WordPress updates on admin panel vs c-panel - wordpress

Have a client with a WestHost hosting account and a WordPress site. Updating of the WordPress version and plugin versions is available both from the hosting provided C-Panel and from the WordPress admin dashboard. Is there any difference between these two methods - is one better than the other?

Both methods should preform the same task in the end. Because you have access to the cPanel, the added benefit is that you can download a backup incase things break once you update the versions.


How do I use WordPress with HostGator?

If I'm using the free version of WordPress to build my blog, would it be worth getting WordPress hosting through HostGator?
The blog is very image heavy and it has some JavaScript so I'm worried about speed. I'll also be using a "comment" plug-in (disqus?). It's hard coded so no templates. I'm not sure if that matters.
Also, would it be worth upgrading to the premium version of WordPress for this same concern?
So there are effectively two platforms. WordPress.com and WordPress.org.
Upgrading to the 'premium' version of WordPress is on the .com side, which means they would host your site, whereas hostgator is a hosting company that would host the .org part of WordPress. You would have to migrate from .com to .org for the hostgator. But if it's a small project and you're inexperienced I would recommend upgrading on the current set up.
The biggest differences you will see with creating a Wordpress site on a 3rd party host such as Hostgator vs. working within the Wordpress network itself is the catered support and tools you get.
If you already know what you are doing; creating databases, FTP access, resource management, you would be fine uploading an installation of Wordpress on any hosting provider. However, they most likely won't be top tier experts in using Wordpress and their main goal would be to keep the server that you are on running. Software updates and config changes such as php versions and some rules needing to be whitelisted would be the suspected level of support.
At Wordpress, at certain levels they offer cultivated aid (based on the sales page.) They also have hosting that is specifically tailored to work with Wordpress. If you are just starting, or even a super user that has WP specific needs, WP.com would be a good option.
Drake Customer Advocate at HostGator

Admin access to entire Wordpress site with plugin and is it safe?

I see that third party Wordpress dashboard tools like ManageWP or InfiniteWP have access to entire Wordpress site by installing theirs plugin on that site.
This way they have admin access to my Wordpress site so they can update plugins, do site backup etc.
How this is possible and is it safe?
As far as my knowledge says, ManageWP has two methods of getting admin access to the wordpress site.
Installing a Worker Plugin
Saving Admin username and password
Once they get the admin access, they view the wordpress dashboard in an iframe inside of the ManageWP panel. The rest of the controls happen via third party plugins installed by the ManageWP.
Coming to your next question about if it is safe, As per this link,
We take security very seriously. We had no security-related incidents in our history (and we’ve been around since 2010).
Their serves run over AWS Infra, so we can be sure that they have a solid server security, but I would still recommend not to host any sensitive data over a website which could control your wordpress site completely via admin panel.

can we run multiple web sites from the one Woocommerce Store?

can you run multiple web sites from the one Woocommerce Store?
Also managed everything from one admin panel.
Woocommerce is a plugin for wordpress and cannot run multiple stores. However you may want to run wordpress as a multisite installation and for each site,
you install plugin and can control all three stores from one wordpress admin.
However i will recommend Magento, as its capable of multi store.
Hope it helps

Bulk Update wordpress core & its plugins locally

I am many wordpress sites developed locally. Once the site is finished, I upload to remote.
Now the problem is that there are too many sites and its plugins that needs to be updated. It has been time consuming and error prone to update those sites and plugins one by one.
Can anybody suggest their workflow in such scenario?
I am using InfiniteWP to manage updates remotely.
You set "the server" up on your own webhost and install plugins in the sites you want to manage. From then on you can log in on your webhost, add sites which have the plugin installed and can then choose which updates to make etc.
Another solution like this would be MainWP, which I have no experience with.

Writing blog using playframework

I have a system build using playframework 2.0. I want to have blog to run on with the system. Is there a way i can do that?, something like plugins available for use or can I use word press to do that?
Here's a blog engine for Play Framework: https://github.com/jroper/erqx.
Well you can create a new installation of wordpress, If you want to have 1 database for your playframework and wordpress then on the installation page it will ask you for a database, just enter the same database details that you have for playframework. Wordpress uses mysql so make sure you are using mysql for your playframework.
Its always better to have a different database but if you need to have some kind of integration between the two then it would be much better if you have them both on the same database.
Now in the sitename you can add something like
Which ever you prefer. Once installed login to your wordpress admin area, install a blog theme and start creating your new blog posts. And in your main playframework website, create a new menu item and add this link to it.
I dont know of any plugins for playframework, but there is a plugin in wordpress that makes it work as an api, https://wordpress.org/plugins/json-api/. And then there is an addon to this plugin called https://github.com/mattberg/wp-json-api-auth.
You can install these 2 plugins in your wordpress and then from your playframework's registeration code make simple REST calls to the api. This will will be used to automatically register/login user's in wordpress. So when they login to playframework they will automatically get logged in to wordpress as well.
