PlayWright's codegen does not create proper code for the GetByRole method under .NET/NUnit. The code that is generated does not compile:
await Page.GetByRole("link", new () { Name = "Some Name" }).ClickAsync();
The first parameter of GetByRole should be of type AriaRole and the second of type PageGetByRoleOptions.
Like this:
await page.GetByRole(AriaRole.Link, new PageGetByRoleOptions() { NameString = "Some Name" }).ClickAsync();
Is there any way to get codegen to create code that compiles?
I'm using Microsoft.PlayWright.NUnit 1.27.0.
I'm working with Fullcalendar and I'm trying to get resources as function
resources: function(callback){
var manageEvent = new ManageEvent();
var request = manageEvent.getEmployees();
request.always(function (param) {
var list = [];
var emp;
for (var elem in param) {
emp = param[elem];
'id': emp['cp_collaboratore'],
'title': emp['cognome_col']
var t = JSON.stringify(list);
request.catch(function (param) {
I checked the variable 't' through log and it shows the following result:
but it don't works and shows the following error message:
Uncaught TypeError: is not a function
at ResourceManager.setResources
You just need to write
t in your code is a string, because you converted your list array into a string using JSON.stringify(). But fullCalendar expects an actual array, not a string. It can't run functions or read individual properties from a string.
You can remove the line var t = JSON.stringify(list); completely, it's not needed.
Generally the only reason you'd use stringify() is if you wanted to log the value to your console for debugging, or convert the array into JSON if you wanted to send it somewhere else using AJAX. It makes no sense to pass arrays and objects around inside JavaScript as serialised strings, when you can just use the objects themselves.
I don't understand how you're supposed to save data.
I tried using
let conv = agent.conv() //to save
mydata = //to load
but it crash my app.
I saw that you could put info in
var token = JSON.stringify(request.body.originalDetectIntentRequest.payload.conversation.conversationToken);
but how do you put data in conversationToken in the response?
What is your method? Thanks
Use the output context to save parameters
"fulfillmentText":"This is a text response",
"fulfillmentMessages":[ ],
"google":{ },
"facebook":{ },
"slack":{ }
"name":"<Context Name>",
"<param name>":"<param value>"
"followupEventInput":{ }
If you are using NodeJS client
You can save context with parameters like
let param1 = [];
let param2 = {};
let ctx = {'name': '<context name>', 'lifespan': 5, 'parameters': {'param1':param1, 'param2': param2}};
and get it like
let params = agent.getContext("<context name>").parameters;
let param1 = params.param1;
let param2 = params.param2;
You can store arrays, JSON obj but there is a limit to the total payload the response can save. check for more details here. For large data, use DB.
Also, if you are using standalone actions-on-google, then you can simply add key-value pair to the data object. See the link where they are storing a count
Also if you want to mark those parameters as required and use slot filling, that will automatically generate your output contexts during fulfillment. You can see this through a basic sample here:
I am building an API with Restivus in Meteor.
In a custom route I would like to have multiple values as queryParams like this (e.g. value1 and value2):
How do I get them in endpoint function?
When I try this I get undefined:
var query = this.queryParams.key // result: 1234
var value1 = this.queryParams.value1 // result: undefined
This is my new fresh code with the same result.
Use a standard Meteor project. Meteor version
// Create collection
Posts = new Mongo.Collection("posts");
if (Meteor.isServer) {
Meteor.startup(function () {
// Global configuration
useAuth: false,
prettyJson: true
// Given the url: "/posts?key=1234&value1=10"
Restivus.addRoute('posts', {
get: function () {
var key = this.queryParams.key;
var value1 = this.queryParams.value1;
console.log("key: " + key); // result: 1234
console.log("value1: " + value1); // result: undefined
This is the solution to the problem. Taken from here:
You're using curl to test, right? Well apparently (and don't feel bad for not knowing this, because neither did I), the & symbol means that the previous command will be run in the background, so the query params were just being truncated once the curl command reached the & for the second query param. All you have to do is wrap the URL in quotes, and voila! Try this command instead:
curl ""
That should work. So if you had just punched that URL into a browser or used a mored advanced REST client, you would have seen the extra query param defined. I got the answer from this StackOverflow question.
i have been knocking my head for 2 days now in that .
am creating a search engine, am creating queries dynamically using Meteor Framwork, the queries are working fine and when i search i can rebind the UI (Table in My Case) with the dynamic data query output.
however if an insert/update/delete operation occures the data object
and the UI (html Table) is not updating.
which means that the template is not re-rendered when the data object changes. = function () {
Meteor.autorun(function() {
alarmsData = Alarms.find(getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val(), $('#startTimeTxt').val(), $('#endTimeTxt').val())).fetch()
//alarmsData = Alarms.find({},{sort: {timestamp: "desc"} }).fetch();
getConsole(alarmsData, ".console")
the get console function is just reading the array from teh search and creating an html table (this is working fine)
as for the begining i am creating a simple query as the default for my search. and then am changing this query whenever user changes the search criteria. i can notice that only the first instance of teh data object is kept and tracked for changes, so if the second search criteria resides within the first one, it's updating the UI, if not nothing happenes
i have used Meteor.autorun(function(){}) function however i traced it's execution with console.log and i can see it's no excuting when i insert data in the database for the same collection.
