Corda community version with SQL or NoSQL database connection for node and notary - corda

Very new to Corda, I would be asking very basic or simple questions, please bear with me, I am looking for some examples for my POC. I have to save the txns details into DB for each node and notary. I am using the Corda community 4.9 version. Any leads on this?
Thanks in Advance.


Monitoring NebulaGraph K8s resources

We want to extend our existing monitoring to include Nebula resources such as node, service and space.
How can we do this, can you please point me to any documentation
For node, I take it as the OS/Machine level, the vanilla node exporter(and Prometheus)[0] will do the job.
For Service/Space level monitoring, we could leverage the nebula-stats-operator[1]
And actually, there is an all-in-one solution out there in the NebulaGraph community called NebulaGraph Dashboard[2], in which it wired everything together already, even if you are connecting things from scratch on your own, you could still refer to it(on how it leveraged the exporters).
For documentation, you could check the following chapters:

Showing Volume Details using python openstacksdk, python novaclient, python cinderclient

Hello guys and I hope you're having a great day. I have a question about using Openstack API in Python.
I'm using python-novaclient for getting server details and flavor details. And I want to get the volume details too but I don't know how to do it, I've tried to collect volume details but it failed somehow and I need to ask you guys if you have any idea.
This information is what I want to get:
volume_id, attached to (w/c volume), name, status and volume_type (CEPH or LVM)
I used python-cinderclient, but I only got the volume_id.
Here's the code:
volumes = cinder.volumes.list()
Can someone help me to get the other data? Other than running Openstack command-line in the server, I just need some Python module to get these data.
Thanks in advance.
I've finally figured it out, and I'm going to answer this for anyone who is interested in Openstack SDK or other Python API for Openstack.
First, for authentication you need to use Keystone API, the documentation is all over the internet so no need to worry, you could just oversee in your Openstack for credentials needed. And for my question, I use the function get_volume from Connection class. Please see the documentation
for this. You can read other documentation as well on the internet.
So, here is the example of how to get volumes details:
vol = conn.get_volume(volume_id)

Connect RCassandra to Datastax with secure bundle zip file

I want to connect a code in R with datastax cassandra, I have found the package RCassandra and in several examples it shows how to connect to cassandra, but I need an example which adds a "" which is required to connect to Datastax.
So far I got this:
RC.connect(host="",port=31808) -> con
RC.login(con, username = "user", password = "pwd")
But I need to add to this snippet a line for my "". Is there a way to do that?
Please, help.
No, it's impossible to do with that package. The primary reason is that it's very old, and uses the obsolete Thrift protocol that isn't available for DataStax Astra.
P.S. more details in the answer for similar question answered some time ago

Upgradable contract with corda

I have some calculation code into corda APP. for example (stateA + StateB).
After some time after corda network was started I have to upgrade formula from
(stateA + StateB)
(stateA + StateB + 2)
Does corda have the best practice how to do it. For example upgradable contracts from Version 1 to Version 2 with a new formula. Any best practice how to achieve it?
The upgrade guide for CorDapps can be found here:

item reader in spring batch is not able to read a oracle table

Item reader in spring batch is able to read other tables But it is not able to read a table. But I am able to read it in sql developer. I am getting exception like reader initialization failed.
Can Someone help me on this?
I found the mistake i have done. The user which i am using in java to access db hasn't privilege for the table i am trying to access.. In SQL developer i am using the user which has privilege for all the tables.
Thanks a lot for your response and time.
