Woocommerce Custom Shipping API - wordpress

I would like to integrate a custom shipping method API into Woocommerce. Documentation is saying that I need to use a method POST and to parse a JSON to a third party logistic company. I tried to test an API with a Postman and the request was send successfully. But I do not understand where to send the request and integrate API request. Could someone please help me with a suggestion or an example? Thank you in advance
I tried make a custom shipping api plugin according to Woo documentation but I do not understand where to send a request and integrate API request


Credit Card Payment Error: invalid parameter were supplied to stripe API

Basically its a form created with WPForm plugin in WordPress
see this
this is the main error .
plz help me solve this
To resolve this you would need to look at the exact request/response to the API, which may require access to the backend used to create parts of the payment flow.
You should reach out to the WPForms support team for help with your use of their plugin.

Get Admin email using WooCommerce Rest API

Is there an REST endpoint that can provide the admin email on the WooCommerce installation. I have gone through the documentation for the REST API here https://woocommerce.github.io/woocommerce-rest-api-docs and I can't seem to figure this out.
GET /wp-json/wc/v3/customers/1 seems to work for me.

What is the rest call for getting feed in linkedin api

In linkedin documentation i learn something like {service} in rest api call but I'm not able to understand that.
Can anyone please eloborate about this rest api.
Eg: https://api.linkedin.com/v2/{service}
For Receiving linkedin Feeds you can call this url
It will only give you the posts shared by your network.
For more details go through the documentation.

Is it possible to schedule a post with Linkedin Api

I am trying to use linkedin API for sharing my web site post on linkedin. One of the feature is to schedule the post after some time or specific date. I would like to know is there any Api available for that where i can pass some parameter and the post is submitted on linkedin.
Please help if anyone have done this before

FareNabber API on Sabre - where do the notifications go

I am interested in seeing if Sabre's FareNabber is an API that works for an application I am building.
The documentation here https://developer.sabre.com/docs/read/rest_apis/air/search/fare_nabber does not explain where/how the notifications get posted to after a subscription made. All I see is the following:
FareNabber nabs the itinerary options and pushes the results to the customer for a purchase decision.
Is this an email to the customer? Is this an HTTP POST with a JSON payload to a server I provide so I can handle the actual email transmission? Where is this documented?
Re Endpoint you set this up during activation:
Note: This service requires activation, please contact your Sabre Account Representative for assistance.
Actually yes you get a JSON - its specified here: http://files.developer.sabre.com/doc/providerdoc/STPS/fare_nabber/v100/FNB_LowFareNotification.json
