How to use r_basicprofile or r_fullprofile scope to get full profile? - linkedin

I am trying to integrate linkedin authentication in my project. I am able to authenticate successfully using the "r_emailaddress", "r_liteprofile" scope but not getting the full profile detail.
So can anyone have idea how to implement linkedin authentication using r_basicprofile or r_fullprofile.
I am using passport-linkedin-oauth2.
enter image description here
I am expecting to get vanity_name or more fields which is related to r_fullprofile


LinkedIn - Basic profile API access issues

We are integrating the Linkedin Oauth into our software and would like to retrieve the “vanityname” value from the user account in order to display it in our UI (so the user knows which linkedin account they connected to).
Currently the vanityname seems to be only available for "Basic" profile, but our App only has access to "Lite". We looked everywhere but cannot find a way to request this permission specifically, or request access to “Basic” profile info;
Could you let me know how/where to apply for this permission? I am happy to provide the full usecase and flow of course.

Access API Linkedin with B2C user

I have created a B2C tenant with an user flow that contain a linkedin way for connect.
In my ASP.NET website, i want to display linkedin's informations of the user connected.
In my research, i have seen different way to make this but it is possible only with custom policy and i need to know if in 2020, there is a solution or not, to get user info by linkedin.
Thank you in advance.
Sounds like passing an access token through a user flow to your application can be useful. With the access token the application will be able to call the LinkedIn API directly.

LinkedIn access to Basic Profile

We have developed a signup via LinkedIn app.
We currently get the default “lite profile” but need access to the “basic profile”
We’ve tried reaching out to all parts of LinkedIn but to no avail.
The links to the Partner Program Page also seem deprecated.
Can someone please share how we can get the upgraded permissions pls?
To access any of the basic profile fields, your application must request the r_basicprofile member permission. Check out the field names here
To access email address your application must request the r_emailaddress member permission with field name email-address

LinkedIn API OAuth2 Authentication with scope permission failure

I want to retrieve a accesstoken for the linkedInAPI to post and retrieve shares.For that I am authentication the linkedIn API auth by specifing the scope
r_member_social w_member_social r_basicprofile
but the authentication URL is failing with error
Scope "r_member_social" is not authorized for your
Why is my app does not authorize r_member_social, what should I do to authorize it ?
Utilizing r_member_social requires special approval from LinkedIn.
To gain access to r_member_social, you first need to apply to and be approved for the LinkedIn Marketing Developer Program.
Then, submit your request for r_member_social via the LinkedIn Developer Partner Support Site. They'll know how to help get you approved. However, they may not approve you - the docs state that r_member_social "is granted to select developers only."
In V2 w_member_social replaced with w_share
Plese check the document

how to create Facebook Access Token with ads_management permission

we used to have a working augmented system to login facebook and get&manage advertisement data. then we need to change the facebook account password of the user we used for login automatically in php. and old access token we used in PHP to login facebook is now not working.
I have tried to create a new access token with Graph API Explorer but I've got this error: appsecret_proof validation. then when i commented out this check and continue then I have recieved this error (line breaks added):
"(#294) Managing advertisements requires the extended permission \
ads_management and an application that is whitelisted to \
access the Ads API",
I almost don't know anything about facebook api how to use it.
Could you give me a detailed explanation of how i can create and access token with the ads_management right?
As Max points out, the Facebook documentation is the best source for detailed explanations of how to get access tokens and the ads_management extended permission. The Facebook Ads API guide overview provides the specific details you request including the link to the application form for receiving Ads API app approval.
The Ads API is a restricted platform which may only be accessed by whitelisted Apps.
