannel anaylits to my react native app
First of all did you use react-native init AwesomeProject or expo new?
With the first one you have access to the native code for iOS and Android.
For expo you have only the JavaScript files and you can't use this SDK.

API documentation for Android SDK is not working

For the last couple of days it is impossible to access any documentation about APIs for Android SDK.
There is an error page with information:
"Unfortunately, the page you're looking for doesn't seem to exist."
Example link
The links have been cleaned up a bit, please update your bookmarks to:

Firebase signin Annonymous always create new user on Unity Editor

I'm working on unity + firebase project and I have a problem. when I use SignInAnonymouslyAsync on Unity Editor it works fine. but when I stop and play it again it always creates a new user for me. I trying to find the solution to solve this problem but I got nothing. anyone ever got this problem or have idea to solve it?

Xamarin.forms and Azure AD B2C - missing PublicClientApplication.PlatformParameters?

I've been following along with Mayur Tendulkar's blog post: Authenticate Mobile Apps Using Microsoft Authentication Library, but it seems like the article may be out of date with the current version of the library. (Latest version of Microsoft.Identity.Client seems to be 1.1.0-preview.
The code in the sample refers to an IPlatformParameters interface, and a property of PublicClientApplication, PlatformParameters.
Neither of which seem to be present in this library.
This has changed since the last updates. follow this link.
MSAL, this has been replaced with "UIParent". hope this helps

Sign in with LinkedIn, SDK for Android, Sample application error

I would like to try feature "integrate Sign In with LinkedIn".
I follow instructions and i download latest version ( Mobile SDK for Android 1.1.4) from:
Then i import and build project into Android Studio.
When i execute SDK for Android Sample App i obtain this screenshot:
Any help will be appreciated. Greetings
I answer myself.
The problem was i didn´t follow (ignore) step "Associate your Android app with your LinkedIn app"
1) Create an application
2) Signing Your Application, generating a debug key hash value.
3) Configure the values: In the Mobile->Android Settings->"Package Name & Package Hash" section of your LinkedIn application's configuration, add your application's package and hash values
That´s all. Sorry for such a dumb question... ;)
