Troubles Migrating Multisite-Language-Switcher Wordpress Multisite (in a sub-folder) from Local to Dev - wordpress

I am having trouble migrating a Wordpress Multisite from my local environment to a subfolder Wordpress install on the development server.
I opted for exporting the local database using WP Migrate DB Pro, which takes care of the search and replace for the base URL, and then importing the SQL file via phpmyadmin into a blank multisite on the remote dev server (I explain the steps I took in detail below).
(Note: I cannot use the WP Migrate DB Pro plugin to push the multisite because my main site is not in the server root. Delicious Brains support wrote: I can confirm that migrating between a subdirectory multisite and a subdomain multisite is still not supported by WP Migrate. This is why I am trying this method of importing the WP database directly via phpmyadmin.)
Here is the situation in the current state of the migration.
After the migration, on the user end, some things worked, and others didn’t. The “main” site of the multisite is completely intact. All pages can be viewed with all images in place. This is the English site. On the other two sites of the multisite, the French and the Spanish, all pages fail to load and go to “THE PAGE CAN’T BE FOUND. It looks like nothing was found at this location.” error page. (note: we are using the Multisite Language Switcher plugin to create a multilingual site).
On the WP Admin side, again everything works for the English site, but not for the French and Spanish sites, nor the Network Admin. The “My Sites” admin dropdown menu shows all of the subsites of the multisite as it does in the local environment. But when clicking on the French or Spanish subsite “Dashboard” links, the main site dashboard is loaded (i.e. English) not the expected French or Spanish dashboard.
There is also a problem with the Network Admin dashboard. When “Network Admin -> Dashboard” is clicked it goes to “This page isn’t working | *****.org redirected you too many times. | Try clearing your cookies. ERR_TOO_MANY_REDIRECTS”.
Note that the database import worked well. All the tables are there for all subsites. And because I simply replaced the remote /Content folder with the one from local, all the files are in place for the multisite.
These are the URLs:
main site (English): ;
secondary site French: cicada10/fr/
secondary site Spanish: cicada10/es/
Here are the steps that I used to migrate the multisite from the local environment to the remote development server:
Create a new WP install on remote site in a subfolder /cicada10
Make remote site a multisite by following these instructions:
Export DB on local using WP-Migrate DB Pro “backup option” (In the migrate tab select “REPLACE ANOTHER SITE WITH THIS SITE | Export Database”. I used: “Option: Export Entire Network”; “Option: Export all tables”; Remplace: Find //cicada.local Replace with | Find C:\Users\User\Local Sites\cicada\app\public Replace with /home3/centrele/public_html/cicada10.)
Extract exported database .gz file to get SQL file
Create Zip of the WP /Content folder on local
Gather database information using phpmyadmin from the local WP multisite install (Get from wp_site table: domain = / path = /cicada10/)
Drop all tables from remote DB using phpmyadmin
Import DB backup SQL file from local into empty remote DB using phpmyadmin
Rename WP /Content folder on remote and then upload Zip of /Content from local via file manager, and unzip, delete Zip file
Verify in phpmyadmin Site URL in all language wp_options(2,3) tables is
Change wp_site on phpmyadmin to table: domain = | path = /cicada10/
Edit wp-config.php ($table_prefix = *to the prefix of remote db | Be sure that the multisite paths are correct: define( 'DOMAIN_CURRENT_SITE', '' ); define( 'PATH_CURRENT_SITE', '/cicada10/' ))
Sign back into remote WPAdmin and refresh the page
Any help getting the secondary sites properly connected and the Network Admin working would be greatly appreciated.


Duplicate WordPress site onto a staging site on a subdomain

I'm trying to set up a staging site for an existing WordPress site.
I've backed up the existing public_html folder through filezilla and it's about 25GB.
I've set up the subdomain on cpanel and also a new staging database.
I'm following these instructions -
But the Duplicator plugin doesn't work on my wordpress site - I've even paid for the pro version but it fails at the Scanning part and never even gets to the Build part. I've been through the Help for Duplicator and they can't work it out either.
So ... my question is ... can I do this through cpanel and avoid the whole Wordpress dashboard completely. Can I just copy the files from the cpanel File Manager and put them into the Staging subdomain?
Or is there another way to do what I'm trying to do?
Thanks so much
The free version of the Duplicator plugin doesn't allow you to create a package more than 500MB, you will have to do it on two parts by migrating only the database by the plugin and zip the files on cPanel and move the manually or using FTP.
You can zip the files and upload them to the new domain and export the database and open notepad++ for example and start replacing the old URL with the new one then import the edited database to the new domain

