Missing Jar Files for HelloGlobe (JogAmp) - jar

I am trying to run the following example.
I get errors for the following lines
import framework.Semantic;
import glm.mat.Mat4x4;
import glm.vec._2.Vec2;
import glm.vec._3.Vec3;
import uno.debug.GlDebugOutput;
import uno.glsl.Program;
import static glm.GlmKt.glm;
import static uno.buffer.UtilKt.destroyBuffer;
import static uno.buffer.UtilKt.destroyBuffers;
It seems that I am missing some more jar files even though I successfully imported jogl-all.jar and gluegen-rt.jar
I tried searching mvnrepository but did not find the jars I was looking for. I am not using maven.


Meteor Tabular errors on initialization

I'm following along the guide to setup Meteor Tabular v2.1.2 (guide). I have added the package and installed the theming packages. I'm using Meteor v2.8.0 and the project is a Blaze-based project.
In client/main.js, I set up the library as instructed.
import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';
import dataTablesBootstrap from 'datatables.net-bs';
import 'datatables.net-bs/css/dataTables.bootstrap.css';
import "../imports/ui/body";
dataTablesBootstrap(window, $);
Now when I go to the browser, there is this error:
Can anyone help me on this?
So after serious debugging , I discovered it is enough to just import the DataTable module as such after installing it with npm
import { $ } from 'meteor/jquery';
import 'datatables.net-bs';
import 'datatables.net-bs/css/dataTables.bootstrap.css';
import "../imports/ui/body";
// You don't need the code previously here .
You can now setup you DataTable as such
$(element).DataTable(//Your config object)

Css working fine for development but not being applied after production buid - React

I created an app using create-react-app, while running the code for development using npm start the pages are loading fine with all the css but when I build the project using npm run build the css won't load. Below are the attached screenshots and code snippets.
Page being loaded in development.
Same page when the build folder is served.
Here is the App.js imports
import React, { useEffect, useState } from "react";
import "bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.min.css";
import "jquery/dist/jquery.min.js";
import "bootstrap/dist/js/bootstrap.min.js";
import "./assets/css/classy-nav.min.css";
import "./assets/vendors/font-awesome/v5.9.0/all.css";
import "./assets/vendors/animate-css/animate.css";
import "./assets/vendors/magnify-popup/magnific-popup.css";
import "./assets/css/style.css";
import "owl.carousel/dist/assets/owl.carousel.css";
import "owl.carousel/dist/assets/owl.theme.default.css";
import { toast, ToastContainer } from "react-toastify";
import "react-toastify/dist/ReactToastify.css";
import $ from "jquery";
import { WOW } from "wowjs";
You might just need to run npm start after npm install.

The browser tells "failed to compile"

i import the bootstrap vue like this:
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css'
i already tried consulting all forums with similar questions but nothing
import 'bootstrap/dist/css/bootstrap.css'
import 'bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css'
Failed to compile.
/home/fabry/node_modules/bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css (./node_modules/css-loader??ref--6-oneOf-3-1!./node_modules/postcss-loader/src??ref--6-oneOf-3-2!/home/fabry/node_modules/bootstrap-vue/dist/bootstrap-vue.css)
Module build failed (from ./node_modules/postcss-loader/src/index.js):
Error: No PostCSS Config found in: /home/fabry/node_modules/bootstrap-vue/dist
at config.search.then (/home/fabry/Scrivania/programmazione/web/Vue/realVueFool/quiz/node_modules/postcss-load-config/src/index.js:91:15)
Did you follow the instructions here?
It sounds like you either didn't install all the dependencies or failed to register components in your Vue app.

Qpython import modules in script

I have installed qpython for android, the problem is that when I install a module with pip in the python console I can import it properly, but not when I try to import it to a script.
in console ... I type:
>>>import requests
<module 'requests' from '/data/data/com.hipipal.qpyplus/.../__init__.py>
but in a script saved in scripts' folder, when I execute:
import requests
r = requests.get("http://www.google.com")
print r.text.encode('utf-8')
I get this:
import requests
ImportError: no module named requests
Can anybody help with that?
Thank you!
Add import site.
This works on my tablet:
import site
import requests
r = requests.get("http://www.google.com")
print r.text.encode('utf-8')

The import org.springframework.web.servlet cannot be resolved

I am learning SpringMVC, started a tutorial, I put all the jars in the library, but I got :
The import org.springframework.web.servlet cannot be resolved for :
import org.springframework.web.servlet.ModelAndView;
import org.springframework.web.servlet.mvc.AbstractController;
