Double Click 1x1 Tracking Pixel - google-analytics

I run a wordpress blog with Google analytics, but without any Doubleclick products. Still, I see this pixel being fired off every time on pageload.
Can anyone tell me if it is related to Analystics and if I can get rid of it?

You have probably activated "Remarketing and Advertising Reporting Features" in Analytics. Since this is based on data from the Google Advertising network it redirects GA tracking calls via Doubleclick, so that is expected behaviour.

I just tested using Web Page Test ( where you can see a list of the requests and there is no Double Click tags firing.
It's either Google Analytics with Display features or a Wordpress Plugin firing the DoubleClick pixel. It could be wordpress itself using Jetpack


Gravity Forms & Google Analytics UA tracking

I have a number of sites that use Gravity Forms for their contact forms. Most sites are working fine/as they should and track accurately.
However, I have one site that it's tracking at all. I can't even see the events firing in the 'Real Time' tab in Google Analytics UA (GA UA). Other sites that track correctly in GA UA use text confirmation within Gravity Forms. This displays a script (as per most guides out there like this one) with the form ID which fires the event and gives the form ID to GA UA.
The site I'm having issues with uses a redirect confirmation (ties into a third-party CRM and then pushes back to a thank you page). I can't seem to set up goals (custom events or destination goals) to track this and all of the field mapping is correct, the events are just not firing.
I'm using the Gravity Forms Analytics add-on -- can anyone advise? Is there a simple way that I'm missing or a workaround to make this work?
I've tried using Google Tag Manager (GTM) to create the event and push through to GA UA with no luck.
Any advice would be appreciated!

FB pixel not sending events to Google Analytics (GA4) while using tag manager

I'm really struggling connecting the FB pixel, my website, Google Tag manger, and GA4 analytics together. I am trying to track when different CTAs are clicked on the homepage. I have set that up with the FB pixel, however, can't seem to see those events in GA4. Here's what I have done:
FB pixel installed successfully with fbq('track', 'EventName'); for each button
Google tag manager head and footer code inserted into homepage
FB pixel and GA4 tags set up in tag manager set to fire on #4 below
Link triggers set up for each button with click ID matching my button ID
I'm not sure what I'm doing wrong, and why GA4 isn't seeing which button is clicked!
Has anyone successfully greased this path? I imagine this may be difficult for marketers? Any insight is greatly appreciated!! Thank you!
Site is, hosted on webflow

Getting [not set] in Google Analytics only in one view

Thanks in advance,
I'm trying to fix the not set value in the google analytics google ads report.
I followed some of the posts around the web and stack-overflow, but with no luck.
the funny thing is that the not set is only appearing in the Master-view in google analytics.
I have 3 views:
All website Data
in the All website data all is working great. Iv tried to see if some of the settings are not the same, but couldn't find the reason.
any Idea why this is happening
You have to set link from Google Ads to that view in Google Analytics Property settings (for your Ads Account ID listed).
In this moment only 'All website data' is linked.

why google analytics include my click after I installed it by google tag manager?

I have installed google analytics by google tag manager, but every time I enter my website and click something, google analytics include my click. How can I solve this problem?
If you only need to track page views, make sure on Google Analytics tag inside your GTM you have firing rule set to only "All Pageviews".
Based on the event that you have mentioned, it looks like you have an additional firing rule available that is set to fire on "all clicks". You can check the GA tag if it has multiple firing rules, if yes.. you can only keep the pageviews one and remove the other.
If it is then it should be just fine . I attached a screen shot here . If you see the something like this when you click any where on the page then it is fine . Gtm automaticlly trigger this event when you implement any onclick trigger
Inside my Google Analytics tag, I have only "All Pageviews" and I don't have any additional firing rule.
You mean that you have not faced the same problem?
To solve this problem, I followed the instruction on the link below and I was successful at excluding my traffic in Google Analytics.

Track a link on a page, but not a pageview in Google analytics

I have a several web pages with a graphic banner to be used in an iframe on affiliates website. But what is happening is that those iframe pages are bloating our pageviews in Google Analytics. I want to track the link of the banner, but not count the webpage as a page view.
I have a noindex and follow in the meta information, but I am taking that this is not enough because the pages are still being tracked as a pageviews.
Is there something that I am overlooking?
Any insight would be great!
Thanks in advance.
Are you embedding your GA tracking code in your iFrame? To begin with, I don't think you want to do this. But if you want to track the number of clicks, and do this within Google Analytics, I presume you would have to make your link a Redirect and then create a custom event in the redirect.