One, I believe you are trying to use Deps.autorun. Also, there is nothing in your autorun that seems to be dependent on a reactive source. Since alarmsData is taking a snapshot of data it won't care when Alarms has data changing.
Second, I would probably approach this with a redirect. I would compile my data, and redirect to the same page, allowing the server to handle the querying for me. This easily allows you to jump to this page from anywhere else with a prefilled query in the parameters (because the route would then handle it) and also gives a visual change to the navigation bar when a search has happened (just like every other search engine). You would do something like this on a button click:
var query = {},
query.text = encodeURIComponent($('#searchTxt').val()),
query.start = encodeURIComponent($('#startTimeTxt').val()),
query.end = encodeURIComponent($('#endTimeTxt').val()),
// redirect to current path
path = Router.routes[Router.current()].path({}, {
query: query
Router.go( path );
In your router you would just pass the query into your server and route as a data object (assuming you are using iron-router):
this.route( "search", {
path: "/search",
waitOn: function() {
return [
Meteor.subscribe( "searchAlarms", _.omit( this.params, "hash" ) ),
data: function () {
return { "query": _.omit( this.params, "hash" ) };
This will not only give you the query data that was used for the search (in your template) but the server can now handle the search for you! Your Alarms data now holds all of the documents needed to display to the user and you no longer need to subscribe to all your Alarms. This is also great because it is automatically reactive. So if a new Alarm matches your query filter it will automatically be passed down to the client and displayed to the user without needing to setup any extra dependencies/autoruns.
Note though, that if you are subscribing to Alarms elsewhere you will still need to do filtering client-side.
What a strange meteor code…
The "rendered" code method code is called once you will be rendering the search template
getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val() is not reactive, my advise is to use the session variable to put your search criteria inside and use this same session to inject the find parameters inside.
Are you looking for displaying all the alarms Data ?
function getAlarms()
var text = Session.get("text");
var from = Session.get("start");
var to = Session.get("end");
var filter = getSearchSelector(text, from, to);
return Alarms.find(filter);
} = function () {
return getAlarms();
} = function () {
return getAlarms().count();
'keypress input[name=text]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name= text]").val()
Session.set("text", val);
'keypress input[name=start]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name=start]").val()
Session.set("start", val);
'keypress input[name=end]' : function(e,o)
var val = $("input[name=end]").val()
Session.set("end", val);
// And your template will look something like:
<template name="search">
Search alarms
<input type="text" name="text" placeholder="Enter your text here…"/>
<input type="text" name="start" placeholder="start time"/>
<input type="text" name="end" placeholder="end time/>
There is {{alarmsCount}} alarms(s);
{{#each alarms}}
Alarm object: {{.}}
I Guess its Solved it by using Session.set & get, and automatically subscribing to the Serevr and send the dynamic Query.
Check the below Code
Template.zConsole.rendered = function () {
Session.set("obj", getSearchSelector($('#searchTxt').val(), $('#startTimeTxt').val(), $('#endTimeTxt').val()))
Deps.autorun(function (){
Meteor.subscribe("dynamicAlarms", Session.get("obj"))
console.log("Count from AutoRun ==> " + Alarms.find(Session.get("obj")).count())
on the server
Meteor.publish('dynamicAlarms',function (searchObj) {
return Alarms.find(searchObj)
& it works perfect with less code.
I'm using Meteor with another CMS, and am creating a url with the variables I need to run Meteor (ex. How to I make those variables usable, and get Meteor to ignore it as a location? When I load the url like that, my app doesn't load correctly, presumably because it thinks I'm requesting a different location.
Using iron router, if there is a query string or hash fragment in the url, you can access those using the query and hash properties of the this.params object.
// given the url: "/post/5?q=s#hashFrag"
Router.route('/post/:_id', function () {
var id = this.params._id;
var query = this.params.query;
// query.q -> "s"
var hash = this.params.hash; // "hashFrag"
Use of the querystring in Meteor should have no effect unless you're using eg. Meteor Router to invoke different methods depending on the current URL.
If you want to parse the querystring, just parse it by hand with eg. (in coffeescript)
querystring: ->
qs = {}
for pair in"?", "").split "&"
[k, v] = pair.split("=")
qs[k] = v
Which will return an object like:
{ "a": "flash", "b": "hash" }