How to read the map output file generated by a project using Cartographer without ROS - 2d

Currently I can successfully generate the map output file but I have no idea how to display it in practice. Basically, it should be a 2D SLAM map.
The project I'm using is available at the following link on Github. This project basically uses Google Cartographer 2D SLAM without ROS.
Compiling the project I get an output file called "map_output" but it seems to be completely raw: it's not even binary. How can I convert or read it in a viewable format?
Inside the main file, specifically inside the main function, it can be seen how data consisting of inertial measurements (IMU) is taken as input and processed to provide an output map.
Update: map_output file is available here. (IMU data file is available here.) I'm pretty sure both can be read and/or represented in the same way.


In R and Sparklyr, writing a table to .CSV (spark_write_csv) yields many files, not one single file. Why? And can I change that?

I'm doing some data manipulation (joins, etc.) on a very large dataset in R, so I decided to use a local installation of Apache Spark and sparklyr to be able to use my dplyr code to manipulate it all. (I'm running Windows 10 Pro; R is 64-bit.) I've done the work needed, and now want to output the sparklyr table to a .csv file.
The Problem
Here's the code I'm using to output a .csv file to a folder on my hard drive:
spark_write_csv(d1, "C:/d1.csv")
When I navigate to the directory in question, though, I don't see a single csv file d1.csv. Instead I see a newly created folder called d1, and when I click inside it I see ~10 .csv files all beginning with "part". Here's a screenshot:
The folder also contains the same number of .csv.crc files, which I see from Googling are "used to store CRC code for a split file archive".
What's going on here? Is there a way to put these files back together, or to get spark_write_csv to output a single file like write.csv?
A user below suggested that this post may answer the question, and it nearly does, but it seems like the asker is looking for Scala code that does what I want, while I'm looking for R code that does what I want.
I had the exact same issue.
In simple terms, the partitions are done for computational efficiency. If you have partitions, multiple workers/executors can write the table on each partition. In contrast, if you only have one partition, the csv file can only be written by a single worker/executor, making the task much slower. The same principle applies not only for writing tables but also for parallel computations.
For more details on partitioning, you can check this link.
Suppose I want to save table as a single file with the path path/to/table.csv. I would do this as follows
table %>% sdf_repartition(partitions=1)
spark_write_csv(table, path/to/table.csv,...)
You can check full details of sdf_repartition in the official documentation.
Data will be divided into multiple partitions. When you save the dataframe to CSV, you will get file from each partition. Before calling spark_write_csv method you need to bring all the data to single partition to get single file.
You can use a method called as coalese to achieve this.
coalesce(df, 1)

Is there a way to compare the structure/architecture of .nc files in R?

I have a sample .nc file that contains a number of variables (5 to be precise) and is being read into a program. I want to create a new .nc file containing different data (and different dimensions) that will also be read into that program.
I have created a .nc file that looks the same as my sample file (I have included all of the necessary attributes for each of the variables that were included in the original file).
However, my file is still not being ingested.
My question is: is there a way to test for differences in the layout/structure of .nc files?
I have examined each of the variables/attributes within Rstudio and I have also opened them in panoply and they look the same. There are obviously differences (besides the actual data that they contain) since the file is not being read.
I see that there are options to compare the actual data within .nc files online (Comparison of two netCDF files), but that is not what I want. I want to compare the variable/attributes names/states/descriptions/dimensions to see where my file differs. Is that possible?
The ideal situation here would be to create a .nc template from the variables that exist within the original file and then fill in my data. I could do this by defining the dimensions (ncdim_def), creating the file(nc_create), getting my data (ncvar_get) and putting it in the file (ncvar_put), but that is what I have done so far, and it is too reliant on me not making an error (which I obviously have as they are not the same).
If you are on unix this is more easily achieved using CDO. See the Information section of the reference card:
For example, if you wanted to check that the descriptions are the same in files just do:
cdo griddes
cdo griddes
You can easily use system in R, to wrap around this.

Why won't the HTML function in R actually write the HTML?

So I recently helped write a code for my lab which takes our processed data and makes a merged data frame of it. For purpose of keeping the lab updated, we keep our data tables updated on a secure wiki and thus I need an HTML made so I can basically upload the dataframe onto the wiki easily. It's worked before - all I did was basically copy what was already written and working and edited it to work for a different time point in our data collection. I have no errors given back to me and the data looks how I want it to look. As far as I know this script should be written logically and working well and so far it does except for one issue: R will make a file for the HTML, but there is no HTML written in the text document.
I have HTML's written from the other data time points which are written the exact same as this one, so I don't think it is a script construction thing.
Any ideas as to why this could be happening? I just need to know where to triage.
The package used for HTML is R2HTML, included in my packages list up at the top of the script. For HTML(, file=paste()), you will need to use your own directory to see if the HTML is written as a text file.
If I am not wrong , You are trying to get the dataframe in html format .
In this case you need to use xtable package in R
Just the below code in bottom of the script
## install the xtable package before importing it
print(xtable(ChildSRPtotsFU_wiki), type="html", file="check_stack_overflow.html")

Parse YAML front matter with R

I want to use YAML for SAS program documentation in a manner similar to how R studio uses YAML. Can I put YAML at the top of my program, then read it into R as some object? The program file would just be a text file called There would be a bunch of these in a directory or two.
I can then use the object in an R notebook to produce a readable document describing a set of SAS programs. I would have to find a function to display the object in a readable format.
I noticed that this issue is addressed for languages like python and JAVA, but I am hoping to do it in R. Obviously this code has already been written. For example the function yaml_front_matter must do this, but it does not seem to be documented.
If I could also write/change the YAML header that would be a big plus.
Here is an example:
Project: Disease Burden
Directory: /net1/program/
Purpose: Extract Data
The only extra piece is that I would have to comment out this header and also identify it
Project: Disease Burden
Directory: /net1/program/
Purpose: Extract Data
I could then create markdown like this
# Project: Disease Burden
: /net1/program/
## Purpose
Extract Data

When should data go in /data, and when should it go in /inst/extdata?

The Writing R Extensions manual states:
The data subdirectory is for data files, either to be made available via lazy-loading or for loading using data(). (The choice is made by the ‘LazyData’ field in the DESCRIPTION file: the default is not to do so.) It should not be used for other data files needed by the package, and the convention has grown up to use directory inst/extdata for such files.)
But it is still not clear what data is "required" by a package. I would like to use data for the following (not always mutually exclusive) reasons:
function examples
function tests
to provide access to an original data set
to make data available to functions within the package (e.g. a lookup table / dictionary)
But it is not clear which of these should go in the data folder, and which should go in inst/extdata. And are there any conditions under which "data" should go elsewhere?
Related questions: Previous questions (e.g. inst and extdata folders in R Packaging and Using inst/extdata with vignette during package checking R 2.14.0) give some instructions on use, but don't tell me how to decide which directory to use. Another question, R - where should I place RDA file - /R, /data, /inst/extdata?, gets the closest, but seems to focus specifically on RDA and RData files.
The data directory supplies data for the data() function and is expected to follow certain customs in terms of file formats and extensions.
The inst/extdata directory becomes extdata/ when installed and is more of a wild west and you can do whatever you want and it is expected that you write your own accessors.
It may be useful to look at empirics. On my machine, among around 240-some installed packages, a full 77 (or not quite a third) have data/, but only 4 (including one of mine) have extdata..
