AWS.config.loadFromPath('./config.json') Error - config.json

I'm on step 3 of this tutorial:
When run AWS.config.loadFromPath('./config.json')
I got bash: syntax error near unexpected token './config.json''`
I tried changing the directory to include the full path but no luck. Have 3 people checking my config.json file and confirmed that looks fine too.


Uploading manifest file failing

After making some changes in a JSON manifest file, I was trying to update it following the Amazon documentation:
ask smapi update-skill-manifest -g development -s amzn1.ask.skill.xxxx --manifest "skillManifest.json" --debug
I kept getting this error:
The error was not pointing to what the error was but my guess was that it was related to the parameters, but that was strange as I was following the documentation to letter.
I then tried, instead of passing the json file, to cat the content of the file, which would be either:
For Powershell: --manifest "$(type skillmanifest.json)"
For Linux: --manifest "$(cat skillmanifest.json)"
I still kept getting the same error.
Firstly, for debugging and getting a more accurate error, I checked my ASK-CLi version, which was outdated.
After updating ASK to the latest version I was still getting the same error.
At that point it started including an error object, which was saying:
When looking into Parsing error due to invalid body. and INVALID_REQUEST_PARAMETER through the error codes, it just said the body of the request cannot be parsed.
After research and playing around, the problem was the manifest parameter, changing it to "file:FILENAME" solved the issue:
--manifest "file:skillmanifest.json"
The documentation is not stating this but it seems necessary for it to go through.
I hope this helps someone out there avoid spending a full day troubleshooting.

Files not being parsed by Gnatchop

Gnatchop - I am trying to run several files through gnatchop and I am getting 3 error messages for every file. I originally thought that the error was simply the permissions were wrong. But I changed the permissions and I still get the errors.
file.a: parse errors detected
file.a: chop may not be successful
file.a: error parsing offset info
Is there something I need to do to the files before I run them through Gnatchop?

Wordpress 404 error file path is incorrect

i am getting errors of file. When i look into console there path is generating as
Project name is coming three times. i had updated plugins still getting this error files are not loading
Please guide
/tupperco/tupperco/tupperco/ is your problem

Building PhantomJS 2.0 on Windows results in a strange error

I am trying to build PhantomJS 2.0 on Windows from the c:\fastio\phantomjs\phantomjs directory. For some reason, the build process fails after a while, with 2 errors (see error message below):
1) It tries to access "C:fastiophantomjsphantomjssrcqtqtbasebinmoc.exe". Obviously, the backslash characters between directory names are somehow getting stripped away deep in the build process - possibly a mismatch between Windows-style "\" and Linux-style "/" (but this is only a guess).
2) There's another error, "Failed to read names from file: C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/mathml/".
If I remove sh.exe from the PATH, the build still gets to this point, and only error #2 appears, leading me to think that error #2 is the real problem here.
Here is the full error message (as far as I can tell this is happening while building WebKit):
sh: C:fastiophantomjsphantomjssrcqtqtbasebinmoc.exe: command not found
Failed to read names from file: C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/mathml/ at C:/fastio/phantomjs/phantomjs/src/qt/qtwebkit/Source/WebCore/dom/ line 315.
NMAKE : fatal error U1077: 'C:\Users\Eugene\AppData\Local\GitHub\PortableGit_c2ba306e536fdf878271f7fe636a147ff37326ad\bin\perl.EXE' : return code '0x7f'
(By the way, I saw this question but I'm already past the issues described there, my error is happening later in the build process.)
How can I make this work?
Full logs below:
Console output:
QT build log file build_qt_4-285-20-0859.log:
WebKit build log file build_webkit_4-285-20_0859.log:
PhantomJS build log file build_phantomjs_4-285-20_0859.log:
Looks like I found the solution myself, here were my steps:
Remove as much as possible from the PATH leaving only the entries critical to the build process
Most importantly, remove all GitHub's git directories from the PATH
Install GIT separately (not from GitHub but from, add its cmd directory only (not its bin directory) to the PATH
Install ActivePerl separately, add it to the PATH
It's moving past the error I asked about with the steps above (still not sure if it will finish the build successfully, it's taking a while).

Error Loading Zend Gdata framework into Wordpress

I am trying to use the Zend Gdata framework with wordpress but I am having some issues.
Now everything works perfectly fine when I test on localhost with XAMPP. However on my web server my code breaks down.
Here is my code to include the framework.
`set_include_path(TEMPLATEPATH . '/includes/');
require_once ('Zend/Loader.php');
That code produces the following error.
Warning: Zend_Loader::include_once(Zend/Gdata/Youtube.php) [zend-loader.include-once]: failed to open stream: No such file or directory in /home/damain/public_html/ on line 146
Warning: Zend_Loader::include_once() [function.include]: Failed opening 'Zend/Gdata/Youtube.php' for inclusion (include_path='/home/damain/public_html/') in /home/damain/public_html/ on line 146
Fatal error: Uncaught exception 'Zend_Exception' with message 'File "Zend/Gdata/Youtube.php" does not exist or class "Zend_Gdata_Youtube" was not found in the file' in /home/damain/public_html/ Stack trace: #0 /home/damain/public_html/ Zend_Loader::loadClass('Zend_Gdata_Yout...') #1 /home/damain/public_html/ load_zend_gdata('') #2 /home/damain/public_html/ do_action('load_zend_gdata', Array) #3 /home/damain/public_html/ require_once('/home/damain/...') #4 {main} thrown in /home/damain/public_html/ on line 99
I cannot seem to figure this issue out. Can anyone help?
The best solution in this case is to run the script requiring the Zend Loader and use var_dump(get_include_path()) to see what the server says the path is. Then keep modifying the php.ini include_path until the script finds it.
In your case, I'm not sure if 'damain' is supposed to be 'domain'. My include path which finally worked was:
/home2/thelove6/public_html/zf/ZendGdata/library" thelove6 being the username.
Did you look to see if those files exist in those directories? (/mysite/includes/Zend/Loader.php) and they have the correct permissions? It sounds like that could very well be the issue. The other thing to check with a simple phpinfo() would be that you have all of the libraries install on the live server.
Ok, the possible reason is: You're not using the proper case for the classname. For the version 1.11.11, it will be Zend_Gdata_YouTube rather than Zend_Gdata_Youtube.
Windows OS is ignoring the case, whereas the Linux server does not. Hope this will solve your problem, just look at the proper case of the Class or filenames.
