Salesforce Joint Report Common Field error - report

I wanted to create a joint report and when I add the new block to add second report, its cannot add since it says common field is required.
I have a Primary object i.e. Personas. All other objects has either master-detail or Lookup relationship to Personas. So there is a common field in all objects.
Am I missing something. Please help


Drupal 8 Views Question Involving Entity Reference

Trying to figure out views relationships and filters.
I'm trying to make a view that has the title of the page match the entity reference of the same page and make it reactive so I only need one. EX.) Page about animals, which there are nodes referencing the animal page as an entity reference.
Firstly, you have to take one unique field which can identify whether particular node is for animals or etc.
After that, In your views you need to select that field name in contextual filter and select option as you can see in screenshot and then save it.

What is the syntax to add a column to the Custom Form list that shows where in WF it is used?

Super simple.
When viewing the list of Custom Forms in Setup, I want to add a column that shows where those Custom Forms are in use (or null if used nowhere).
This is similar in principle to viewing the list of fields, which has a list of forms on which those fields are used.
What is the syntax I can use to add the appropriate column(s) to the view?
As far as I know, there is no linkage in the backend that connects categories (custom forms) to their host objects. This is probably because the list could be massive and the query would take quite a while to execute as it would have to traverse every object in Workfront or each form would store every parent object ID.
Unfortunately, you can't even search for objects by associated category IDs, so if you wanted to build this yourself you would need to query each object and search its categories to see if your custom form appeared.

how to merge entity reference relationship field value

I am facing problem in drupal views.
In my view display table having relationship with other entity type.
I am not getting desire output. It show duplicate rows with same title due to entity relationship.
I wanted to aggregate entity relationship field with ",".
I already try some module like : view distinct, views_merge_rows.
But did not work for me.
Please suggest some module.
Have a look at Views Calc and if you cant do it in the database Views Aggregator Plus gives you even more options.

How to deal with the choice "other" in EntityChoiceList in Symfony2 forms?

I've got a model as described below :
I've also got a form to create a new product with a field entity building a dropdown list containing all the Brands.
Now I want to add a value "Other" in this list in order to allow the user to specify the Brand manually in another text field.
The question is: is there a clean way to manage this case (eg. adding the value "Other" in the list, which is not an entity and get the form validation to work) with Symfony2 forms?
You can do it in two ways,
You can subscribe for FormEvents::BIND_CLIENT_DATA form event. In the event method you can create new Brand object from the text, save it and set the id to the form by calling $event->setData($data). See this cookbook entry.
You can append a data transformer. In its reverseTransform method you can create+save the object and return its id. See this cookbook entry.

How to create a new record with a particular GUID

Using the Dynamics CRM I'm trying to create an instance of an entity. I would like to manually set the GUID, but if I had the attribute that is the primary key to the DynamicEntity, I get following error.
Service could not process request
I am building a DynamicEntity, and setting the [entityname]id attribute causes the request to fail. It's moving data between two CRM instances, so if anyone knows of a better way to copy records between CRMs, that'd work too. Otherwise, I'd like the GUID to match across instances... as that's the point of a GUID.
Happily, it IS possible to do this across two CRM instances! A co-worker knew the solution, so credit really belongs to him.
My mistake was creating a Property with type UniqueIdentifierProperty. The primary key attribute on an entity needs to be filled in with a KeyProperty. These two properties are nearly identical -- the Property types are, except that one holds a Key, the other a UniqueIdentifier. The Key/UniqueIdentifier both hold GUIDs. (Another day in the mind of Microsoft!)
Precisely, what I'm doing is creating a DynamicEntity, filling in the entity name, and filling in the majority of the attributes. The PK attribute (which you can determine from the metadata) can be filled in with a KeyProperty. I was filling it in with a UniqueIdentifierProperty, which CRM rejects and responds with a nondescript and unhelpful error message.
I apologize if I am over-simplifying the solution, but why not add a custom field in both instances that would be a mirror of the other instances guid?
