Gravity Forms & Google Analytics UA tracking - google-analytics

I have a number of sites that use Gravity Forms for their contact forms. Most sites are working fine/as they should and track accurately.
However, I have one site that it's tracking at all. I can't even see the events firing in the 'Real Time' tab in Google Analytics UA (GA UA). Other sites that track correctly in GA UA use text confirmation within Gravity Forms. This displays a script (as per most guides out there like this one) with the form ID which fires the event and gives the form ID to GA UA.
The site I'm having issues with uses a redirect confirmation (ties into a third-party CRM and then pushes back to a thank you page). I can't seem to set up goals (custom events or destination goals) to track this and all of the field mapping is correct, the events are just not firing.
I'm using the Gravity Forms Analytics add-on -- can anyone advise? Is there a simple way that I'm missing or a workaround to make this work?
I've tried using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to create the event and push through to GA UA with no luck.
Any advice would be appreciated!


Some Google Tag Manager form submission events not showing up in Google Analytics Real-time

I implemented form submission tracking with Google Tag Manager on my website. Whenever a form is submitted I got an email. It seems that maybe out of every 3 form submissions Google Analytics only records ~one event.
I tried to debug the issue using the preview mode in GTM. It seems that when I submit the form (making sure that the submitted form goes to a different browser window) I can see in the preview window that my form submission tag was fired, and I can also see the event in Google Analytics Real-Time / Events, so everything looks okay.
However if I leave the preview mode and do the same, I cannot see the form submission event any more in GA real-time.
My questions:
1. why do I not see the form submission when I leave the preview mode?
2. what would be the best way to debug the whole process to make sure that I will get all the form submission events in the future?
Thanks a lot for any hints?

Tracking help center article link clicks in Google analytics

My company's support department uses freshdesk to handle our help desk tickets and also to host our solution center articles. I am trying to track when users click links to our help center articles that we put in our ticket replies. So far I've been trying to do this by using utm parameters, and creating a unique campaign for each article. I am running into difficulty programmatically accessing the text area where we type our replies to add the utm parameters to links before they are sent out. I am wondering if there is a better way to go about this that I'm not thinking of. I know this is pretty specific, but any ideas are very Appreciated!
Managing distinct campaign names for each help article may be a hassle. I'd suggest you turn to event tracking for this kind of task. You may have set up sending an event to analytics each time a link to help article is clicked and put the URL of the link to some of the event parameter e.g. 'event action' or 'event label'. So then you can get the event data in Behavior > Top events reports for each link
Some links for you to explore:
About Google Analytics Events
Tracking link clicks with Google Tag Manager
Event tracking with google analytics.js

Double Click 1x1 Tracking Pixel

I run a wordpress blog with Google analytics, but without any Doubleclick products. Still, I see this pixel being fired off every time on pageload.
Can anyone tell me if it is related to Analystics and if I can get rid of it?
You have probably activated "Remarketing and Advertising Reporting Features" in Analytics. Since this is based on data from the Google Advertising network it redirects GA tracking calls via Doubleclick, so that is expected behaviour.
I just tested using Web Page Test ( where you can see a list of the requests and there is no Double Click tags firing.
It's either Google Analytics with Display features or a Wordpress Plugin firing the DoubleClick pixel. It could be wordpress itself using Jetpack

Using Google Tag Manager to track conversions in Google Analytics

I have managed to set up Google Tag Manager to fire off events to Google Analytics when links are clicked on different pages of my websites. I know it works as when I click the links, an alert shows up in Real Time --> Events section of Google Analytics.
I was wondering how to implement the following: For each page on my site I would like to see in Google Analytics the conversion which I define to be: Number of Relevant Links clicked on Page / Number of visits to Page. The numerator in this instance being whatever came from Google Tag Manager.
Thank you.
You are tacking about metric, not conversion. For conversion tracking you have to define exact value.
To track such metric you can use calculated metric with a formula X/Pageviews, where X is can be number of events (link clicks in your case).

Google Analytics Custom Tracking

For marketing purposes, if a link to our company website is posted on a page on an external website. Is it possible to track the time in which the user landed on the external website and clicked on the link to our company website, using custom tracking ?
I have been reading about custom GA tags however am having a hard time understanding how to make the above possible.
Thanks in advance!
You cannot track an external website, as you can only track sites where you control the tracking code.
If you have control over the external site and have implemented analytics tracking there you would
create a timestamp on page load
add an onclick event handler to the link to your site
in the callback function for that link create another timestamp, substract the original timestamp to get a duration
send a user timing call:
ga('send', 'timing', 'Link', 'Duration to click', duration);
Where the "duration" parameter would be replaced with your timestamp.
As I've said that would only work if you can run your own Google Analytics on the external site which does not seems very likely. Plus I have really no idea what you mean by "custom GA tags" (there are custom variables and custom dimensions/metrics, both of which will not help you here).
So basically the anwser is you can't, really.
