Is exporting your wordpress website and adding it to this filezilla server the same as creating a local copy of your website - wordpress

I wanted to find out if I download/export my wordpress website and upload it to my filezilla server, is that the same thing as creating a local copy? Also is that what MAMP is used for?

No it is not. You also have to create database for the local copy and set the database connections in wp-config.php. WordPress stores file in wp-content folder and used database for storing page data, post data, comments, etc.
You should first understand about how to Install WordPress - Click here.
MAMP is used to run WordPress in Local PC. There is also XAMPP which is similar to MAMP. If you are WordPress developer you can use either XAMPP or MAMP to create WordPress Websites.


Duplicate WordPress site onto a staging site on a subdomain

I'm trying to set up a staging site for an existing WordPress site.
I've backed up the existing public_html folder through filezilla and it's about 25GB.
I've set up the subdomain on cpanel and also a new staging database.
I'm following these instructions -
But the Duplicator plugin doesn't work on my wordpress site - I've even paid for the pro version but it fails at the Scanning part and never even gets to the Build part. I've been through the Help for Duplicator and they can't work it out either.
So ... my question is ... can I do this through cpanel and avoid the whole Wordpress dashboard completely. Can I just copy the files from the cpanel File Manager and put them into the Staging subdomain?
Or is there another way to do what I'm trying to do?
Thanks so much
The free version of the Duplicator plugin doesn't allow you to create a package more than 500MB, you will have to do it on two parts by migrating only the database by the plugin and zip the files on cPanel and move the manually or using FTP.
You can zip the files and upload them to the new domain and export the database and open notepad++ for example and start replacing the old URL with the new one then import the edited database to the new domain

Wordpress Add "login/?msg=membershipRequired" to my URL

I have a website (built using wordpress) running in host server. I am trying to run my site in local machine. I install xampp, copy of my sites files, and export/import my database to local apache server.
However, when I am trying to open http://localhost/inj/public (/inj/public contains all wordpress files and folders), the url changes to "http://localhost/inj/public/login/?msg=membershipRequired" and the page shows "Object not found!".
I have changed my site and home url from wp-options table. But the problem is still there.
Any help?
Maybe you are using WooCommerce and have a restriction accidentally added? Have found something about it here:

Hosted the website in godaddy. How to create wordpress web-site?

We have a domain hosted in godaddy. The web-site works fine without any issues.
Now we would like to use wordpress and wordpress themes and plugin to build the web-site
How do install or deploy wordpress in godaddy?
In godaddy, there is an option for one click install wordpress.
If you want to install wordpress manually follow the below steps :
Download and unzip the WordPress package if you haven't already.
Create a database for WordPress on your web server, as well as a MySQL (or MariaDB) user who has all privileges for accessing and modifying it.
(Optional) Find and rename wp-config-sample.php to wp-config.php, then edit the file (see Editing wp-config.php) and add your database information.
Upload the WordPress files to the desired location on your web server:
Run the WordPress installation script by accessing the URL in a web browser. This should be the URL where you uploaded the WordPress files.
For more details see this link click here

Backing up a self-hosted Wordpress installation

I have a wordpress instance that runs on a VPS I own, so I have full (root) shell access.
Let's say I want to backup and restore my wordpress content so I can move it to another server.
What do I need to back up?
My guess is -
Backing up the full wordpress directory (since it contains plugins, configs, etc..)
Backing up the full mysql wordpress database
If you have access to the wp-admin site I recommend migrate with this plugin wp-clone, this is the one that I use. If you don't have then you do what you said:
Migrate the wp-content and the mysql database.
Install wordpress in the new server and change the wp-content and the new database with the old one.

Fresh Wordpress install on Amazon Linux EC2...can't delete and reinstall

I just recently started by creating a EC2 instance on AWS. I used the Amazon Linux package. I changed the PHP settings to include the ability to upload files larger than 200MB. Got phpinfo.php working. Installed phpMyAdmin. Everything looked good.
Next, I installed Wordpress. It worked great. Then I tried installing a theme. Worked great. Then I started installing some plugins for that theme. Something made the site crash. I tried a few things, but since I couldn't go to the sites Wordpress Admin panel, it seemed hopeless. So I decided to start from scratch. I deleted the html directory (including wp-content) and dropped all the wordpress tables. I moved a fresh copy of Wordpress into the html directory, reconfigured the config.php file, and it recreated the Wordpress tables in the database. Seems to work great. When I try to upload a theme, it says:
Connection Information
To perform the requested action, WordPress needs to access your web server. Please enter your FTP credentials to proceed. If you do not remember your credentials, you should contact your web host.
I noticed that wp-content didn't have a uploads directory, so I created one. That seemed to let me upload the theme, but it showed up as a media file. I moved it to the theme directory and that worked. But when I tried to upload a plugin, I got the same message as a above.
What happened when I deleted everything? Or rather, where was information stored that when I reinstalled Wordpress, it didn't create a uploads directory? I am fine with reinstalling Wordpress from scratch, but I don't want to reinstall the whole LAMP stack or redo the AWS instance. Any thoughts?
The issue is that your web server doesn't have the proper permissions to write to your content directory.
The WordPress Codex has some good info for proper file and directory permissions. Ideally, all files should have 644 permissions, and all directories should be 755 (no higher).
If you're still running into issues adding plugins and updating WordPress, you should heed the advice of the following (so that you don't have to enter FTP details into WordPress each time):
Any file that needs write access from WordPress should be writable by the web server. If your hosting set up requires it, that may mean those files need to be group-owned by the user account used by the web server process.
