Is it possible to schedule a post with Linkedin Api - linkedin

I am trying to use linkedin API for sharing my web site post on linkedin. One of the feature is to schedule the post after some time or specific date. I would like to know is there any Api available for that where i can pass some parameter and the post is submitted on linkedin.
Please help if anyone have done this before


Woocommerce Custom Shipping API

I would like to integrate a custom shipping method API into Woocommerce. Documentation is saying that I need to use a method POST and to parse a JSON to a third party logistic company. I tried to test an API with a Postman and the request was send successfully. But I do not understand where to send the request and integrate API request. Could someone please help me with a suggestion or an example? Thank you in advance
I tried make a custom shipping api plugin according to Woo documentation but I do not understand where to send a request and integrate API request

REST API endpoint for linkedin automation on

Would highly appreciate help on this! For my business linked in page I am looking to create an automation where my facebook multiple image posts automatically get sent to linkedin and creates image posts for me. We need one piece of information so all of the photos from the post get transfered over to linkedin.
We need help on how to use your REST API endpoint. The goal is to be able to upload multiple images to the page from facebook. Can can someone help with this please?

Linkedin API Webhooks

We are developing a platform to help freelancers schedule #linkedin posts for their clients and manage comments on those posts.
I understand from the documentation that LinkedIn provides webhooks for apps to get notified when a Page post receives comments but I can't find a way to enable that feature. At the moment we are basically query the API frequently enough to make it look like it is a webhook but that is not a proper solution.
Is it a very restricted feature just like video UGC posts (which would be nice to have as well)?
Or can we apply somehow?
Any help is appreciated, thanks.

What is the rest call for getting feed in linkedin api

In linkedin documentation i learn something like {service} in rest api call but I'm not able to understand that.
Can anyone please eloborate about this rest api.
For Receiving linkedin Feeds you can call this url
It will only give you the posts shared by your network.
For more details go through the documentation.

Linkedin API Pulse Share

I am trying to integrate my blog to Linkedin Pulse by connecting to my linkedin app. I found that posting to API /v1/people/~/shares shares my update but I can't figure out how to post it on Pulse - long post.
Is it even possible?
Posting on Pulse is not available using LinkedIn's public API. And as far as I know, they are not offering this to their partners either.
Managed to fix it with Curl. The tool is logging in to your linked in (user and password). Gathers the token and post to LinkedIn pulse, additional request is used to upload image and tags using post ID at that time.
