LinkedIn - Basic profile API access issues - linkedin

We are integrating the Linkedin Oauth into our software and would like to retrieve the “vanityname” value from the user account in order to display it in our UI (so the user knows which linkedin account they connected to).
Currently the vanityname seems to be only available for "Basic" profile, but our App only has access to "Lite". We looked everywhere but cannot find a way to request this permission specifically, or request access to “Basic” profile info;
Could you let me know how/where to apply for this permission? I am happy to provide the full usecase and flow of course.


Access API Linkedin with B2C user

I have created a B2C tenant with an user flow that contain a linkedin way for connect.
In my ASP.NET website, i want to display linkedin's informations of the user connected.
In my research, i have seen different way to make this but it is possible only with custom policy and i need to know if in 2020, there is a solution or not, to get user info by linkedin.
Thank you in advance.
Sounds like passing an access token through a user flow to your application can be useful. With the access token the application will be able to call the LinkedIn API directly.

Accessing LinkedIn company's activity feed as non-admin

I'm writing an application that is supposed to aggregate a company's social media platforms in one page. To do this I need to be able to access the company's activity feed.
When I signed up as a company for API access I enlisted my Application under Social Aggregation, the only permissions I was given are r_basicprofile, r_emailaddress, rw_company_admin and w_share. None of these allow access to the activity feed, outside of rw_company_admin, which only allows the administrator of the company access to the feed, not another user.
Due to the 60-day lifecycle of the OAUTH2 token I'm unable to make the API call as an administrator on the background, since permission needs to be granted by a log-in.
This is what I have access too.
I think I'd be able to achieve my goal with this;
However, I need to be a LinkedIn partner to be able to make those API calls, and I'm not looking to access a user's entire feed. Just the feed of the company he is working for.
Organization shares can only be retrieved if the authorized member is also an administrator of the organization.

Linkedin Oauth2 Client Credentials grant type

Asking the question here as the linkedin help forum directed to post things related to API on stackoverflow.
I am developing a feature on our org website to show the top 5 company page feeds setup in linkedin. Ive already setup the required access in developer.linkedin and the whole flow works in the developer.linkedin REST console to fetch the feed.
I am currently recieving this error when i try from my machine to fetch the auth token with a valid client id and secret created.
"error": "access_denied",
"error_description": "This application is not allowed to create application tokens" }
The documentation also mentions that this flow isn't available by default and the users will need to contact linkedin.
"By default, your application will not have the ability to use LinkedIn's client credentials flow. Contact us to have your application granted permission to use this flow."
What would be the next steps in requesting access to this flow for my org?.
As outlined here:
By default, your application will not have the ability to use LinkedIn's client credentials flow. Contact us to have your application granted permission to use this flow.
The next step would be to contact them directly or Apply to become a Partner
and if accepted you'll be granted access to additional data outside of the scope of the user authentication flow (which basically means you'll be able to make calls directly from your application to access certain information)
I think the answer is well explained by API-University, since the creation of an application in order to get the access_token, will solve the communication issue.
Link to the explanation:

Google Sign-In: Keeping user signed out if he/she signs out elsewhere

I use Google Sign-In in order to let my users connect their Google Calendar and related services to our web app. The problem is that if a user signs out of her connected account somewhere else, this will revoke access from our app as well.
I understand that this is primarily a user issue, but several of them still expect their Google integration with our app to work even if they are not signed in to the account in question.
Is there any way at all we can achieve this? Does Google Sign-In have something akin to a Refresh Token which will allow us to create a new session even if the user has signed out?
After trying multiple approaches, we came to the conclusion that this simply is not possible. You should NOT use Google SignIn if you need persistent access to a users profile until he/she manually revokes it. The natural choice for that is plain oauth2.

Fetch my own updates from linkedin and display on my website - anonymous users

I have a company profile in linkedin. I have some updates in the profile. Now i need to fetch the records from linked and display on my website. It should be visible to the anonymous user also.
Did anyone implement such kind of code. Using only javascript or REST service. Please suggest some links. I have searched but no use.
Unfortunately, the LinkedIn API terms of service do not allow you to show data to un-authenticated users. Your options are to:
Authenticate the user and pull your profile data using their credentials, or
Use a pre-built plugin like the Member Profile plugin to display data to unauthenticated users.
