Simple payment form for Wordpress - wordpress

I'm facing some difficulties in wordpress. I don't know how to code, let's start there.
What I need is a super easy embedded payment form (name, email, credit card and paypal).
payment form screenshot (due to the reputation i can't post the image directly)
I'm actually building a simple landing page with one product only, and I need the payment form to be at the bottom of that same landing page.
All the tutorials I've been watching are teaching how to do it when you have a cart and a whole website.
I tried with multiple tutorials and plugins already but none really worked. Woocheckout is among them.
Thanks in advance!


How to link pricing table with affiliate product?

I have a pricing table on my home page that lists 3 nutrition plans. Each of these plans is actually an affiliate product. Currently, I've manually added the affiliate link to each of the buttons (which redirects to the affiliate website by clicking a button), without using woocomerce products.
I have another page called Plans in which I use the product grid widget from Elementor, which automatically adds my external products that are added to Woocomerce product list (links are the same as in the pricing table product list).
So here I got totally confused due to lack of my experience. Here are the problems:
I can't use some kind of grid on my homepage as well (for additional widget cost and design reasons), but I will need to edit 2 places if an affiliate link would change.
In addition to that, I'm not sure if WooCommerce will be able to
track which products sell the best because it's not actually
directly coupled, it's just a link. Or I'm wrong here and Woocomerce
will only look into the affiliate link?
I would be able to live with changing 2 places in the future, but I'm totally not sure about the second one.I tried to dig deep into that, but only found information with an actual products and not affiliate ones, which is not the case in my scenario.

Wordpress - Product Selection, Booking & Payment Page Development

I am new here for Wordpress and website development and I have a few questions to ask, so would like to seek advices from your expertise. The post is a little bit long as I combined the questions into 1 post, please accept my apologies in advance :D
Q1: I am building the website with Elementor page builder in wordpress, but one of the challenges I am facing now is that I cannot find a widget that allows me to build Product Selection Page like this Product Selection Page Image
May I know if I want to develop the website to this kind of design, is there anyway I can do it without coding? If yes, can you please also suggest me how should I do it?
Q2: Is there any free widget / plugins I can use if I want to develop the Booking & Payment page to something like this? Booking & Payment Page Image From my research so far, those free booking softwares out there only provide booking functions, if want to add payment function will have to subscribe / pay for it.
And the booking softwares do not provide API, so is there any way that we can extract the data without API?
As my client has budget issue, so is there any other alternatives that I can go with? Or it has to be coded by own self? (if must be this design)
Q3: Let's say after a customer had done booking and payment, by right we should direct them to a Confirmation / Thank You Page. But how do I link the "date" and "package" to their prior selection? As each customer may selection is different. (Please refer to the red lines and circle in the image) Confirmation / Thank you Page
And how do I add the "Add to Google Calendar" function? As I do not see any widget that can do this as well.
Thank you for spending your time to read this post. Appreciate for your time and effort

MailChimp and Wordpress Integration for E-Book download

I'm a little new to web dev and coding so forgive my basic question..
I'm working as a sales and marketing consultant for a software company. The company has requested i create a mailchimp campaign linking to a landing page on wordpress, with downloadable e-book for subscribers. I'm having difficulty with this; does anyone have a recommendation or solution to integrate/automate the two?
To be more concise, there's three actions required: Sending the campaign (Mailchimp), redirecting to the landing page (Wordpress), and then downloading E-Book AFTER subscribing (Wordpress). All these actions have been completed; I just don't know how to automate/integrate the actions together.
i realize it's not a coding question per se, but I assume some coding may be needed.
Thanks :)
P.s. I searched for a similar question but to no avail. If there is one, please link the answers :)
Have you tried the mail chimp plug-in?
-Good luck [:
I have had to create a similar workflow, below is my process.
Create a list on mailchimp
within this list, in the forms tab, create a form to get name and email info of people wanting to download your Ebook
open 'embedded forms' in the same list and copy the HTML code
Using the Bloom plugin connect mailchimp and wordpress.
selected the mailchimp list you want to connect
select 'custom HTML form' and paste the code
make final aesthetic changes to from
Bloom will give you a 'shortcode for the optin' which can be copied into a black wordpress page. (this will show your form)
Create a landing page on wordpress
standard page nothing special but link to you wordpress page with your form
Set up automation on Mailchimp that whenever someone signs up to your list they get an email with a link to the Ebook.
That's the overview, with many learning opportunities along the way ;)

How to disable function in one section of Wordpress/Woocommerce

I'm using a product add ons plugin for Woocommerce which is great - allows lots of custom options for a product (engraving etc). This displays on the main product page fine and works well.
In the shop pages though and any other section like related products these options show too, which ruin the look of those sections.
I'm waiting for a response from the plugin developer but just wondered if anyone here could point me in at least the general direction of where I should look to solve this - been on it for days now. I'm new to removing actions etc.
Thanks (I know there's not enough info here but a suggestion would be great)

WordPress: Isolating posts on a certain topic, to one section of a site

First, I've only programmed a lot of HTML, know a little PHP and am playing with Wordpress, experimenting and learning it the way I learn everything else, trial and error, heavy on the error.
The subject line isn't very clear I'm sure. I have a site set up for writing. The posts act as categories and to a Page menu for static submissions. All posts, in the theme show up on page 1, 2, etc. Great.
What I'm trying to figure out and want is this. I want a separate section of Posts just for one topic, in this case movie reviews. So the main section of the site is general posting. I want a separate section where users can post to their hearts content but have those movie posts REMAIN in one section and not be mixed in with the "general population." Ok, they click on the Movie Review link on the main page. This takes them to the Site Admin where they can write a review in TinyMCE and Publish it. IS there a way that these Posts can show up in a section of their own?
I've even installed a second WP site for this purpose. Wonderful, but now I have to transfer all registered users there and any new ones. That's insane. Plus, the user would have to log in twice, once for the original and once for the Movie WP. Also unacceptable.
If I'm on the wrong site to ask this question, let me know and my apologies. Otherwise, some guidance would keep me from my endless Google search.
You can use Categories to mimic this. So your movie reviews would be at You would then modify index.php to exclude the movie reviews category from the main page.
If you're comfortable with using php, you could instead use custom post types. This is a better solution, but would require more custom coding. The bottom of the Codex page I linked to has some excellent walkthroughs on using CPTs.
