Wordpress - Product Selection, Booking & Payment Page Development - wordpress

I am new here for Wordpress and website development and I have a few questions to ask, so would like to seek advices from your expertise. The post is a little bit long as I combined the questions into 1 post, please accept my apologies in advance :D
Q1: I am building the website with Elementor page builder in wordpress, but one of the challenges I am facing now is that I cannot find a widget that allows me to build Product Selection Page like this Product Selection Page Image
May I know if I want to develop the website to this kind of design, is there anyway I can do it without coding? If yes, can you please also suggest me how should I do it?
Q2: Is there any free widget / plugins I can use if I want to develop the Booking & Payment page to something like this? Booking & Payment Page Image From my research so far, those free booking softwares out there only provide booking functions, if want to add payment function will have to subscribe / pay for it.
And the booking softwares do not provide API, so is there any way that we can extract the data without API?
As my client has budget issue, so is there any other alternatives that I can go with? Or it has to be coded by own self? (if must be this design)
Q3: Let's say after a customer had done booking and payment, by right we should direct them to a Confirmation / Thank You Page. But how do I link the "date" and "package" to their prior selection? As each customer may selection is different. (Please refer to the red lines and circle in the image) Confirmation / Thank you Page
And how do I add the "Add to Google Calendar" function? As I do not see any widget that can do this as well.
Thank you for spending your time to read this post. Appreciate for your time and effort


In WordPress, can I have a form and a payment submit at the same time?

Apologies for not knowing the exact terms to describe what I want, but I am using a simple WordPress theme site, the included WPForms plugin, and am trying to take orders using Square as my payment processing.
The current system I'm using works: I have a WPForm that gets the order information I need, they submit the form, then that redirects to a page where they click a link and arrive at the payment window on Square.
The problem is that I'm finding there's abandonment between the order form sending and the payment -- so I get orders in my Inbox, then have to wait and eventually track down whether they're wanting to pay. I'd really love to have my order arrive ONLY if payment is completed.
I could do this most simply by reversing the process, requiring someone pay first, THEN redirect to the order page...but that's a bad customer experience and I think people are more invested in completing a purchase if they're already excited by "ordering" it.
So I'm hoping someone can tell me if there's a plugin or method such that the very same "Order now" button will send the order to me AND process (and complete) the payment.
If this is more complicated than I think, if it's a huge headache, I will opt for either leaving it as is and tracking down payment...or reverse and make them pay first. But any help or suggestions, particularly for a Plugin that can do what I'm looking for, would be great. Thank you in advance!
If you're willing to purchase the Pro version of WPForms then it easily integrates with Stripe to collect payment at the same time that your Form is submitted.
PayPal and Authorize.Net are other options that integrate with WPForms.
These other questions may be relevant as well:
Wordpress action hook not firing (wpforms)
Wordpress Help (WPForms + PayPal Workflow)

Simple payment form for Wordpress

I'm facing some difficulties in wordpress. I don't know how to code, let's start there.
What I need is a super easy embedded payment form (name, email, credit card and paypal).
payment form screenshot (due to the reputation i can't post the image directly)
I'm actually building a simple landing page with one product only, and I need the payment form to be at the bottom of that same landing page.
All the tutorials I've been watching are teaching how to do it when you have a cart and a whole website.
I tried with multiple tutorials and plugins already but none really worked. Woocheckout is among them.
Thanks in advance!

How to show a widget only to customers who bought a product in WooCommerce (with Elementor)?

Here is what I am trying to do - a website with online courses using WooCommerce and Elementor. I want to have a page called "My Courses" where customers can see only the courses they've purchased.
I'm not using any LMS.
I will use the plugin Dynamic Conditions for Elementor to show or hide a widget.
I know that WooCommerce has a function to check if a user has bought a specific product.
I don't know how to make a connection between the two, though. That is my problem.
Dynamic Conditions uses Elementor's dynamic tags system to check against. How can I use the WC's function to check if the user bought the product and only if he/she did, then to show them the widget with the course page?
Thanks a lot for any answers with ideas or directions on how to solve this problem!
Using Dynamic.ooo you can benefit from "Visibility" extention (comes with Dynamic.ooo/ don't need seperate plugin installation) which allows you write your customized conditions (in PHP). I myself have not used the "Custom Condition" becuase I don't know much about PHP, but if you know the function and just need to connect them i think that'll do.

MailChimp and Wordpress Integration for E-Book download

I'm a little new to web dev and coding so forgive my basic question..
I'm working as a sales and marketing consultant for a software company. The company has requested i create a mailchimp campaign linking to a landing page on wordpress, with downloadable e-book for subscribers. I'm having difficulty with this; does anyone have a recommendation or solution to integrate/automate the two?
To be more concise, there's three actions required: Sending the campaign (Mailchimp), redirecting to the landing page (Wordpress), and then downloading E-Book AFTER subscribing (Wordpress). All these actions have been completed; I just don't know how to automate/integrate the actions together.
i realize it's not a coding question per se, but I assume some coding may be needed.
Thanks :)
P.s. I searched for a similar question but to no avail. If there is one, please link the answers :)
Have you tried the mail chimp plug-in?
-Good luck [:
I have had to create a similar workflow, below is my process.
Create a list on mailchimp
within this list, in the forms tab, create a form to get name and email info of people wanting to download your Ebook
open 'embedded forms' in the same list and copy the HTML code
Using the Bloom plugin connect mailchimp and wordpress.
selected the mailchimp list you want to connect
select 'custom HTML form' and paste the code
make final aesthetic changes to from
Bloom will give you a 'shortcode for the optin' which can be copied into a black wordpress page. (this will show your form)
Create a landing page on wordpress
standard page nothing special but link to you wordpress page with your form
Set up automation on Mailchimp that whenever someone signs up to your list they get an email with a link to the Ebook.
That's the overview, with many learning opportunities along the way ;)

Credit Based Shopping on Wordpress

I'm trying to build a website that has items for sale by credits only. The credits would be entered for all users by an admin only (manually). And the items could be shopped on the site by users who would see something they want, they'd be able to see how many 'credits' they have accrued, and then build a cart and place an order by spending these credits. There would be absolutely no need for actual money, no shipping, just a notification sent to the admins that an order has been requested, who and what that order request is, and the 'credits' deducted from their account.
Can anybody point in the direction of the right direction to build something like this? I'm thinking Wordpress because I'm familiar with the dashboard and backend of it, but I'm not opposed to another CMS tool if there's a better one for this idea.
I don't believe WordPress has anything out of the box like this, but you can always search for a plugin that does what you are describing.
If there isn't one, you may consider installing WooCommerce and creating "coupons" instead. But I don't know if that would work for what you are talking about or not.
