Apache commons text version vulnerability - apache-commons-text

I have an apache web server running a WordPress site. The Apache web server has a new vulnerability
called text4shell. Apache suggests upgrading the commons text version. Can any body know how to upgrade the apache commons text version in windows?
Best Wishes,
Zaheer Muhammad


problem with hosting asp.net core 2.1 in plesk cpanel?

I am having asp.net core 2.1 project and your plesk supports upto only .Net framework 4.6.2. And I am not able to host my project.It always ends up with following error
HTTP Error 502.5 - Process Failure
What I have tried:
In Plesk , I clicked on Hosting Settings and untick Microsoft ASP.NET so that .NET core gets No Managed Code Application Pool.
And then trying to test my project .. But everytime I ends you will above error.
I am trying to do this for 3 days :)
As mentioned on Plesk's Knowledge base, it'll depend on your version of Plesk - it'll require 17.8 onwards.
ASP.NET Core 2.x
In Plesk for Windows
According to release notes, ASP.NET Core 2.0 is supported since March
6, 2018 on Plesk Onyx 17.8 only. Check how to upgrade to the latest
It is possible to install required components with the Autoinstaller
(Plesk > Tools & Settings (Server) > Updates & Upgrades > Plesk
hosting features > .NET Core Runtime), and then upload your
application manually into hosting using FTP, Visual Studio and etc.
As for other versions, they are not shipped with Plesk, but can be
used on a server with Plesk.
The required version can be installed manually using the installer
available on .NET Core main website.
After installation, version can be verified by executing the following
command in the Command prompt:
dotnet --version
In Plesk for Linux Download and install manually all the required packages from https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/linux

Docker - Windows Server 2016 Nano Server or IIS

Official images for .NET Core for Linux and Windows Server 2016 Nano Server
I have a question about this docker image;
We have ASP.NET and VB.NET for our legacy apps and they're all running on IIS server.
I am wondering if the official microsoft image for .net core will only support the Windows Server 2016 Nano Server and NOT the IIS server? Sorry new to .net world.
I need to dockerize our ASP.NET and VB.NET apps running on IIS but not sure if that image is only for Windows Server 2016 Nano Server; will IIS server work with that official microsof image?
For traditional ASP.NET apps, running them on Docker requires the base image to be Windows Server Core,
More information can be found in my blog post,

ASPX (asp.net) on WAMP

I'm using WAMP and lately I've been working on files with the extension .aspx.
I'm trying to install the module for the wamp: mod_aspdotnet but then I'm getting an error:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Apache Software Foundation\apache2\ is not a valid path to an installed instance of apache.
Any suggestions?
mod_aspdotnet is a module for Apache HTTP Server 2.0.44 or later,
running on Windows, Windows NT Service Pack 6 or later (including
2000, 2003, XP and Vista) with the .NET Framework 1.1 (or 1.0),
including Microsoft's ASP.NET hosting framework.
It was originally developed by Covalent Technologies, lived for a time
at the Apache Software Foundation and is now maintained by the
mod-aspdotnet project hosted on SourceForge and sponsored by Covalent
Technologies. It is not known to work on non-Windows platforms, with
*earlier versions of Apache, or 2.0 and later versions of the .NET
framework. Consult the project's pages for more details.

Apache using JRuby

I am currently using application which is developed using JRuby on Rails. I have created application which heavily depends on JRuby internals. Now I am looking to host the application in dedicated server using Windows platform. Can anyone tell how we can host the application using JRuby on rails. There is a possiblity of doing it ruby on rails. We can use it Apache/IIS7. But there are no specific details given regarding how to do develop in JRuby on rails Windows based platform using Apache/IIS7. Can anyone help me how to host JRuby on rails in dedicated server ?
You can use Trinidad to deploy a Jruby on Rails application. Trinidad uses Apache tomcat as it's application server and Tomcat is embedded in the Jruby gem so you don't need to host/administer your own Tomcat instance outside of the application.
simplest application (from command line at the root of your rails app):
jruby -S gem install trinidad
jruby -S trinidad
Trinidad is a fine solution, but I've found that if you're hosting on the windows platform a better solution might be war file deployment. Use the Warbler gem https://github.com/jruby/warbler to create a simple war file which is then deployed to a tomcat server. This seems to work better for the windows ecosystem -- especially if there is an existing tomcat server or argumentative Ops staff involved.
For super ease of use, Trinidad.
For existing Windows world and Administrators, tomcat and war file.

ASP.NET on a linux webserver

Can I host a asp.net application on a linux based webserver?
Do they allow .net framework to be installed on linux?
Mono might work for you. It's an open source implementation of .NET that runs on Linux. It requires installation.
You can test your ASP.NET application with MOMA (Mono Migration Analyzer) first to see if it will work.
Take a look a Mono, specifically and it's ASP.NET implementation.
Check out the mono project:
It's not 1:1 to the .net framework, but it's as good as you're going to get on linux in terms of .net.
Although there is Mono project - an implementation of .NET framework for Linux OS, I'd suggest you to use Windows server to host your web applications, since Mono doesn't provide all .NET functionality.
Yes that is possible, if you have a VPS/VPC server.
In shared hosting server you coudl go for Windows/Plesk, as they have pre-installed ASP.net.
In shared hosting Linux, you may not get root access to install ASP.net, please confirm over the specification from your hosting provider.
If you have a Linux server make sure that you " root access " to install the progamming language.

