Possible to build Ocserv vpn project to use plain http - networking

Is it possible to modify Ocserv on clients so that it runs on plain http instead of ssl and use a simple XOR or a custom encryption?
I know that it is insecure but in my case I don't care about security and TLS overhead (including handshaking time) and also SSL censorship are major concerns.


Does TLS imply HTTPS

If I understand right, for TLS handshake, client initiates the connection, server returns it's certificate, client verifies the signature on it and then a session key is generated which is used for further communication.
If above process is happening, does it mean that the initial call that the client made was HTTPS? Or is it possible to do TLS handshake for HTTP?
TLS and HTTP/HTTPS are different things, but in practice they are often deployed together, and so the boundaries between them can become a bit blured.
TLS itself can happily be used without HTTP, and is an integral part of many of the other protocols you'll use on a daily basis, such as your email connection (IMAPS/ESMTP etc). When it is used with HTTP (as HTTPS) though, then there are a few TLS extensions that the client can use when establishing the connection, to let the server know that it is expecting an HTTP response (such as the ALPN extension).
Likewise, HTTP can also happily be used without any thought of TLS. However, there exists a collection of HTTP features that have been introduced over the years to either force (or invite) an HTTP connection to migrate to HTTPS (such as the strict-transport-security or upgrade-insecure-requests headers)
HTTPS is simply HTTP inside TLS (or SSL if you're asking this question from a time when dinosaurs roamed the earth).

Which HTTP features are different in HTTPS?

Wikipedia defines HTTP(S) or S-HTTP as a security layer over HTTP:
Technically, it is not a protocol in and of itself; rather, it is the
result of simply layering the Hypertext Transfer Protocol (HTTP) on
top of the SSL/TLS protocol, thus adding the security capabilities of
SSL/TLS to standard HTTP communications.
Logically, it implies that every feature and aspect of HTTP (e.g. methods and status codes) exists in HTTPS.
Should I expect any caveats or differences when switching an existing HTTP REST interface to HTTPS?
There doesn't seem to be any limitation of what you can do with HTTP but not HTTPS. The only limitations/differences relate to the fact that the connection is encrypted. As Eugene mentioned, this includes the fact that HTTPS cannot be proxy-cached. There are however some caveats:
HTTP inline content inside HTTPS page
If you start using HTTPS for sites where you originally used HTTP, problems might arise with HTTP inline content, e.g. if you use 3rd party HTTP services or cross-domain content:
scripts: google maps API
iframes: other webs, facebook, google ads, ...
images, static google maps, ...
In that case, many browsers will disable the "insecure" HTTP content inside HTTPS page! For the user, it is very hard to switch this off (especially in Firefox).
The only reliable way around that is to use protocol-relative URLs. So, instead of:
<script src="http://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false"></script>
which would break on HTTPS page, you will just use
<script src="//maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?v=3.exp&sensor=false"></script>
which will work as HTTP on HTTP page and as HTTPS on HTTPS page. This fixes the problem.
The downside of course is that it is useless encryption of large amount of network traffic, that is not vulnerable and wouldn't normally have to be encrypted. This is the cost of the paranoid browser approach to security (like year ago, there was no warning from FF in this situation, and I was completely happy. World changes ...)
If you don't have signed SSL certificate for your domain
Another caveat of course is that if you don't have SSL certificate for your domain which is signed by trusted CA authority, then if your users will use HTTPS, they will have to pass a terrible scary 4-5 step procedure to accept the certificate. It is almost impossible and unprofessional to expose an average user (unaware of the problematics) to this. You will have to buy certificate in this case. Many times you end up using HTTP instead of HTTPS because of this. So if you cannot afford to buy the certificate, the browser paranoia forces you many times to use insecure HTTP protocol instead of HTTPS. Again, 6-7 years ago, it wasn't the case.
Mixing HTTP and HTTPS - cookie and authorization problems
If you use both HTTP and HTTPS within the same session, you might run into problems because sometimes they will be treated as separate sites (even if the rest of the URL is the same). This might be the case of cookies - in some cases they will not be shared between HTTP and HTTPS. Also, the HTTP authentication - RFC2617 will not be shared between HTTP and HTTPS. However, this type of authentication is now very rare on the Web, possibly due to lack of customization of the login form.
So, if you start using HTTPS, easiest way is then to use HTTPS only.
After several years of running HTTP over HTTPS, I am not aware of any other caveats.
Performance Considerations
HTTP vs HTTPS performance
HTTPS vs HTTP speed comparison
HTTPS Client/Broswer Caching
Top 7 Myths about HTTPS - Note commentary on HTTPS caching that is handled differently in browsers. It's from 2011 though, the browsers might have changed.
Will web browsers cache content over https
More on why there is no HTTPS proxy caching
Can a proxy server cache SSL GETs? If not, would response body encryption suffice?
UPGRADE command in Websockets via HTTPS
While the WebSocket protocol itself is unaware of proxy servers and firewalls, it features an HTTP-compatible handshake so that HTTP servers can share their default HTTP and HTTPS ports (80 and 443) with a WebSocket gateway or server. The WebSocket protocol defines a ws:// and wss:// prefix to indicate a WebSocket and a WebSocket Secure connection, respectively. Both schemes use an HTTP upgrade mechanism to upgrade to the WebSocket protocol.
As a coder of REST, I do not see any possible caveats when you switch HTTP REST to HTTPS. In times if you find some, you would definitely have them in normal HTTP REST too.

Why websocket needs an opening handshake using HTTP? Why can't it be an independent protocol?