Migrating from local to live wordpress asks for new installation

I have finished developing a wordpress site in xampp environment. I decided to go live with it so I zipped all the files in the htdocs/sitename/ directory and uploaded it into public_html directory of live website and then extracted the contents. Then I exported local website database and imported it to the live website.
Now when I visit the live website address, instead of seeing the home page of the website, I encounter the very first page of installing a fresh copy of wordpress (which asks for selecting a language to start installing wordpress)! Why does this happen? What am I doing wrong?
I found out what the problem was. The table prefixes of live website database was different from the table prefix set in the wp-config.php file. So, I changed the $table_prefix variable in wp-config.php file to match the live database table prefixes. Problem solved.

How to Transfer Edited theme on Local Host to Azure?

I have to transfer my Local host edited WordPress theme to Azure WordPress.
I have edited a WordPress theme on my Local Xampp Server. After that, I got to know that to transfer my theme, I need to install a WordPress plug-in called Duplicator. I have installed and downloaded the generated files. Now, I want to transfer that theme to my newly made Azure Account WordPress
but I'm unable to do so and there is no descriptive video or post that I can find.
I can not find Azure WordPress root directory.
How to Move Your WordPress Site to Microsoft Azure: Step by Step Guide
Backup your WordPress Site with cPanel
Choose the “Full Backup” option which will include all your files and databases
Backup your WordPress Site with a Plugin
Install and activate the plugin and you will see a new menu item under “Tools” named “Backups”,click the “Settings” link and choose the “Database and Files” option.
Export Your Site Content
“Tools” > “Export” and choose “All Content” and download the Export file.
Move WordPress Content to Azure
Now you have your site backup, the content you will need to set the site up on Azure is as follows :
The /wp-content folder – This contains any uploaded images and files, your plugins and your themes
The Export file – This contains all your blog posts, comments, pages and any other content.
Upload Content Via FTP
Login to Azure portal and choose your website from the “Websites” link on the left-hand side, click your site name and the “Dashboard” and you will see a link on the bottom right named “Setup Deployment Credentials”
Enter a username and password in the popup box and these will be your FTP login credentials
Import Content- Download and import file attachment
To import your content, in the new Azure installation visit “Tools” > “Import” and select the WordPress importer from the list
Setting the Permalinks
“Settings” > “Permalinks” and choose your option there. For instance, choose “Post Name” and WordPress will create a “web.config” file for you ( on PHP hosting, the file is .htaccess )
You can follow this steps.
You can get the more details by

Is exporting your wordpress website and adding it to this filezilla server the same as creating a local copy of your website

I wanted to find out if I download/export my wordpress website and upload it to my filezilla server, is that the same thing as creating a local copy? Also is that what MAMP is used for?
No it is not. You also have to create database for the local copy and set the database connections in wp-config.php. WordPress stores file in wp-content folder and used database for storing page data, post data, comments, etc.
You should first understand about how to Install WordPress - Click here.
MAMP is used to run WordPress in Local PC. There is also XAMPP which is similar to MAMP. If you are WordPress developer you can use either XAMPP or MAMP to create WordPress Websites.

How to move a localhost wordpress site to already registered wordpress domain

I have built a wordpress site locally. Now I want to host the site globally .
I already have bought a wordpress blog domain (i.e. It changed the site name from to )
Now how I can transfer my local plugins and themes to ??
Move all files with wp-admin, wp-content, wp-includes into your host.
Delete wp-config.php file.
Go to site URL EX: and go through typical installation procedure.
Go to your database in your host and delete those 11 tables which have made.
Now you should export the local database and you should open it in any text editor and search and replace your local URL with new one.
Ex: localhost with, then import it to your database of real server.
Now It should work.
To do this you have to go through these steps
1) Make a zip of your wordpress folder and upload to your domain.
2) Export your local database..Open it in any editor which has find and search for your local server name and replace it with your domain..For eg find this and replace with in entire database
3) upload your database to live make changes in config file your db name ,username,pass
and you are live now
check these tutorials for reference
1) provides the open source code for WordPress that you can run on your own website, with whatever plugins you choose. provides (free) WordPress hosting, but you are limited as to what plugins and configurations you can make to your site.
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