How to cache my shiny application only one time on loading - r

I have a shiny application that is published on shinyappsio. The application has a filter Reporter and it is loaded with a default Reporter. How can I cache only the first time the application loads for the default reporter and then every time someone accesses the application it will use the cache to load it?


Automatically restart Shiny apps after server reboot

I have a Shiny application that needs to load into memory some fairly large data sets. To save the users some time when browsing to the dashboard, I set the app_idle_timeout to zero (using the community version of the Shiny server application), as suggested in the docs. This works as expected.
However, the underlying data needs to be refreshed daily. Hence, what I would like to do is setting up a cron job that reboots the shiny server (or stops the relevant sessions) every day at 3am and then automatically initiates a new R session so that the data in the global.R is loaded into memory and the dashboard ready to consume instantly.
What I do not understand is how to initiate a particular Shiny application from terminal, i.e. mimic what happens when browsing to the URL of this app on the Shiny server.
Any suggestion would be greatly appreciated.

Meteor initial load time on * slow

I've read about fastrender, but does this apply to the hello world example that gets created after running meteor create? I've deployed a blank app to * and the initial load time is 2-3 seconds if I haven't cached anything.

Sbt/Play - Run task everytime play reloads the application

When my app is running, and I change a file, play reloads the application. Is it possible to define an sbt task that executes every time the application reloads?

Updating an existing web app advice for

I have a web application that is used by several different clients. At the moment the process of updating their end with any changes is like so:
Publish/Compile App
Put relevant files into a zip (not web.config as different db paths for each client and don't want to overwrite)
Generate scripts on SQL Server for all Stored Procedures
Add to zip
Upload zip to Web
WPF App I created that runs from client server downloads zip, extracts files to web app folder and executes scripts for sql server stored procedures
Now this does work but it requires an IT guy at the client end to run the WPF App to update and it can be days before some of them get round to it. So what I would like to do is provide the ability to update the web app from WITHIN the web app. I know I can create a DLL to do the FTP, Extract etc, but how can I get this to display progress on the page?
Or if anyone has an alternative to updating the web app without the need for someone to access the server it's on great as this method makes it hard to let clients know when there is an update available.
You can use i.e.
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Your.Type), "MethodNameToCall")]
which is specified in the AssemblyInfo.cs file of a project to do some setup code whenever the application is deployed. This automatically runs on deployment and would allow you to do your copying/setup. You could probably run the WPF App from this code via
Having re-read this post it seems clear to me that this is about moving from a WPF app to a web based app. Also it appears the poster just wants a method by which to signal back from the code that is updating the file system on the client side so....
Depending on how complex the input required is you may need one or more pages and a navigation system to go forward and back.
However once all input had been taken and the update commenced you have a couple of options - one 'hacky' the other not so.
1 - Hacky) Refresh the page using window.location javascript and setTimeout along with session tracking to update the progress of the threaded coded behind EWWWWW...
2) Create an ajax function using setInterval to poll the server (probably using a callable method decorated with the [WebMethod] attribute. This method can send back arbitrary data back to the ajax call which is then used to update the UI (perhaps using something like jqueryUI progress bar
NOTE: IF you are replacing anything in the bin, touching the web.config or in fact ANY .aspx page. Then you will restart the server automatically... If this is the case then you will have to code a seperate application that will update the other application from the outside + you should signal to any connected users that a shutdown will occur shortly and start blocking new users until the upgrade has completed. app still using old data after SSIS Package updates it

I have got a SSIS Package running every 2 hours. It collects data from different DBs and updates the DB of my ASP.Net Application. Everything goes smooth, but the application is still using the old data, it has the data somehow cached. If I just open save the web.config, it empties the cache and uses the updated new data. How can I make sure, that the app empties the cache after SSIS Package finished successfully?
If this is your code then you should use SqlCacheDependency. If not then you can add special aspx page and call it from SSIS. This page can refresh cached data.