Websocket is designed in such a way that its servers can share a port with HTTP servers, by having its handshake be a valid HTTP Upgrade request.
I have a doubt in this design philosophy.
Any ways the WebSocket Protocol is an independent TCP-based protocol.
Why would we need this HTTP handshake(upgrade request) and a protocol switching. Instead why can't we directly(& independently) follow a websocket like protocol?
To quote from the IETF 6455 WebSocket spec:
The WebSocket Protocol attempts to address the goals of existing
bidirectional HTTP technologies in the context of the existing HTTP
infrastructure; as such, it is designed to work over HTTP ports 80
and 443 as well as to support HTTP proxies and intermediaries, even
if this implies some complexity specific to the current environment.
However, the design does not limit WebSocket to HTTP, and future
implementations could use a simpler handshake over a dedicated port
without reinventing the entire protocol.
In other words, there is a vast infrastructure for HTTP and HTTPS that already exists (proxies, firewalls, caches, and other intermediaries). In order to increase the chances of being adopted widely, the WebSocket protocol was designed to allow adjustments and extensions to the existing infrastructure without having to recreate everything from scratch to support a new protocol on a dedicate port.
It's also important to note that even if WebSocket protocol were to get rid of the HTTP compatible handshake, it would still need a handshake of almost equivalent complexity to support security requirements of the modern web so the browser and server can validate each other and to support CORS (cross-origin request sharing) securely. Even "raw" Flash sockets do a handshake with the server via the security policy request prior to creating the actual socket.

Are there any advantages to using HTTP over HTTPS?

I am managing a web application that dynamically flips between http and https depending on the page. I want to get rid a ton of extra code used to flip between http and https but I want to understand any implications before I continue.
Is there any advantage to serving part of a site using http over https?
Of course there is some performance drop when using https, but it is not significant unless you have an extremely busy server. See
HTTP vs HTTPS performance
HTTP is not a secure protocol and anyone can intercept the transmitted data in cleartext (e.g. session cookies, passwords, credit card numbers, sexual fetishes). If you can, you should provide consistent HTTPS service throughout.
That said, by the design of the public/private key security, you can only use HTTPS on a server where you have complete and sole control over the IP address, since the client first looks up the IP address, then requests the secure protocol, and only then makes the HTTP query. That means that you cannot deploy HTTPS on virtual hosts (shared hosting).
(Since you already have a partial HTTPS solution, I imagine that's not a problem for you, though.)
The other downside is that the secure handshake and later encryption require computing resources, so that if you have bazillions of connections, you may feel quite a hit on your server performance. That's for you to consider, though.
Short form: If you have a dedicated IP address and enough computing resources, always and exclusively use HTTPS.
Using http is faster than https obviously since you do not have the ssl handshake overhead during connection establishment or the extra encryption/decryption delay.
If you only need parts of your web site to be secure e.g. just encrypt the login credentials, then it makes sense to have the code for the redirection so that the interaction after that is faster due to plain-text http.
If there are many areas of your site that need to be secure, then you could make measurements using https completely and see if the performance is significantly affected.
If you see no significant performance issues (or the performance is acceptable), then you could simplify your software design and remove the redirection logic between http<->https and use https everywhere.
One of the differences between HTTP and HTTPS is that with HTTPS, you loose the ability to have intermediaries (caches, proxies, etc) between the client and server do anything useful with requests and responses because the content is encrypted. From a security point of view, this is a good thing because it prevents intermediaries from snooping or tampering with traffic. On the other hand, you reduce the opportunities for dealing with things like scalability, performance and evolvability.

https security features

What makes https more secure than http?
The short answer is that https communication between your browser and the server are encrypted. While http traffic is sent in plain text. This means that anyone who can listen to the traffic can read it - this would include usernames and passwords). It also verifies the server to which you are connecting.
That it is encrypted. Read: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/HTTP_Secure
Anything not over HTTPS can be read by anyone snooping on your network.
Im quoting:
Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure (HTTPS) is a combination of the Hypertext Transfer Protocol with the SSL/TLS protocol to provide encryption and secure identification of the server.
More information on TLS:
The TLS protocol allows client/server applications to communicate across a network in a way designed to prevent eavesdropping and tampering. TLS provides endpoint authentication and communications confidentiality over the Internet using cryptography. TLS provides RSA security with 1024 and 2048 bit strengths.
Also, HTTPS verifies that the site is who it claims to be, if the certificates are correct (signed by a known CA).
All traffic is encrypted. No one on your network can see what is going on (except for knowing where those packets are going to).
The identity of the remote server can be verified using certificates. So you also know that it really is your bank that you are talking to.
Optionally (and not in wide-spread use), the identity of the client can also be verified using certificates. This would allow for secure login to a site using chip cards instead of (or in addition to) passwords.
I want to be really pedantic, as I'm a security nerd :)
HTTPS uses SSL, and it's IETF-ratified cousin, TLS. SSL/TLS can offer four security services:
1) server authentication
2) channel encryption
3) channel tamper detection
4) client authentication
Usually you'll get server auth for free, but only if the host name and the common name in the server's SSL/TLS certificate match. If they don't match your browser will warn you. You usually get the channel defenses for free too, but that's only because the server and client negotiate to require such defenses. In theory, but rarely in practice, a server and client could agree to not use one or more of the channel defenses.
Finally, client authentication is when the server wants you to present a certificate (actually, to prove you have an associated private key) to verify you are you. Client authentication is rarely used.
